Metoidioplasty 陰核釋出術

涂懿美 譯


The most common genital operation that I perform for my FTM patients is a Metoidioplasty. In this operation, the surrounding skin of the clitoris is removed and it is released from the pubis to give the appearance of more length. The glans will appear circumcised in most patients. The final result is a normal appearing, but very small, penis.

This is a very favorable result. Actual result will depend on various factors as described below.




The outcome is largely dependent upon how much enlargement of the clitoris has occurred with Testosterone. Urethral lengthening can also be done at the same time, or at a later time,to allow the patient to stand to urinate. Urethral lengthening requires complete removal of the vagina. The best results from the metoidioplasty are in patients who are thin or near their ideal body weight. In most patients, removal of the skin and fat of the mons pubis and pulling the skin upwards will improve the result. This will leave a curvilinear scar in the pubic hair and is usually done as a second stage when the expanders are replaced with a permanent testicular prosthesis.


The principal advantage of the metaoidioplasty is that it is noninvasive, maintains the sensitivity of the clitoris, and does not create apparent surgical scars. Furthermore, it does not prevent future genital surgery from being done at a later time should one decide. The penis will not, however, appear adult in size, and it is not large enough for vaginal intercourse. Formation of the scrotum (scrotoplasty) is done during the metaoidioplasty. Should you desire, prostheses for testicles could be placed at this time or at later date. Since there is frequently only limited space for these prostheses, I will often place two tissue expanders in the new scrotum. These are inflatable balloons placed in the scrotum, and then slowly inflated, at home, to expand the scrotal sack. Three to six months later, the permanent prosthesis can be placed in the expanded scrotum, with fewer problems. Although this method requires two operations, the end results are frequently better. The secondary procedure is an outpatient operation and the patient can return home the same day. There is probably no harm in placing two testicular prostheses, understanding that it may be necessary to lower one at a later time. If urethral lengthening is done, one must wait three months to have expanders or prosthesis placed.

術後照片(資料來源:Loren Cameron

metaoidioplasty Metaoidioplasty


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