
(這是2013年6月29日於台北狐狸野餐地下室舉辦的演講會實錄。由白瑞梅主持,丁乃非、張永靖、黃道明擔任討論時的即席中文翻譯。Ken Race的演講事後由何春蕤翻譯成中文,並對整場的翻譯進行校訂。)

白瑞梅:大家好,歡迎大家。今天的主講人是第一次來台演講的Kane Race,他是雪梨大學性別與文化研究系的系主任,主要研究的題目是「健康.性別.文化」,他的博士論文題目很有意思:Pleasure Consuming Medicine,就是說,當代對於消費者和公民這兩個身分的想像往往預設了好的消費者才能做好的公民,Kane則從這個脈絡裡來檢視人們使用娛樂藥品的習慣,他想要建構一個比較另類的、反正典的公衛思考,以回應HIV和AIDS,也就是在一個很正典的思考裡尋找一個另類的看法。這個題目很爭議,但是當年還是得到最佳博士論文獎,後來的研究都和醫學、科技、性有關。現在他在研究新媒體如何讓同性戀互相認識交往,思考新媒體有什麼新的可能性;另外,他也研究瓶裝水,研究它是怎麼變成一個可以買賣的東西,有什麼社會意義,非常有趣。今天我們有一個英中、中英的翻譯隊,丁乃非和張友靖會提供服務。現在請Kane Race開始

Kane Race:  Hello, everyone, great to see you all here.  Thank you very much for coming.  I’d really like to thank my hosts from the Center for the Study of Sexualities at NCU.  It’s really a great honor to be invited to be here and a wonderful opportunity to get to know the work of the members of the Center, whose works actually I’ve admired from afar for several years now, ever since I first came across them at the Sexuality conference in Bangkok in 2005.  So thank you very much for the invitation.


Kane Race: It’s particularly exciting and interesting for me to be talking a little bit about my book Pleasure Consuming Medicine here in Taipei.  When I began work on this project, which was back in 2000, actually my family was living in Bangkok at the time.  I was observing the mechanism of toxins, programs on social moral order, where there were a number of raids of gay saunas, and I was following the news at the time.  It struck me as a very particular use of drug testing technologies in order to perform a sort of symbolic operation for the state.  I began to do a little bit of research and I saw that similar events were happening in Taiwan in Taipei at the time, where there were raids of gay sex parties and HIV testing and drug testing following the raids.  It seemed to me that this was sort of a broader pattern or broader technology of government that required analysis.

張永靖(翻譯):很高興可以和大家分享我的專書Pleasure Consuming Medicine,這本書的研究工作是2000年開始的,那時候我和家人住在泰國曼谷,當地媒體報導一連串對同志三溫暖的突襲臨檢,我因此開始觀察這種維護社會道德秩序的行動。我感覺這些現象其實是以一種特殊的方式來利用藥物篩檢技術替國家執行一種象徵性的行動。我在搜尋相關資訊時發現,當時台北也有類似的對同志轟趴進行臨檢的行動,而且伴隨著強制的驗血、驗藥。我覺得這些現象顯然是一個寬廣而擴大中的治理技術,需要我們詳加分析。

Kane Race: So while I am really not confident to talk about politics in East Asia or South-East Asia, and the book maybe talks about developments in Australia, I would say that some of the key concepts in the book have been very much informed by my impressions of what has been happening in East Asia and South-East Asia.  So I am very looking forward to learning more about this.


Kane Race: People ask me why I wrote Pleasure Consuming Medicine as I began my PHD project.  I guess my first response to that is that growing up as a gay man in Sidney in the 1990s, invariably, in much of one’s social world, or important aspects of one’s social world, drugs were part of that.  If one didn’t take them oneself, that was certainly part of the most important scenes of gay socializations, bars, dance parties, and so on.  And it seemed to me that there was a degree of everyday experience and expertise and, you know, proficiency in how to use drugs. (眾人笑)  That was just really part of people’s everyday experience.  But the disconnect between this practical experience of people on the ground and the official discourse was so glaring, you know, such a big gap between them that it seemed to me, you know, absolutely absurd.  Something needed to be done.



