【2019 中央大學性/別研究室活動】

「後/冷戰文化影子下之亞際知識解殖」系列工作坊 1
【De-colonizing Cold War Effects Workshop 1】
Textual Gender Crossing: Male Homoeroticism in Boys' Love Manga and Mid-Twentieth Century Fiction by Lesbian Authors

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    時 間:2019年04月23日(二)10:00~12:00 pm

    地 點:中壢中央大學文學院A-116

    主講人:Dr. Jui-an Chou


    主 辦:中央大學性/別研究室、亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(台灣聯合大學系統)、台聯大文化研究跨校碩博士學程、中央大學高教深耕計畫、交通大學&台聯大系統文化研究國際中心

    講者簡介:Jui-an Chou is a postdoctoral fellow at the International Center for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University. She received her PhD from the Program in Literature at Duke University. Her research is at the intersection of literary and cultural studies, and she focuses on gender/sexuality, queer theory, East Asian popular culture, and mid-twentieth century fiction.

    演講簡介:Early-to-mid twentieth century saw a proliferation of what I call “cross-gender homoerotic fiction.” The reception history of male homoerotic novels written by women during this period takes us through a fascinating tour of the rise and fall of identity politics in the Western world. Having been accused of inauthenticity and appropriation, and despite the efforts of queer reading, many of these texts remain in obscurity today. This talk brings in Boys’ Love—the postmodern East-Asian genre and subculture—as a theoretical intervention that provides an alternative framework for reading cross-gender homoerotic texts.

    If you are able to attend, please register with Ms. Jessica Shen (ncu33228@ncu.edu.tw) by April 21, 2019. We will provide a lunch box for those who have registered.


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