


嶺南大學文化研究系教授、「文化研究碩士」課程主任、群芳文化研究及發展部署理主任。1988 1997年間任教香港中文大學英文系,其間建立「香港文化研究計劃」,並主編「香港文化研究叢書」(香港中文大學及牛津大學出版社1995-2000)。自1998年始執教於嶺南大學,創立「文化研究文學士」(榮譽)課程,於2000 2003年任文化研究系首屆系主任。曾編著《身份認同與公共文化:文化研究論文集》、《文化想像與意識形態:當代香港文化政治論評》、《情感的實踐:香港流行歌詞研究》(香港:牛津大學出版社1997),合著《否想香港:歷史、文化、未來》(臺北:麥田1997),合譯《晚期資本主義的文化邏輯》(北京:三聯1997) 。近年論文有「Burst into Action: The Changing Spectacle of Glamour Heroines in Contemporary Hong Kong Cinema」 (Cultural Studies Review 2004)「Building Cultural Studies for Postcolonial Hong Kong」 (Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinarity and Translation. Rodopi 2002),《從文學到文化研究:香港的視角》(《方法:文學的路》臺灣大學出版 2002),《在廢墟中築造文化研究:並論當代大學教育的頹敗形式與意義》(E+E 2003),《後現代的常態與異狀:窮想九七香港如常》 (《香港文學@文化研究》2002)「Figures of Hope and the Filmic Imaginary of Jianghu in Contemporary Hong Kong Cinema」 (Cultural Studies 2001) 等。最近合編專書有 Hong Kong Connections: Transnational Imagination in Action CinemaDuke UP、香港大學出版社2005)。教授科目包括:文化研究的視野、文化評論寫作坊、文化再現與詮釋、文化政策與體制、後殖民研究、普及文化的批判思考等。目前主要研究及發展項目包括香港文化政策與體制、中學綜合人文科和通識教育科之課程改革等。

Stephen Ching-kiu Chan is Professor and Programme Director of Master of Cultural Studies (MCS) at Lingnan University (LU). He founded the BA (Hons) Cultural Studies degree in 1999, and headed the Cultural Studies Department from 2000 to 2003. Prior to joining LU, he had taught English, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), where he edited the Hong Kong Cultural Studies Bulletin. From 1994 to 1997, he was Director of the Hong Kong Cultural Studies Programme at CUHK, the first integrative research and development project on the formation of Hong Kong culture funded by the Research Grants Council. He was General Editor of the book series Hong Kong Cultural Studies released by the Oxford University Press (China) in 1997. The titles he edited for the project include Identity and Public Culture, The Practice of Affect and Cultural Imaginary and Ideology. Co-author of Hong Kong Un-Imagined: History, Culture and the Future (Taipei 1997), Chan is published internationally on Hong Kong culture, film, literature, and cultural studies. His current research covers urban public culture and policy, cultural research and liberal education, and critical pedagogy through popular genres. His forthcoming work is a collection of essays entitled Hong Kong Connections: Transnational Imagination in Action Cinema, co-edited with Meaghan Morris and S. L. Li (Hong Kong UP and Duke UP). Chan is a core member of the research cluster on Cultural Education and Policy, set up under the Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme at LU, initiating a series of research and development projects on cultural policy and community interface.



For Cultural Studies: Critique, Pedagogy and the Pragmatics of Cultural Education in Hong Kong

Signs of the critique, pedagogy and pragmatics of cultural education can be traced in the formation of cultural studies as a disciplinary nexus of critical scholarship and applied practice grounded in the local community. I shall examine the historical, institutional and intellectual factors contributing to the building up of Cultural Studies as such an alternative field and programme of (trans)disciplinary studies highlighting the contemporary uses of culture in Hong Kong during the last two decades.

As a context-specific project, Cultural Studies takes shape in Hong Kong within a set of frames conditioned by the SAR』s proximity to the rapid social and cultural changes occurring in China, as well as accessible networks with parallel developments in the Asia-Pacific region, where humanities education is meeting new challenges today. My analysis will focus on three set of issues informing my 20-year experience as a cultural studies teacher: (1) the context of academic work in which the progressive institutionalization of critique is subject to various social, economic and political changes from the late colonial through the early post-colonial period; (2) the disciplinary context in which the shifting needs and challenges of pedagogy interact with evolving institutional parameters and critical functions of cultural studies; and (3) the complex relationship between the daily practice of critical pedagogy, the constant re-shaping of identity imaginary, and the pragmatic technologies of citizenship in the course of Hong Kong』s transition from colony to post-colony.