Race: 在我們生活的當代世界裡,各國的製藥工業大量生產並銷售各種藥物,不僅為了治療疾病、恢復健康,也越來越為了改善生活,也就是讓生活好過些,你只要去看看目前有多少性藥物和情緒提升藥物和它們所形成的暴利市場就知道了。不過,這個趨勢當然也慢慢模糊了醫療和娛樂之間的分野。有趣的是,目前在舞會和夜店裡最受歡迎的藥物,幾乎都是在醫療上普遍使用或正在實驗中的藥物,包括治療憂鬱症的K他命,治療猝睡症(日間嗜睡)的液態快樂丸(GHB,sodium oxybate),甚至治療創傷後壓力症候群的搖頭丸。在這個生物心理治療的年代,腦部的化學變化被用來解釋所有的問題和現象,也難怪心理藥物也被當成次文化享樂、集體改造心靈狀態、以及各種嘗試實驗的重要來源。
















Kane Race: I guess there is and it has increased in popularity in the last ten years.  And that has produced a change in some of the social forms that I described here.  So whereas in the 1990s, partying was organized around big collective event, these days, partying, including sex partying, will often be at people’s home, organized by the attendees.  I think the changing size of drug use is partly because you have Internet access, but also because, so the changing forms of place of drug or sexual drug use is partly because of the Internet.  Partly because of the availability of the internet.  But also relates to the very strong policing of public spaces.  So people are scared to participate in the dance parties because of the police.  Also, I could just add I wouldn’t deny that there are very real dangers and harms associated with crystal methamphetamine for example. But just like with the dance parties, if we want to develop care practices that respond most effectively, to the ways that this drug is being used, it’s important to understand the culture for what it is, including its pleasures.




Kane Race: So in transnational context, I would say, even though Australia are considered progressive…even in that context, we see this is going on, where the family is being operationalized, or deployed in such a way, as to deflate governmental responsibilities for the issue.  And in fact, if you look at the American, I think this is a very common strategy within neo-liberal regimes, to privatize the problem in the form of the family.  And one effective response to that is that not everybody has the access to a family form, actually; and people must their access to the family form.  So it’s all very well to say that the strongest weapon against drugs is family.  But actually lots of people exist outside that context.  I think it’s a very difficult thing to respond to because the family is reified and romanticized certainly, and globally, these days, as a sort of ideal haven, and the cure to social problems.  I guess I would add to that by saying, yes, it’s important to educate parents around different ways of responding to their children’s practices.  But I think probably a more urgent task for queer activists is to envisage and elaborate forms of community cares, collective care that don’t always come in the family form.




提問三:首先要先謝謝Kane Race的演講,在剛剛演講當中提到澳洲的愛滋政策得到了一些實至名歸的讚揚,一部分原因是因為有考慮到男同志的文化,甚至性的次文化,以及對性採取正面面對的態度。我是想問,回到對藥物的議題來看,為什麼藥物的次文化或者享樂,在藥物上面的意義很難被看到或者很難被重視?可不可能是因為性是大家每天生活都會面臨的,所以對於性的想像會比較容易,可是對於藥物,因為並不是每個人都在用,就比較難。我的問題是,那個困難點到底在哪?

Kane Race: I think that’s a very good question: why is it so difficult to acknowledge the pleasure that people take in drug use.  I think part of the answer is because we have something like a sort of artificial set of distinctions between illicit drugs and licit drugs.  You mentioned that everybody, presumably, actually not everybody, but you know, taking pleasure in sex is sort of accepted as normative thing.  I mean I guess you can say the same about intoxication. We like a glass of wine or a glass of beer at dinner. That’s a drug. It’s a drug! That experience is that it gives us momentary suspension of subjectivity, which allows us to engage in various forms of attentiveness or inattentiveness.  It allows us to forget the day; it allows us to do things we otherwise might not do.  So intoxication is universal drug history, and universal culture.  But, it’s not so hard to understand.  I think the way that drug use, illicit drug use, is minoritized made it seem like sort of, you know, a special group over here.  It is something that needs to be actively challenged because in fact intoxication is much wider form of human experience.



