Fall 2011 Graduate Seminar EL2019
Introduction to Literature: im/possible worlds 文學作品讀法:不/可能的世界 I
DING Naifei
Friday 1400-1700, A108
dingnf@cc.ncu.edu.tw; subject: ILIPW
Class schedule:
09.16 |
Introduction |
09.23 |
- 甲、Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (1865)
- 乙、Excerpts from:
- i. Calvin R. Petersen, "Time and Stress," Journal of the History of Ideas, 46:3 (1985), 427-433
- ii. Daniel Bivona, "Alice the Child-Imperialist and the Games of Wonderland," Nineteenth Century Literature, 41:2 (1986), 143-171
- iii. Nikolai Firtich, "Worldbackwards," The Slavic and East European Journal, 48:4 (2004), 593-606
09.30 |
10.07 |
10.14 |
group presentations |
10.21 |
10.28 |
- 甲、Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis (1915)
- 乙、Excerpts from (1996 Norton Edition of The Metamorphosis, translated and edited by Stanley Corngold)
- i. Nina Pelikan Straus, "Transforming Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis" (1989)
- ii. Kevin W. Sweney, "Competing Theories of Identity in Kafka's The Metamorphosis" (1990)
- iii. Mark M. Anderson, "Sliding Down the Evolutionary Ladder? Aesthetic Autonomy in The Metamorphosis" (1992)
- iv. Michael Rowe, "Metamorphosis: Defending the Human," Literature and Medicine, 21:2 (2002), 264-280
11.04 |
11.11 |
group presentations |
11.18 |
11.25 |
Midterm Exam |
12.02 |
travel & travail
- 甲、Marjane Sartrapi, Persepolis (2003)
- 乙、Excerpts from:
- i. Gillian Whitlock, "Autographics: The Seeing "I" of the Comics," Modern Fiction Studies 52:4 (2006), 965-979
- ii. Babak Elahi, "Frames and Mirrors in Marjane Sartrapi's Persepolis," symploke 15:1-2 (2007), 312-325
- iii. Manuela Constantino, "Popular Comix Heroine Breathing Life into the Writing of History," Canadian Review of American Studies, 38:3 (2008), 429-447
- iv. Ann Miller, "Marjane Sartrapi's Persepolis: Eluding the Frames," L'Esprit Createur, 51:1 (2011), 38-52
- 丙、顧玉鈴,《我們》(2007)
12.09 |
12.16 |
12.23 |
12.30 |
group presentations |
01.06 |
01.13 |
Final Exam |
1. Pop quizzes 20%
2. Group presentations 20%
3. Midterm Exam 30%
4. Final Exam 30%