
Heterosexuality in Question 存疑異性戀

  • 中英文摘要 Abstract
    【Stevi Jackson, University of York】
    This paper is based upon arguments developed in my forthcoming book of the same title (to be published by Sage in July 1999). The book was written in the context of the renewed interest in problematizing heterosexuality which has been evident in Britain and the USA during the 1990s. Today heterosexuality is being queried more radically and more rigorously than ever before, but it began to be called into question as long ago as the 1970s. In this lecture I will trace the critique of heterosexuality back to these early origins, especially within feminism, and map out some of the diverse approaches to sexuality which have since developed. In so doing I will explain how and why the critique of heterosexuality has been important for feminists. I will then engage with more recent theorizing, specifically the arrival of queer theory on the academic scene and the revival of feminist debates on heterosexuality. I will explore the differing emphases within Queer and feminist critiques, on heteronormativity and male dominance respectively, and argue that both of these critical foci are necessary to an analysis of heterosexuality. Both also require that we pay attention to gender not only as a difference or division but also as a social hierarchy.
    這篇論文奠基於我即將問世的同名書籍(將由Sage出版社於1999年7月出版)。本書寫作的脈絡是因為1990年代以來英美兩地都明顯地重新對把異性戀「問題化」感到興趣。雖然異性戀早在1970年 代就開始受到質疑,但是今日比以往遭受到更激烈且尖苛的探究。在這次演講中,我將追溯這些異性戀批判早期的起源──特別是其女性主義的源頭,並詳細鋪陳從 那時至今所發展出來的各種性慾研究觀點。我將藉此解釋為什麼批判異性戀對女性主義者而言是重要的。然後我將迎戰更多最近的理論分析,尤其是學術領域中酷兒 理論的到來,以及女性主義再度就異性戀進行辯論。我將探討酷兒批判與女性主義批判面對異性戀規範及男性宰制時的不同重點,並主張這二個批評焦點對於異性戀 的分析都是必需的,兩者也都需要我們注意:性別不只是差異或分別,同時也是社會階層體制。
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    標    題 日  期 主  辦
    英國婦女/性別研究教授訪問團訪問歡迎會 1999.05.12 英國貿易文化辦事處 教育文化部
    英國婦女/性別研究教授訪問團短講系列 1999.05.13 英國貿易文化辦事處 教育文化部