Home > Curriculum Vitae > Publications > Essays
- 2019
- “Is the need for sex education a false need?: Comments on United Nation’s document on comprehensive sex education.” Sexuality Research, Sept. 5, 2019
- 2018
- “From Gender Equality to Gender Governance: Thoughts on Feminist Universalist Language.” Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies. 2018.12 (111): 335-343.
- 2018
- “Prostitution in Broad Day Light: Reading I was there: Field Notes on Sociologyof Sex, Shanghai Book Review, Feb. 14, 2018.
- 2017
- “Gender Governance Through Law: Populist Moralism in Aspring Democracies/Economies.” New Intimacies, Old Desires: Law, Culture and Queer Politics in Neo-Liberal Times. Eds. by Oishik Sircar, and Dipica Jain. New Delhi: Zubaan, 2017. 97-118.
- 2016
- “Beware of the Civil Society.” Gender/Sexuality Studies: The First Twenty Years. Chungli: National Central University, 2016. 97-118. (In Chinese)。
- 2015
- “Localized Trajectories of Queerness and Activism under Global Governance,” The Global Trajectories of Queerness: Re-thinking Same-Sex Politics in the Global South, eds. by Ashley Tellis and Sruti Bala, in the Thamyris/Intersecting 30: Place, Sex and Race Series. Rodopi, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2015. 121-136.
- 2014
- “The Perils of Sexuality Research in Aspiring Democracies.” Sexualities 17 (2014): 677-680.
- 2014
- “Response to Homi Bhabha--Civility and Its Delicateness: Affective Politics in the Age of Global Governance.” From Westheavens to Middle Kingdom: Exchanges between Chinese and Indian Thought. Eds. By Zhang Song-Ren, Chen Kuan-Hsing, and Gao Shi-Ren. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2014,331-342
- 2013
- “Studying Gender/Sexuality: A Contextual Reflection.” Contemporay Chinese Gender Studies 5 (Oct 2013): 45-53. (In Chinese)
- 2013
- “Gender Governance and the Formation of Affective Citizens.” New Moralism. Ed. by Yin-Bin Ning. Chungli: National Central University, 2013. 211-232. (In Chinese)
- 2013
- “Sex Rights in Greater China, 2012,” World Chinese Sexuality Journal 5.1 (June 2013): 36-40 (ISSN 1947-2505) ; WACS Newsletter 6.2 (May 2013): 3-7 (ISSN 1944-6683).
- 2012
- “The Position of Cultural Studies.” (Co-author Yin-Bin NIng) Cultural Studies in the Chinese World. Ed. by Wang Xiao-Ming. Shanghai: Shanghai Books, 2012. 51-69. (In Chinese)
- 2012
- “The Age Turn in Taiwanese Gender Politics.” The Personal is Historical: Gender/Sexuality Studies/Movements in Greater China. Ed. by Josephine Ho. Chungli: Center for the Study of Sexualities, 2012. 223-266.
- 2012
- "Life of a Parasite: A Survival Story of Cultural Studies," Creativity and Academic Activism: Instituting Cultural Studies, ed. Meaghan Morris and Mette Hjort, Hong Kong and Durham, NC: Hong Kong UP and Duke UP, 2012. 55-66.
- 2012
- "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of 'Women's' NGOs in Taiwan," Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights, second edition, edited by Kamala Kempadoo, Jyoti Sanghera, and Bandana Pattanaik. Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2012. 83-107.
- 2011
- "Underage Subjects in Taiwanese Law," Chinese Gender/Sexuality: The Political Machine of Age, Hong Kong: Roundtable Publisher, 192-207。 (In Chinese)
- 2011
- "ShanZhai China," Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, 12 (2011):12-16. (In Chinese)
- 2011
- "Sex Rights in Greater China, 2010 (Excerpt)," World Chinese Sexuality Journal 3.1 (June 2011): 3-8 (ISSN 1947-2505) ; WACS Newsletter 4.2 (June 2011): 4-7 (ISSN 1944-6683)
- 2011
- "Sex Rights in 2010: A Report on Greater China," Chinese Sex Rights Research 3 (March 2011): 5-32. (In Chinese)
- 2010
- "Sentimentalism and Fright: Gender and Class Shifts in Contemporary Taiwanese Tattoo Culture," Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 80 (Dec. 2010): 55-104. (In Chinese)
- 2010
- "Theory and Practice: An Evolving Relationship," Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 80 (Dec. 2010): 181-186. (In Chinese)
- 2010
- "Queer Existence under Global Governance: A Taiwan Exemplar", Positions 18.2 (Summer 2010): 537-554.
