Mate-choosing of Female who Loves both Female and Male
指导教授:刘淑慧 博士
摘 要
本研究目的在了解女男都爱的女性发现自己爱上第二性别的心理历程,以及对于伴侣关系的抉择内涵与抉择型态。本研究采用叙事研究方法,共访谈四位研究参与者,并以Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach与Zilber(1998)的“类别—内容”分析取向整理访谈资料,但在摘节切割文本归放类别之后,会将切割的文本段落放回整体故事脉络观看,以理解受访者的经验脉络,是以于研究结果呈现受访者不切割的故事文本,再就类别资料的整理归纳针对跨案例进行综合讨论与分析。
The purpose of current research is to understand the psychological process of females who found herself love both females and males, and their choosing connotation and choosing types relative to partnership. Narrative approach was carried to the research. Totally, four research participants were interviewed. The collected data was analyzed in the way of “categorical-content” which was proposed by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach and Zilber(1998). Additionally, in order to get familiar to the experiences and contexts of the interviews, once the summarized segmental text was categorized, it was put back to the holistic context and present to the readers. Therefore, the research results were presented in a holistic way without segmenting the text that collected from interviewees. Finally, a cross-case synthetically discussion and analysis were also carried to the categorized data to draw a conclusion.
In the aspect of psychological process, the research found that the females who love both females and males feel embarrassed when challenging traditional dichotomous thinking and situation accommodating. They do not identify themselves in such duality as heterosexuality/homosexuality. However, they still choose their stance between the groups of heterosexuality/homosexuality and develop their own strategies to cope with daily life in such surroundings. They tend to develop a dual life to reduce the critique from society and hence adopt different attitudes toward a dual life which would result in different psychological feelings and adopting. In the aspect of mate-choosing, they tend to judge by love relationship rather than gender. That is, they, perhaps, do not emphasize on identification but feelings toward their mates and the level of attraction to their mates; not gender but the existence of equality and respect in such a reciprocally relationship; not the differences in the social situation between heterosexual mate and homosexual mate but what choice an individual is willing to make and what cost an individual is willing to pay in the social situation. Therefore, in the aspect of choosing type, we may find that they need to adopt a confirmed attitude to treat their decision when they intend to make a not main stream choice.
Finally, the researcher illustrated the limits of the current study and introspection in the research process, and provides some advices to the followed research and to guidance and counseling profession.
关键词: 双性恋 ; 女同性恋 ; 异性恋 ; 伴侣抉择
英文关键词: bisexuality ; lesbian ; heterosexuality ; mate-choosing