Aiming to encourage locally-oriented knowledge production, this course will serve as a local response to the turn to emotions/affect in theoretical studies in the west and its possible significance for reflecting upon the lived realities of the contemporary world. Our readings will thus be oriented toward those that are especially pertinent for on-going cultural contestations on the local scene that are increasingly infested with affect/emotion reconstitutions. In addition to keeping up with weekly readings, students are responsible for keeping a close eye on the emotional underpinnings of vicissitudes of social unrest in Taiwan as material for their final papers. Weekly in-class reports will be assigned; mid-term reports can be preparatory for final papers.
Ahmed, Sara. “Happy Objects.” Gregg & Seigworth. 29-51.
Elias, Norbert. The Civilizing Process: Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic Investigations. Trans. by Edmund Jephcott. Revised edition. Eds. by Eric Dunning, Johan Goudsblom and Stephen Mennell. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994, 2000. 363-447.
Furedi, Frank. “Therapy Culture: Cultivating Vulnerability in an Uncertain Age.”
-----. “Why the ‘Politics of Happiness’ Makes Me Mad?” Spiked, May 23, 2006. 含中文翻譯版
Gregg, Melissa & Gregory J. Seigworth, eds. The Affect Theory Reader. Durham & London: Duke UP, 2010.
Grossberg, Lawrence. “Affect’s Future: Rediscovering the Virtual in the Actual.” Interviewed by Gregory J. Seigworth & Melissa Gregg. Gregg & Seigworth, eds. 309-338.
Hemmings, Clare. “Invoking Affect: Cultural Theory and the Ontological Turn.” Cultural Studies 19.5 (September 2005): 548-567.
Hochschild, Arlie Russel. The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling. Berkeley & L.A.: U of California P, 2003. 89-184.
Irvine, Janice M. “Transient Feelings: Sex Panics and the Politics of Emotions.” GLQ 14(1): 1-40.
James, William. “What is an Emotion?” Mind 9 (1884): 188-205.
Lupton, Deborah. The Emotional Self. London: Sage, 1998. 10-38. 105-136.
Nussbaum, Martha C. “Danger to Human Dignity: The Revival of Disgust and Shame in Law.” Chronicle of Higher Education, August 6, 2004
Scheler, Max. “On the Phenomemology and Sociology of Ressentiment.” Ressentiment. Ed. by Lewis A. Coser. Trans. by William W. Holdheim. New York: The Free Press, 1961. Electronic file from Milwaukee, WS: Marquette UP, 1994. 27-57.
Stearns, Peter N. American Cool: Constructing a Twentieth-Century Emotional Style. New York and London: New York UP, 1994. 193-263.
Tomkins, Silvan. “What Are Affects?” Shame and Its Sisters: A Silvan Tomkins Reader. Eds. by Sedgwick Kosofsky & Adam Frank. Durham and London: Duke UP, 1995. 33-74.
Williams, Raymond. Marxism and Literature. Oxford and New York: Oxford UP, 1977. 75-141.
Wouters, Cas. “On Status Competition and Emotion Management.” Journal of Social History 24.4 (Summer, 1991): 699-717.
何春蕤。〈情感嬌貴化:變化中的台灣性佈局〉,《中國性研究》2011年第六輯(總第33輯),黃盈盈、潘綏銘主編,性學萬有文庫062,高雄:萬有出版社,2011。 262-276。
甯應斌、何春蕤。《民困愁城:憂鬱症、情緒管理、現代性的黑暗面》。台灣社會研究叢刊16。台北:唐山,2012。 (1)導論,第二、十、十一、十二章。(2)第十五、十九章、結語第一、二節。
Class report 15%
Weekly writing 25%
Mid-term report 20%
Final report 40%
Tentative Schedule:
9-20 |
Intro to Class
Affect/Emotions embodied James 188-205 |
9-27 |
Thoughts on methodology: structure of feelings Williams 75-141 |
10-4 |
Overview of theoretical perspectives
Lupton 10-38, 105-136 ; Affect (Media Studies) |
10-10 注意改期上課 |
情緒的批判論述(1) guest speaker--甯應斌homework 甯應斌、何春蕤 |
10-18 |
情緒的批判論述(2) guest speaker--甯應斌homework 甯應斌、何春蕤 |
10-25 |
Affect/Emotion and social status
Elias 363-447; Wouters 699-717 |
11-1 |
Shifting emotion styles
Stearns 193-263 |
11-8 |
Emotional labor and emotion management
Hochschild 89-184 |
11-15 |
Be happy
Furedi, Why; Ahmed 29-51 |
11-22 |
Athletic games, no class but work on mid-term report Mid-term paper due--11-25 (please send to instructor's mail box, no more than 5 pages) |
11-29 |
Tomkins 33-74 |
12-6 |
Contextualizing the affective turn
Grossberg 309-338; Hemmings 548-567 |
12-13 |
Ressentiment and Vulnerability
Scheler, 27-57; Furedi et al, therapy culture |
12-20 |
Affect/Emotions and the Law
Nussbaum; Irvine 1-40; 何春蕤 |
12-27 |
Conferencing for final papers |
1-3 |
wrap-up final paper is due Jan. 15, no delays |
1-10 |
Conferencing for final papers |