Kane Race: One other thing I would like to add to that is this sort of categorization of different forms of intoxication: alcohol is okay; other drugs are not okay.  There’s obviously a gendered politics for this as well.  So if you think about the development of the dance culture, I am not sure if it’s the same here, but in many Western contexts, dance culture, initially, the culture that developed around ecstasy, very much saw itself as sort of alternative to the hetero-masculine beer drinking culture in Australia.  So the attempts to say this is the way people should be intoxicated.  Every practice of intoxication has a set of affective, gendered, structures of feelings.  So what we are engaging in here is that forms of gender politics and cultural politics as well a lot of the time.





Kane Race: Yes.  Just add to what Hans was saying, I am not suggesting the family is effective in doing what the state wants it to do.  So I am not saying that family is effective, in fact, often, families can’t bear all the pressures that are put on to them.  So this sort of investment in the family by the state is doubly objectionable, because its frames the family of all this pressures that the family is being called upon to manage that makes mothers feel bad, makes fathers feel bad.  And often the problems have much more complex political economic social cultural cause.




Kane Race: I mean it’s very ironic because in liberal theory, the family is sort of idealized as a sort of safe haven from the public world of politics, here we have and sort of idealized as this natural form that somehow outside of politics.  But in Australia, the family is a heavily subsidized form, there are all sorts of discounts ranging from first-time homeowners to the baby bonus you know a whole lot of tax credits are given to the family.  The families are majorly subsidized social structure, not the natural free of politics area.  I don’t think that’s peculiar to Australia; it is very much true of neo-liberal governments in many other occasions.


Helen Grace: I just want to go back to the very beginning, the very interesting points you are making about experimentation.  I want to apply that to the question of innovation as well.  The ways in which there seem to be some links between experimentation and drugs.   So the users are innovators in a very interesting way.  There’s a process by which there is a sanctioning only sorts of experimentation and innovation within institution framework with all the, you know pharmacy or scientific fields that are institutionalized.  And so what is happening is an interesting taking away from people the ability to innovate at this level that has implication for a general theory of knowledge. I am just wondering if you thought more about this.  It just seems to be really interesting the way that this privatization or rather appropriation of innovation into sanctioned areas.  This feature of both technological but also biological innovation.


提問六Helen Grace:在前面Ken提到「實驗」性的藥物使用,我想把這種實驗性帶到「創新」的面向,也就是說,實驗和藥物使用之間有很密切的關連。社群當中的用藥者其實就是很有趣的創發者,他們的藥物使用充滿了原創性和知識性。可是在制度的架構裡,只有某些實驗和創新是被容許的,例如在藥廠或科學領域裡。那個歷史過程,見證了國家是非常有選擇性的讓某些創發變成是有價值的、可資助的、正式的知識,可是其他領域的創發就被視為毫無價值,而且還要被懲罰。這其實就是剝奪人民創發的能力,剝奪他們生產的知識。這是一個有關知識權力的政治,把技術和生物方面的創新都私有化,限制在被政府控管的領域裡。

Kane Race: Thanks.  I think it’s a very interesting context to frame the stuff in, the question of the innovation and experimentation.  It’s really striking to me that many of these substances having been used on dance floors are experimented within more medically inacceptable forms, in order to create medical applications.  The best example is Viagra, which is actually originally being trialed for certain heart conditions and, this is in the context of clinical trials, you know, users started reporting that male users that having sustained erections.  Technically speaking, this was an abuse or misuse of the drug in the sense that it was a off label effect that then became the use of drug. And it is really striking to me that if this were to take place in the community setting, it would be processed as misuse of abuse, and therefore illicit.  So I think that is a very interesting and important sort of frame to set this in.  Also you were mentioning about appropriation is absolute how oppose the equation it seems to me that the penalty to define certain uses of drugs as abuse, as misuse, is very much deemed to the medical monopoly to what drugs should be used for; and that is of course commercial monopoly. That’s something of course I discuss a bit at more length in the book, where this distinction between use and misuse, and how to determine what is abuse, what is misuse is a sort of simple feature in drug politics.



提問七Tim Buckfield:把享樂當成一個政治議題來看,最重要的主體應該是那些跑趴的人。可是他們因為太忙了(眾人笑),所以很難把這個做成政治的議題。那要怎麼辦?要怎樣把享樂主義動員起來?

Kane Race: I have to say that my strategy in this book was …well, one thing that I was confronted with was that we have this pleasure that’s fairly widely practiced, but not necessarily acknowledged, and also being illicit.  So one of the analytic strategies in my book was to actually say, “Hey! Come on! This is actually quite an ordinary pleasure.”  I don’t mean a normal pleasure, I mean an ordinary pleasure.  So in some ways, if anything, it’s a de-dramatizing argument, rather than trying to be subversive.  In fact, what I was trying to do in the book is to say this isn’t that way out there.  So that’s one thing I would say in response.  The second thing is: how do you mobilize communities that are more explicitly built around pleasure?  I actually think they are doing a really good job at mobilizing themselves.  They are having a whole bunch of very important social effects as we speak.  If I think about how, for example, the history of Mardi Gras, which is a great big party, has affected the culture in Sidney, I think the effects are undeniable, that it created a friendly, more vibrant dynamic, more exciting sort of atmosphere that has led to better sorts of capacities to engage with difference.  And to me that’s very important social change.  So I guess I am trying to resist the idea that there’s this inherent separation between pleasure and politics.  Actually we have a politics that’s imminent in our pleasure practices.




Kane Race: I guess I will start by saying that it will be a mistake to hear my argument as non-controversial in the Australian context.  In other words, this is a controversial argument in Australia.  The history of Mardi Gras that I outlined, took place in the 1980s, when we had a much more progressive labor government in Australia.  That was a period where there were a lot of progressive social reforms.  That all stopped in 1996 and in some ways, I think, more recent political developments in Australia have produced a incredibly socially conservative culture.  But because we have these historical precedents, I guess that provides one of the condition of possibility for making these arguments, because we have a successful record in HIV/AIDS, which is internationally recognized, it makes it possible for arguments that evidence themselves in relation to that history to have some sort of purchase.  Even though, there is a lot of amnesia now around that history as well.  I am also glad that you raised this question of the work ethic because that’s something I was very interested in in my book.  One of the chapters talks about this scene from “South Park,” where this whole episode about this guy who comes back from one of the characters, Stan’s past; he comes as Stan’s future self and he’s been on drugs.  It turns out the parents have employed an actor to comment, to enter Stan’s life to play Stan’s future self precisely in order to conjure up this sort of inappropriate work ethic in Stan.  So this is something you can see replicated in a lot of anti-drug discourse, where it seems like sort of spectacle about this horrible, disappointing future is used to in order to, you know, promote this sort of enterprising work ethic sort of self.  When people describe a sort of life on drugs as in terms of waste, what they are talking about is the dangers of not adhering to the work ethic.  So it’s a central theme and topic within an anti-drug setting.  I am sure there are different sorts of ways that play out here which I can’t really comment on.  But certainly the Australian version of work ethic is part of what people are getting anxious about when they are about drugs.