- 2010
- "Evolving Horizon for Contemporary Sex Research and Sex Rights Movement," International Chinese Sexology Journal 10.1 (2010): 49-51. (In Chinese)
- 2010
- "Sex Rights in Greater China: 2009," WACS Newsletter 3.1 (March 2010): 2-8. (In Chinese)
- 2010
- "Sex Rights in 2009: A Report on Greater China," Chinese Sex Rights Research 2 (March 2010): 5-28. (In Chinese)
- 2009
- "Re-Naming Sexual Perverts," co-author with Yin-Bin Ning. International Chinese Sexology Journal, (ICSJ) 9.3, Serial No. 11 (September 30, 2009), online journal published by International Association of Chinese Medical Specialists & Psychologists (New York, US). (In Chinese)
- 2009
- "Defending Conservative Sexual Values: Constitutional Court Interpretations #617 and #623." Grand Justices! Give Us an Explanation 2: Human Rights Concerns & Constitutional Petitions to the Judicial Yuan. Taipei, Judicial Reform Foundation: 269-290. (In Chinese)
- 2009
- "Sex Rights in 2008: A Report on Greater China (Excerpt)," WACS Newsletter 2.1 (March 2009): 2-5.
- 2009
- "Sex Rights in 2008: A Report on Greater China," Chinese Sex Rights Research 1 (March 2009): 5-24. (In Chinese)
- 2008
- "Is Global Governance Bad for East Asian Queers?" GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 14.4 (Fall 2008) : 457-479.
- 2008
- "Asian Modernity and Its 'Gendered Vulnerabilities.'" Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Asian Insights 1 (June, 2008): 9-11.
- 2008
- "The Historical Interplay between Sex Revolution, Sex Rights Movement, and the Development of Sexology in Taiwan," Chinese Sexuality Research 1 (2008): 28-34. (In Chinese)
- 2007
- "Sex Revolution and Sex Rights Movement in Taiwan," in: Jens Damm and Gunter Schubert (eds.), Taiwanese Identity from Domestic, Regional and Global Perspectives (Chinese History and Society/Berliner China-Hefte 32/2007), LIT: Münster 2007, pp. 123-139.
- 2006
- ""The World of Pornography and Studies in Pornography," Soochow Journalof Sociology 20 (June 2006): 173-206. (In Chinese)
- 2006
- "Sex Work Rights and Sex Industry Regulation," Sexual Politics, ed. by Yau Jing, Hong Kong: Cosmos, 48-59. (In Chinese)
- 2006
- "Embodying Gender: Trans Body/Subject Formations in Taiwan," InterAsia Cultural Studies 7.2 (June 2006): 228-242.
- 2005
- "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Child-Protection NGO's Pastoral Project," Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 59 (Sept. 2005): 1-42. (In Chinese)
- 2005
- "The Woman Under the Burial Quilt—Death of a Trans Warrior," Left Curve 29 (2005): 127-128.
- 2005
- "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of 'Women's' NGOs in Taiwan," Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights, Edited by Kamala Kempadoo, Jyoti Sanghera, and Bandana Pattanaik. Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2005. 83-105. (In English) Second Edition, 2012.
- 2005
- "The Birth of A Crime: Reflections on the Zoophilia Hyperlink Incident", Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 57 (March 2005): 275-287. (In Chinese)
- 2005
- "In Defense of Academic Research and Internet Freedom of Expression," InterAsia Cultural Studies 6.1 (March 2005): 147-150. (In English)
- 2004
- "Trans-Sexuality: Bisexual Formations and the Limits of Categories." First read at The Fifth International Super-Slim Conference on the Politics of Gender/Sexuality, Chungli, Taiwan. Journal of Gender Studies (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo) 7 (2004): 1-14. (In English)
- 2003
- "Sex/Gender Oppression: Transgender Subjects in Taiwan." Transgender, ed. by Josephine Ho. Chungli, Taiwan: Center for the Study of Sexualities, Taiwan. 73-122. (In Chinese)
- 2003
- "From Spice Girls to Enjo Kosai: Formations of Teenage Girls' Sexualities in Taiwan." InterAsia Journal of Cultural Studies 4.2 (Aug. 2003): 325-336. (In English)
- 2002
- "Gender/Sexuality Oppression: Transgendered Subjects in Taiwan." First read at The Fourth National Convention of Cultural Studies, Tung-hai University, Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 14-15. Published in Transgender, ed. by Josephine Ho, Taiwan: National Central University, 2003: 73-122. (In Chinese)
- 2002
- "The Embodiment of Identity: Forging the Transgendered Body." Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 46: 1-44. Published also in Transgender, ed. by Josephine Ho, Taiwan: National Central University, 2003: 1-48 ; and in M. K. Lee & H. B. Ku. (eds), Social Exclusion and Marginality in Chinese Societies, Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 209-244. (In Chinese)
- 2001
- "Sex, Power and The Newly Emerged Erotic Dance Pubs: A Field Observation. " Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 44 (Dec. 2001): 167-199. (In Chinese)
- 2001
- "Self-Empowerment and Professional Performativity: Conversations with Taiwanese Sex Workers." Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 41 (March 2001): 1-52。 (Complete version, in Chinese)
- 2000
- "Self-Empowerment and 'Professionalization': