2006 Spring—Oral Training for Sophomores

Jo Ho (A210, Office Hours: Wed. 2pm-5pm)

Oral Presentationself-evaluation

Annie Kuo 

     I still can remember the day that I first attended this oral training class.  Jo wanted us to talk about our winter vacation.  「What do you regret about the winter vacation?」  We only had five minutes to prepare for it and this was the first time I had to make a short speech in front of people after attending the English department.   I was so nervous that I stammered on every sentence and word.  It turned out that I couldn』t produce fluent speech in public and I pronounced some vowels incorrectly.  For example, <e>.  Jo emphasizes the pronunciation of every word.  That made me take notice of pronunciation, but so far I am still having difficulty pronouncing <e> perfectly.  Besides, I lack confidence when I speak in English.  After going through many oral training sessions on flight attendant, lyrics, and director readings, I got various information from this course.  And jo』s views toward things gave me a different perspective.