黃道明(翻譯):我也很高興你提到工作倫理的問題,我的書裡有一個章節就分析了電視影集「南方四賤客」(South Park)的一集,主角Stan的爸媽雇了一個演員來扮成Stan未來的樣子,而這個未來的人因為吸毒荒廢工作而窮困潦倒,就是要用這個例子來警示Stan遠離毒品。有意思的是那個公司的名字就叫做motivational corp.,「奮發向上」的公司,用這種方式來激發小孩往上爬,遠離毒品。當人們說吸毒用要是浪費生命的時候,其實他們就在講工作倫理,這是反毒場景中非常常見的主題。我相信你們本地也有類似的說教方法,不過在澳洲,人們講到用藥都會提到工作倫理的問題。

Kane Race: As to sex as danger framed in feminist discourse, that seems to be less of a dynamic in relation to the particular subject I was dealing with in the gay and lesbian context.  However, I will say in recent campaigns for example of binge drinking, which is an allowed form of drug abuse, but it is still being pathologized and problematized.  The main discourse that comes up in public health campaigns is that we have campaigns like “What are you doing to yourself? ” where the image is of a women that has got herself into some sort of sexual danger through drinking too much.  That is the overriding narrative; it’s an interesting responsiblization of female subjects or sexual assault.  Because if they drink, they have no one else to blame.  So that’s one of the ways in which the discourse of sexual danger seems to be entering into the way an intoxication problem is being constructed.  In relation to the discourse on illicit drugs, certainly in some of the anti-drug campaigns you will see images of prostitution as one of the potential bad outcomes of getting hooked.  So the discourses are definitely there.  You know, features as part of this anti-drug discourses. Does that answer your question?



提問九John Cho: I have a short question in terms of methodology because it seems you are working mainly with discourse analysis.  So my question is whether you had any chance to do interviews with drug users themselves, and how their drug use fits in within the context of their own lives.  I guess one of the reasons I am asking this question is that you’ve mentioned neo-liberalism as one of the key frames for your research.  But it seems like the way you are using neo-liberalism is in a very structural manner, with state intervening agent.  Now, tying this conversation back to the notion of work ethic, the fact of developing oneself, which is much required nowadays of all subjects, but in particular gay subjects in order to remain employable, so how does this controlled use of pleasure bit into fend their own time?  Is it very conservative or progressive?  It seems like this compartmentalization of pleasure, it can be part of neo-liberal subjects’ compartmentalization of pleasure, engaging in the short spurts of what you call distraction in order to work better, to be come better workers themselves.


Kane Race:  Thanks for your question.  Just in terms of methodology, I didn’t directly do an empirical research on this but I drew on a lot of already conducted empirical research that explore people’s experience of drug use, and particularly looking at papers on drug practices.  I don’t think that empirical research is necessarily about the neoliberal subject, and basically whether a model of pleasure and drug use that could be made to fit with sort of idealized conceptions of neoliberal subject.  I think, it is a very interesting sort of question for a couple of reasons, one is, in consumer society, the idea you can engage in a sort of a “controlled de-control” of the emotions, that’s a term from the sociologist, Cas Wouters, is absolutely one of the subjective positions that we are all expected to inhabit.  There can be times where we relax.  There can be times where we tune out.  So in some senses that sort of subject position that consumer society might be considered lend itself toward.  But there is also, what you are saying is interesting for another reason, within the harm reduction literature, the way that people are often countered this sort of demonizing discourse of drugs is by saying “ Oh, no…drug user is a completely in control rational subject.  They know what they are doing… they are making choices about their behavior, et cetera et cetera et cetera….”  I think that sort of counter argument has an element of truth to it; often drug users are more in control than anti-drug discourse might have you believe.  But to me it just repeats the version of the neoliberal subject that’s in control, sovereign, choice making, etc.  So in my more recent work, even toward the end of Pleasure Consuming Medicine, I sort of try to think about different ways of paying attention to what is going on for the subject, for whom intentionality is not overriding mode of operation.  I am interested in this sort of subtle shifts and modulations that take place when people engage in pleasure.  To me, paying attention to this is a way sort of displacing this presumption of a sovereign subject, who is always in control of their actions and intentions and so on, which seems to me is the subject neoliberal discourses want.

