2013 Spring EL 3069
DING Naifei
Thursday 1400-1700, A204
“To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture.”
(Franz Fanon, 1967, Black Skin, White Masks)
Class schedule:
Decolonization 0 | |
02.21 |
Jane Eyre film, directed by Robert Stevenson (1944) |
02.28 |
03.07 |
Charlotte Brönte (1847), Jane Eyre, Chapters I-XXI; Firdous Azim (1993), “The Subject/s of the Novel,” The Colonial Rise of the Novel, London Routledge, 1993, 10-33 |
03.14 |
Jane Eyre (cont’d), Chapters XXII-XXXVIII; “Esther Godfrey, “Jane Eyre: From Governess to Girl-Bride” (2005) |
03.21 |
Jean Rhys (1966), Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) |
03.28 |
Wide Sargasso Sea (cont’d); Jennifer P. Nesbitt, “Rum Histories: Decolonizing the Narratives of Jean Rhys’s “Wide Sargasso Sea” and Sylvia Townsend Warner’s “The Flint Anchor” (2007) |
Recommended | |
Decolonization 1 | |
04.04 |
04.11 |
George Lamming, In the Castle of My Skin (1983, 1991) Chapters 1-6; Kenneth Ramchand, “Decolonisation in West Indian Literature” (1965) |
04.18 |
In the Castle of My Skin (cont’d) Chapters 7-14. |
04.25 |
Jamaica Kincaid, Lucy (1991). |
05.02 |
Lucy (cont’d). |
05.09 |
Jennifer J. Nichols, “’Poor Visitor’: Mobility as/of Voice in Jamaica Kincaid’s Lucy” |
Recommended | |
05.16 |
Decolonization 2 | |
05.23 |
《橘子紅了》,琦君(1991) |
05.30 |
《T婆工廠》(2010),《彩虹芭樂》(2012),TIWA(邀請中) |
06.06 | 《桃姐與我》,李恩霖(2012),香港青森文化;《桃姐》(A Simple Life),許鞍華(2011) |
Recommended | |
06.13 |
Wrap-up discussion |
06.20 |
Pop quizzes on weekly reading assignments (20%)
Group (6-8 per group) oral presentation (20%)
Mid-term exam (30%)
Final exam (30%)