



指導教授:林文玲 博士


摘     要  

 西門町乃是有著複雜異國風味的殖民城市歷史脈絡,還有文人筆下的同志生存集結的歷史記憶,種種氣氛營造了西門町地景風味,並且與青少年、同志的性/別認同形塑有著密不可分的淵源。本文從西門T、婆自身階級的位置角色,以及其對於「身體」展示之間的關係作一番探討。最終所關切乃:(1) 西門T、婆的身體外貌與情慾互動實踐的自主意識;(2) 「性」的多元與流動特性;(3) 解構T婆配對模式,乃是複製/模仿異性戀男/女關係的僵化迷思。

本文從三個層面討論西門T、婆的「階級」:1 透過社會指標,如收入、教育、年齡… 等來定義階級;2 臺灣同志運動多由知識份子所領導及論述,相對於西門T、婆的社會階級地位,形成了論述與被論述者的相對位置;以及3 普羅社會對於生理性別(sex)不與社會性別gender文化上的對應者的排斥及禁止。在此性階層系統中,無論其個人是居於社經地位優勢或弱勢,「不男不女」的樣貌,很自然地會被視為「怪異」的階級位置;。上述三個階級概念相互混雜、影響,藉此來探討社會階級弱勢(收入低/學歷低/青少年)的西門T、婆,於身體外貌及情慾互動上,如何實踐、逾越僵化的異性戀男/女性別框架。

研究發現:西門T、婆的身體展示與實踐,具有逾越異性戀二元對立、非男即女的性/別概念。西門T、婆的身體外貌,如:短髮、束胸、打扮、講話樣貌、行為體態… 等,以及在T、婆的情慾互動過程與行動中,更是主體認同的確立過程。但在這過程裡,我們發現社會階級與身體愉悅自主的關係上,具有某種社會資源的交換與社會位置的排擠。透過青少年西門T、婆的日常生活行動與認知,我們得以窺見活潑且多元的女同志文化。

關鍵字:西門町、女同志文化、T 婆認同、空間、階級、身體


Layered colonial experiences and literary discourses on the congregating of early gays and lesbians in the Hsimenting area of Taipei together make up part of the reason for the continued association of Hsimenting as social space with both youths and sexual minorities, especially lesbians and gays. This thesis investigates the complex relations between class and body expression among young Hsimen T』s and Po』s, including 1) Hsimen T/Po-lesbian』s conscious discourse concerning their appearance, intimate relations and sexual interaction; 2) the multiplicity and mobility of their 「sex」 and 「sexuality」; 3) the ways in which T/Po-lesbian intimate relations cannot simply be reduced to copy versions of heterosexuality.

This thesis contends that Hsimen young T/Po-lesbians 』 「class」 must be seen as made up of and through the following three dimensions. 1) The socio-economic 「class」 that is formed through education, age, economic status, etc. 2) The cultural 「class」 reproduced even within the last decade of ga y and lesbian critical discourse wherein an intellectual position leads to the subordination of Hsimen young T/Po』s and T/Po』s in general. 3) The 「sex/gender system」 wherein public society will exclude that 「sex」 that does not correspond with 「gender;」 in such a hierarchical system, 「gender-benders」 and especially young 「gender-benders」 are regarded as 「freaks」 whether or not they are of higher socio-economic status.  These three concepts of 「class」 intermingle and interweave in the lives and discourse of Hsimen T/Po. This thesis explores how a subordinate 「class」 (in the above three dimensions) of Hsimen T/Po-lesbians practice and trespass the inflexible boundaries of heterosexual masculinity and feminity in their bodily appearances and their sexual interactions.

This thesis concludes that Hsimen T/Po』s body expression and practices transgress the traditionally defined dual gender frame as it blurs the binary concepts of male and female derived masculine and feminine. Hsimen T/Po-lesbians bodies and their sexual interactions together establish distinct subjective identities through important processes of dress-codes, hair-styles, breast-binding, and particular mannerisms in talking, action and sexual practice. These processes of shaping complex Hsimen young T/Po identities interweave socio-economic class and sexual pleasures, while negotiating with hegemonic social exclusionary practices through complex exchanges of social resources. Through the everyday lives and actions and perceptions of young Hsimen T/Po-lesbians, we glimpse the vitality and diversity of   Taiwan 』s lesbian cultures.
Key word: Hsimenting, lesbian cultures, T/Po identities, space, class, body