

translation homework


星晴 - 周杰倫 Star Moods

曲︰周杰倫     詞︰周杰倫     編︰洪敬堯


   *一步兩步三步四步 望著天 手牽手

     一顆兩顆三顆四顆 連成線 看星星

     (重唱 *)

Hand in hand, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, we take our steps

Looking up at the stars, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, we watch them line up


     乘著風 游蕩在藍天邊


     捏成你的形狀 隨風跟著我


Riding on the wind, I wander in the blue sky

A lovely cloud falls in front of me

Molding it into the shape of my love, following me around upon the wind

My blues are also flying away


   #載著你 彷彿載著陽光


     蝴蝶自在飛呀 花也布滿天


Carrying you as if carrying the sunshine

Wherever we go, it is a sunny day

Freely fly the butterflies, flowers fill the sky

The blossoms are fragrant because of you


   +試圖讓夕陽飛翔  帶領你我環繞大自然

     迎著風 開始共渡每一天

Flying with the sunset, we circle around nature

Facing the wind,, we share our lives everyday


   %手牽手 一步兩步三步四步 望著天

     看星星 一顆兩顆三顆四顆 連成線

     背著背默默許下心願 看遠方的星

     是否聽的見〔如果聽的見 它一定實現〕

     重唱 %,,,,

Hand in hand, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, we take our steps

Looking up at the stars, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, we watch them line up

Back to back we make our pledges

See if the distant stars can hear (If they can, our dreams will come true)