


translation homework

媽咪, 我有八十二個微笑的臉!
Mommy, I got 82 smiley faces!
◎ 別用放大鏡來看別人的缺點 ◎
Do not apply the magnifier to others』 mistakes

當媽媽辛苦,尤其是單親媽媽,需要付出更多心血,也要承受更大壓力,才能把小孩撫養長大...我,就是個單親媽媽,三年前,因先生有外遇,被我抓到,最後以離婚收場,如今,兒子已經七歲,也唸了國小一年級....說實在,兒子長得蠻可愛的,可是他的可愛非常像他父親,兩個人的臉簡直就是一個模子做出來的,所以,有時看到兒子,我就聯想到那... 寡廉鮮恥,沒有人性... 的風流前夫,心裡不免也會生氣..
Being a mother is not an easy job, and if you』re a single mother, you』ll need to make greater efforts and bear even more pressure at the same time to raise a child. I am a single mother myself. Three years ago, my husband had an affair with another woman. I found out about it and the marriage ended up in divorce. Now, our son is already 7 years old and is in the first grade in elementary school. To be honest, my son is quite cute, but his cuteness is so much like his father it appears as if they came out of the same mold. Therefore, when I look at my son, he occasionally reminds me of my shameless, cruel, and lustful ex-husband, which makes me mad all over again.

平時我在美容院工作,每天從早忙到晚,累死了,我實在沒時間去管小兒子的功課... 還好,小兒子的級任老師會在家長聯絡簿上,寫些兒子在學校的表現,同時,老師有兩個橡皮圖章,一個是微笑的臉,用來表示孩子在校表現良好... 值得稱許不過,如果孩子在校不遵守秩序,上課大聲講話,作業忘了寫,或和其他小朋友吵架....,就會被老師蓋一個哭臉....雖然我兒子長得很可愛也很頑皮,經常故意捉弄女同學,上課也不專心,寫字更潦草馬虎,所以,每次他拿聯絡簿給我看時,我就會和他...算帳..., 你看看,你又得這麼多個... 哭臉上課講話,排隊不守秩序,又是和女生吵架,鬥嘴... 兒子啊!你乖一點好不好,不要跟你爸爸一樣,只會跟女生糾纏,可不可以?
I work at a beauty shop and it』s a very tiring job; I am busy from morning till night. I am so tired everyday that it leaves me no time to care for my son』s homework. Luckily, his homeroom teacher would write down his school performance in the contact book. The teacher had two rubber stamps. One is a smiley face, which compliments on a child』s good behavior in school. If the child does not behave in school, talk in class, forgets to do his/her homework, or fight with other children, he/she would get a crying face on the contact book. Although my child is cute, he is also a very naughty boy. He often picks on girls and fails to concentrate in class, and what』s more, he writes like chicken scratch. Consequently, every time he gives me his contact book, I will reprimand him for it. 「You see, you』ve got so many crying faces again!」 Talking in class, not following the rules when waiting in line, quarreling with girls again…. 」Oh, my dear son, could you behave yourself? Don』t be like your father, always flirting around with girls, ok?」 

一天我從美容院拖著疲憊的身子回家,一進門,就看兒子一張紅撲撲的小臉,向我跑過來:媽咪,妳回來啦!當時,我好累,嘴巴仍然說著那冷冷的老話:去把你的聯絡簿拿來,讓我看看你又得幾個哭臉?此時,小兒子抱著我的雙腿,撒嬌地說:媽咪,今天我們一起數一數,這學期我總共得幾個微笑的臉好不好?小兒子一說完,立刻從書包裡拿出聯絡簿,數一數,這個星期到底有多少個微笑的臉?他甚至翻到上星期.. 上個月.. 十月, 九月... 小兒子低著頭,專心又高興地數著:三十..三十一....四十五... 聽著兒子興奮的聲音,我的眼眶竟泛出淚水!是的,兒子,你有好多好多微笑的臉,值得我和你高興地一起細數,我為什麼要一直反覆挑剔你那為數不多的哭臉呢?
One day I came home from the beauty parlor, tired as a dog. The second I stepped in the door, I saw my son running towards me with a flushed face. 「Mommy, you』re home!」 At the time, I was very tired so I said the same old coldhearted thing I always say: 「Go bring me your contact book. I want to see how many crying faces you got again.」 My son hugged my legs and said in his childish tone: 「Mommy, can we count instead how many smiley faces I got this semester?」 He took his contact book out of his school bag right away and started counting how many smiley faces he got that week. He even went back to the previous week, the previous month, October, September…all the way back. My son buried his head in the contact book, counting whole-heartedly and happily: 「Thirty, thirty-one….forty-five…」 Hearing my son』s happy voice, I burst out crying! Yes, my son, you have so many smiley faces that I should be counting them together with you. Why do I always nitpick on the few crying faces that you get?

記得上星期,我騎車載著兒子到外頭買麵包,當時,天空下著毛毛雨,我叫兒子坐在機車後座,不要亂跑,我買完麵包馬上出來,當我付完錢,走出麵包店時,看見小兒子懶洋洋地整個人..趴在機車椅墊上..,我一看,好生氣地大聲罵他:你趴著幹嘛!坐要有坐相!這時,小兒子挺身坐起,笑著對我說:媽咪,你看我多聰明,我趴著,用身體蓋妳的座位,就不會被雨淋到,妳坐上去,屁股就不會濕濕冷冷的了..!兒子啊!我當時真的好感動!可是媽媽太忙,太累,媽媽心中 的感動又忘記了..,只記得去數你..哭臉...媽媽很壞對不對?當我含著淚,望著可愛的兒子時,他天真興奮地抬起頭,告訴我:媽咪!這學期我總共有八十二個微笑的臉!那時,我緊緊摟抱住兒子,真心喜悅,滿足地對他說:媽咪今天加你十八個微笑的臉好不好,讓你有一百個微笑的臉!於是,我在兒子聯絡簿上,畫上十八個微笑的臉,並簽上我自己的名字....
I remember last week when I rode my scooter out to buy some bread with my son. It was drizzling that day, and I told my son to sit on the back seat and not wander off. After paying for the bread, I walked out of the bakery and saw my son lazily lying on his stomach on the motorcycle seat. Upon seeing this, I angrily scolded him: 「Why are you lying down? You should maintain proper posture when sitting!」 My son sat up and smiling said to me: 「Mommy, look how smart I am. If I cover the seat with my body by lying down, your bottom won』t get wet and cold when you sit down.」 My son! I was so moved at the time! But mommy was too busy and too tired that I forgot how moved I was again…I only remembered to count your crying faces. Mommy is so bad, right? As I looked upon my son, trying to hold back my tears, he looked up at me innocently and told me: 「Mommy! I had 82 smiley faces this semester!」 At that point, I hugged my son tightly, filling with joy inside, and said to him contentedly: 「How about mommy adding 18 smiley faces to you today? Then you would have 100 smiley faces!」 I then drew 18 smiley faces on my son』s contact book and signed my name….