










三、“Chi-迌T”女同志对于多重空间的压迫形式,呈现“并不总是”在抗拒的现象,且这种非持续性的抗拒方式,使得“Chi-迌T”女同志在多重空间中的认同,出现差异的认同样态。再者,比较“Chi-迌T”和“不分”女同志,在多重空间的差异认同,是呈现不同的面貌,且两者的主体认同也出现两种截然不同的论述。最后,本论文发现城乡差异和阶级两要素,是造成都会区女同志和“Chi-迌T”女同志集结凭藉差异的重要原因之一。此外,阶级和城乡差异,所造成接触论述资源和物质资源的权力差 异,也是台湾女同志主体形塑差异的要项。


The purpose of the thesis is to take the labor“Chi-Tou T" for example to offer the multi-possibilities of lesbian subject patterns though under the influence of the mainstream of urban-central lesbian theory. Therefore, the thesis tries to reconstruct the image of the non-urban, laborious lesbians from the following dimensions. First of all is to describe the process of the formation the lesbian community, then to discuss the difference of how the“ Chi-Tou T” and “Urban Lesbians” aggregate and develop their own communities.

We further explore that by what way the “Chi-Tou T “ build the Lesbian space through the interaction in the community. Third, by comparing the differences of their identifications in multiple spaces, we can clear out the differences of the roles of T and P for “Chi-Tou T” and “bu-fen”. And then move to understand the reasons for the differences of their identifications. In view of this, the research is carried out with qualitative case study by the methods of observational involvement and profound interview.

The 11-months field research finds out that, first, “Chi-Tou T” borders their world with the same first name, slogans, the same mid name or the blood- drinking swear ( the members sip the blood in a container got form each of  them, and swear to be brothers.) . They cherish the spirit of brotherhood, set  up the rules as those in a gang, emphasizing the importance of helping each other and the leadership as the factor for maintaining the community.Its  obvious that the urban lesbians form their community by journals, networks and  T bras while “Chi-Tou T” by their brotherhood. Second, in their interaction, we know the “Chi-Tou T” would have symbolic tattoos or male-like physical to form the landscape to strengthen their identification, implying a lesbian  space both overthrowing and copying of the heterosexual patriarchy.“Chi-Tou T ”don't always resist the oppressions in multiple spaces. This non-continuous resistance in different places cause different identities in multiple spaces. 

Furthermore, the comparison between the differences of their identification in multiple spaces result from totally different discourse. It’s found that the difference between town and country and social classes are the main factors  for their different ways of aggregations. Besides, the difference of their classes and between town and country also lead to their different powers to manipulate the resources. This is also the main cause of the different  formation of their subjects.
