The radial forearm flap is
an extensive procedure, which uses the skin, arteries and nerves of the
forearm to make the penis. The new penis is then attached to the pubis by
microsurgical techniques. The nerves of the clitoris are attached to the
nerves of the skin of the penis. The urethra is brought out to the tip of
the penis to allow the patient to stand to urinate. The principal
advantages of this operation are that the appearance the penis is very
good, one can stand to urinate, and the penis will usually develop
sensation. One year later an erection device can be placed to allow for
vaginal intercourse. On the other hand, this is a formidable operation
with significant risk, including complete loss of the flap (approximately
5%), urinary leaks, and stricture. The scar
on the arm can also be quite formidable, resembling a burn scar of the
arm, and in many patients the major deterrent to this operation.
Nevertheless, excepting the donor scar on the arm, the final result is
probably the best from the aesthetic and functional standpoint of all the
operations available. This is an operation that is a major undertaking and
should be done at a center with a team of surgeons that routinely does
them. The risks are profound and the complications can have long term
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