Fall 2011 Graduate Seminar EL6012

Topics in Feminism: Cold War Stories

DING Naifei

Wed. 1400-1600, C2-102

dingnf@cc.ncu.edu.tw; subject: cws

Class schedule:





  • 甲、Aimé Césaire – Discourse on Colonialism (1950, 1972), Monthly Review Press
  • 乙、V.G. Kiernan, America: The New Imperialism, Zed: 1978, "Foreword," and Parts Four, Five and Six, pp. 204-271
  • 丙、Odd Arne Westad, The Global Cold War, Cambridge 2007, Introduction, Chapters 1-3, pp. 1-109
    • i. Andrew Roberts, A History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900 (2006), "Introduction: A Portrait of the English-Speaking Peoples at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century" and Ch. 11, 12, 13
    • ii. Bruce Cummings, Parallax Visions (1999), Chapters 1, 3 , 4 and 8
    • iii. Norma Field, "The Cold War and Beyond in East Asian Studies" in PMLA 117 (2002): 1233-1294 (PDF download at http://www.mla.org/rep_conf_relations)
    • iv. Setsu Shigematsu and Keith l. Camacho, "Militarized Currents, Decolonizing Futures" in Militarized Currents: Towards a Decolonized Future in Asia and the Pacific (2010), xv-xlviii

oral presentations


Fictions 小說敘事

  • 甲、William Pietz – "The 'Post-Colonialism' of Cold War Discourse" (1988) and "Totalitarianism and the Lessons of History: Reply to Stephanson" (1989)
  • 乙、Fredric Jameson – "Third World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism" (1986)
  • 丙、George Lamming, In the Castle of My Skin (1953)
    • i. George Lamming, "The Occasion for Speaking" (1960) in The Pleasures of Exile, Michigan, 1992, 23-50
    • ii. Supriya Nair, "Making History in In the Castle of My Skin" in Caliban's Curse: George Lamming and the Revisioning of History, Michigan, 1996, 79-103
    • iii. J. Dillon Brown, "Exile and Cunning: The Tactical Difficulties of George Lamming," Contemporary Literature, 47:4, 2006, 669-694
    • iv. Aijaz Ahmad, "Jameson's Rhetoric of Otherness and the 'National Allegory'," Social Text 17, 1987, 3-25
    • v. Madhava Prasad, "On the Question of a Theory of (Third) World Literature," Social Text 31/32, 1992, 57-83
  • 丁、George Orwell, 1984 (1949)
    • i. Paul Thomas, "Mixed Feelings: Raymond Williams and George Orwell," Theory and Society, 14: 4, 1985, 419-444
    • ii. Cleo McNelly, "On Not Teaching Orwell," College English, 38:6, 1977, 553-566
    • iii. Amanda Anderson, "Character and Ideology: The Case of Cold War Liberalism," New Literary History, 2011, 42: 209-229

oral presentations


midterm essay due


Cold Sex Wars 性/別冷戰

  • 甲、Gayle Rubin, "Blood Under the Bridge" (2011)
    • i. Daniel Horowitz, "Rethinking Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique: Labor Union Radicalism and Feminism in Cold War America" (1996)
    • ii. Leslie Feinberg, Stone Butch Blues (1993)
    • iii. Robert J. Corber, "Reclaiming the 'Lost Sex': The Lesbian in Cold War Culture" in Cold War Femme: Lesbianims, National Identity, and Hollywood Cinema (2011), 1-23
    • iv. Stephen J. Whitfield, "Politicizing Culture: Suspicious Minds" in The Culture of the Cold War, John Hopkins U. Press, 1996, 1-25
  • 乙、Lisa Yoneyama, "Liberation Under Siege: U.S. Military Occupation and Japanese Women's Enfranchisement" (2005)
    • i. Josephine Ho, "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of 'Women's' NGOs in Taiwan," Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights, Edited by Kamala Kempadoo, Jyoti Sanghera, and Bandana Pattanaik. Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2005. 83-105.
    • ii. Kristen Ghodsee, "Feminism-by-Design: Emerging Capitalisms, Cultural Feminism, and Women's Nongovernmental Organizations in Postsocialist Eastern Europe," Signs, 29:3 (Spring 2004), 727-753
  • 丙、Paik Nak-Chung, The Shaking Division System (2005)
    • i. Nick Cullather, "Fuel for the Good Dragon" (1996)
    • ii. 胡台麗,<媳婦入門>(1982)
    • iii. 顧玉鈴(Ku Yu-ling),<我們>(2008),Our Stories (2011) translated by Agnes Khoo
    • iv. Amie Parry, ""Our Stories" and the Question of Asian American Studies in Asia: Toward a Critical Comparative Method"

oral presentations


final essay due


1. Reading journals (8-10) 20%

2. Oral presentation 20%

3. Mid-term essay 30%

4. Final essay 30%