* 與酷兒相關之本土或國際影展調查
* 前現代非異性戀之文化傳統於電影中之再現
* 酷兒地景(queerscape)及電影獨特視覺或風格之關係
* 酷兒主體性及其他身份認同政治之糾結或及衝突
* 國族主義及全球化發展與酷兒電影之關係
* 文化理論架構之重新詮釋,有助瞭解近代亞洲電影中非異性戀情慾之呈現
* 酷兒與camp美學
* 酷兒電影與該國當地輿論、社會論述及運動之關係
Cultural Studies Monthly Call for Papers
Thinking Queer in Asian Cinema
Guest Editor: Chia-chi Wu
* new theoretical or conceptual frameworks in understanding queer emotions or desire in Asian cinema; or questions raised by Asian cinema for queer theory or practice
* queer subjectivities crisscrossed with other axes of identity formation or in relation to other structures of oppression, such as gender, class, race or ethnicity, age, etc..
* the figuring of nationality, transnationality or globality in queer culture
* films that point to the ties between pre-modern queer traditions to contemporary eroticism
* queer and space, or 「queerscape」 as molded by peculiar cinematic visuality or stylistics
* survey
of any local or international g/l/q film festival, either located in
* camp aesthetics
* films resonating with activism, public opinion or other social discourses on queer subjects
Cultural Studies Monthly (http://www.cc.ncu.edu.tw/~csa/journal/56/park_56.htm) is an online journal launched by CSA Taiwan (Cultural Studies Taiwan). It is a non-referential, non-peer-reviewed publication. Both English and Chinese submissions are welcome. Strong English submissions will also, upon the author』s approval, be submitted to Film Appreciation (dianying xinshang published by Taipei Film Archive, its peer-reviewed film paper section) for its potential publication in Chinese translation.
Please send submissions to
Chia-chi Wu
(Assistant Professor, Department of English