
 ──2000年春 (89學年度第二學期)



Readings:甯應斌,「現代死亡的政治」,《文化研究》創刊號,2005年9月,頁1- 45。

Kastenbaum, Robert J.  Death, Society and Human Experience.  6th Edition.  Needham Height, Mass.: Allyn & Bacon, 1998.(入門)

Seale, Clive.  Constructing Death: Sociology of Dying and Bereavement.  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 1998.(進階)

I. (死亡)經驗的隔離──現代性

Giddens, Anthony.  Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age.  Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991。選讀部份:第五章、第六章。

Ariès, Philippe.  Western Attitudes Towards Death.  Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1974.

II. 死亡的麥當勞化

Ritzer, George.  The McDonaldization of Society.  Revised edition.  Newbury, C.A.: Pine Forge Press, 1996.。選讀部份:第一章,第九章。

Meštrović, Stjepan G.  Post-emotional Society.  London: Sage Publication, 1997.  選讀部份:127-131, 143-144.

III. 污名與公民死亡

Lemert, Charles and Ann Branaman, eds.  The Goffman Reader.  Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1997.  選讀部份:55-91.

IV. 文明進程(現代性)

Elias, Norbert.  The Loneliness of the Dying.  中文翻譯:李松根教授譯(講義)。

V.  Bataille and Baudrillard論死亡

Richardson, Michael.  Georges Bataille.  London: Routledge, 1994.  選讀部份:Chapter 6.

Richardson, Michael, ed.  Georges Bataille: Essential Writings.  London: Sage, 1998.  選讀部份:Chapter 11 and 18.

Kellner, Douglas.  Jean Baudrillard.  Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 1989.  選讀部份:102-108.

Baudrillard, Jean.  Symbolic Exchange and Death.  London: Sage, 1993.  選讀部份:Chapter 5.

VI. FoucaultThe Birth of the Clinic死亡/屍體/臨床醫學

Foucault, Michel.  The Birth of the Clinic.  Translated by A. M. Sheridan.  London: Tavistock Publications, 1973.  《臨床醫學的誕生》,時報出版社。(選讀)

Sheridan, Alan.  Michel Foucault: The Will to Truth.  London: Tavistock Publication, 1980. 選讀部份:36-45

VII. Social Theory與死亡

Turner, Bryan S.  Medical Power and Social Knowledge.  Second Edition.  London: Sage, 1995. 選讀部份:110-128.

Shilling, Chris.  「The Body, Self-Identity and Death」, The Body and Social Theory.  London: Sage, 1993.  175-197

Bauman, Zygmunt.  「Survival as a Social Construct」.  Theory, Culture and Society.  9.1(1992): 1-36.  這篇文章的另一個版本可以在同一作者的Mortality, Immortality and Other Life StrategiesCambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1992)中找到。

Foucault, Michel.  「Right of Death and Power Over Life」, part V of The History of Sexuality, Vol. I.

VIII. 其他:戀屍/污染/器官移植

Belliotti, Raymond.  Good Sex: Perspectives in Sexual Ethics. Lawrence, Kansas: Unversity of Kansas, 1993.  戀屍。選讀部份:233-242.

Douglas, Mary.  Purity and Danger.  London: Routledge, 1966. 人類學/污染。選讀部份:160-180.

Elshtain, Jean Bethke, and J. Timothy Cloyd.  Politics and The Human Body.  Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1995.  器官移植。選讀部份:159-192.

I. 雜項

Field, David, Jenny Hockey and Neil Small.  Death, Gender and Ethnicity.  New York: Routledge, 1997. 性別/族群

Gadamer, Hans-Georg.  The Enigma of Health.  Cambridge: Polity, 1997.  Chapters 4-5  詮釋學

Becker, Ernest.  The Denial of Death.  .New York: Free Press, 1973.  「哲學/心理分析」。中文譯本:《拒斥死亡》林和生譯,華夏出版社。

Mims, Cedric.  When We Die: The Science, Culture, and Rituals of Death.  New York: St. Martin』s Griffin, 1998.  有關死亡的資料報告,包含屍體部份。

. 安樂死 


