2014 Fall EL1060B
Writing Through Media 影像分析寫作
DING Naifei
Wednesday 1400-1650, A114
Office hours: Wednesday 1100-1300 & by appointment (A204)
Required Texts
Class schedule:
09.17 |
Introduction HW: Read The Student Writer pp. 1-10; “The Red Car,” pp. 11-13 |
Descriptive/Narrative Essay | |
09.24 |
Reading questions, p. 14; “Summit County”, p.20-2; Brainstorm & Freewriting, pp. 3-8 HW: Descriptive essay first draft DUE 9/26 5pm; bring 3 copies of first draft to class |
10.01 |
Workshop I: Descriptive/narrative essay first draft (p. 18 #3 & pp. 18-19, Evaluation Criteria #1-3) HW: Descriptive/narrative essay second draft DUE 10/03 5pm, bring 3 copies of second draft to class; Read “My Big Brother,” pp. 23-25 |
10.08 |
Workshop II: Descriptive/narrative essay second draft (p. 18 #3 & pp. 18-19, Evaluation Criteria #1-3); “My Big Brother,” Reading questions, pp. 26-27 HW: Read “Salvation”, pp. 53-55; “Step Forward in the Car, Please”, pp. 57-61 |
10.15 |
“Salvation” Reading Question, pp. 56-57; “Step Forward in the Car, Please”, Reading Questions, pp. 63-64 HW: Muriel’s Wedding vocabulary list; ‘Study Guide for Muriel’s Wedding’ |
Narrative Essay II: Character to Character | |
10.22 |
Film screening; Muriel’s Wedding; In-depth Discussion HW: Narrative essay II first draft DUE 10/24 5pm, bring three copies to class |
10.29 |
Workshop I: Narrative essay two first draft; Evaluation criteria pp. 72 HW: Narrative essay II second draft Due 10/31 5pm, bring three copies to class Read ‘Just Walk on By’, p. 39-41, 45-46, #1-6 |
11.05 |
Workshop II: Narrative essay two Second draft; ‘Just Walk on By’, Reading Questions, p. 44-45 HW: Read Voyage 15840 |
11.12 |
Voyage 15840 Group Presentation |
Stereotype Essay: I see, You don’t See | |
11.19 |
11.26 |
Workshop I HW: stereotype essay first draft, DUE 11/28 5pm; bring three copies to class |
12.03 |
TIWA 吳靜如演講 HW: stereotype essay second draft, due 12/5 5pm; bring 3 copies to class |
12.10 |
Workshop II HW: Read “Grouping Students by Ability Comes under Fire” pp. 140-144; prepare pp. 144-148 |
Summary Essay | |
12.17 |
Summary workshop I: group writing; pp. 148-151 HW: Group Summary first draft DUE 12/19 5pm; bring three copies to class |
12.24 |
Group writing evaluations, p. 159 (evaluation criteria); reading questions; Summary workshop II: collaborative drafting and independent composition, pp. 158-159 HW: Summary second draft, DUE 12/26 5pm, bring three copies to class |
12.31 |
News articles (to be decided) Summary workshop I: Evaluation criteria, p. 15 HW: News article group summary first draft, DUE 1/2 5pm |
01.07 |
News article group summary workshop II; Independent summary drafting |
01.14 |
FINAL Revisions |
Course policy:
This is a workshop and attendance is mandatory; more than three absences (with leave) will result in failure of the class. Please note that 10 minutes late to the class will count as one absence. It is essential that students participate in all class discussions and group activities. There will be in-class writing assignments, group presentations, and homework writing assignments. All your writing assignments should be emailed to me (subject: EL1060B) and you should also leave a hardcopy of each assignment in my mailbox at the Sex Centre before the deadline. Overdue assignments will not be graded
attendance and participation (30%)
first drafts and second drafts (50%)
final drafts (20%)