張永靖(翻譯):謝謝你的提問。在方法論上我雖然沒有直接訪談用藥人的經驗,但是引用了很多已經存在的實證研究,也參考了很多關於用藥實踐的文章。我不覺得實證研究特別能顯示愉悅和用藥模式配合了理想化的新自由主義主體,但是你提的問題還是很有意思。第一,社會學家Cas Wouters曾經用情感的「被控制著的祛控制」(“controlled de-control”)來描述消費社會裡個人被期望能夠安居的主體位置,也就是,有些時候我們可以放鬆,有些時候可以茫掉,消費社會其實是特別服務這種主體位置的。你的問題還有第二層有趣之處,在減害的相關文獻裡,人們面對把用藥妖魔化的論述時往往會說:「不會啊,用藥者是完全掌控自己的理性主體,他們知道自己應該怎麼做,他們很清楚自己的選擇,等等。」我認為這種對抗的論述有一部份是真的,很多用藥者可比反毒宣傳所描寫的來得更為自制,但是這樣的論述畢竟還是複製了新自由主義有關理性主體如何能夠控制、主宰、選擇等等的說法。所以在我那本書的結尾,我已經開始思考如何以不同的方式、不涉意圖的來描述主體,我也很關注人們在從事愉悅活動時所發生的細微的變化和差異。對我而言,關注這些細微之處,可以幫助我們挑戰有關主權主體的假設,因為新自由主義主體論述往往就是在生產這種能夠掌握自己的行動和意圖的主體。




提問十一: 我有兩個問題。第一個問題是,剛剛提到社群要提供一種照護的倫理而得以去反抗國家。可是我好奇的是,這個倫理可以是一個合宜或得以反抗的策略的根據在哪裡?第二個問題是,因為現在社群的演變是不斷被私有化、非公共化,我比較好奇,在這樣散亂的、不斷私密化的過程裡,如何得以形成一個公共的倫理?


Kane Race: So in relation to the first question about the dialogue between using communities and the medical community, there is not a formal dialogue.  Certainly, you have drug users accessing a lot of scientific information on the Internet now, and there are a number of Internet sites that are specifically devoted to conveying what is known about the scientific properties of drugs.  For the information, there are a number of sites.  There are various sites that do that.  So that provides one sort of relay between scientific knowledge and user groups, or user communities.  The teams that respond to drug related emergencies at parties, they generally have been volunteer teams from the communities; they might be medical professionals or health professionals of one sort or another as well.  But they are not necessarily people who are involved in research on drugs. They are more just trained health workers.  But what’s interesting I suppose about how they operate and the care practices they develop, is that they are based on the familiarity with what is going on in that environment.  They are based on a sort of an intimate knowledge of how drugs are used, drug practices and what they mean for people in that context.  And to me that is an important sort of element in divising group care practices or effective care practices.  In relation to the third question, in Australia, gay and lesbian partnerships aren’t recognized in the form of marriage.  There aren’t any noticeable differences in terms to approaches to drug policy between states that recognize it or not.  And I wouldn’t mean to suggest that there would be such differences because of that.


Kane Race: And then in relation to the question about what is the basis for imagining sort of communal, community care practices.  In the face or in the midst or state’s privatization of care, I would say that actually the state is a very complex beast and I don’t mean to give you the impression of this monolithic thing.  So there can have varying forces and tendencies even within the state.  One of the things that the state is concerned about is things like HIV infections, things like numbers of overdoses…and so on.  So they are interested in all those indicators of whether our program has been successful or not.  And that provide some basis for them to provide money to community organizations, to have a special knowledge of the communities they serve; and there’s some basis for working with those organizations to devise care practices that are more in touch with what’s going on in that community.  I would say that’s the sort of the infrastructural basis for imagining that.  So I think it’s very important not to approach the state as always only this monolithic oppressive force, because in fact there are lots of different agencies within the state; it’s heterogeneous assemblage if you like.  And it’s possible to sort of seize upon different countervailing tensions within the state in order to do work that is more promising.



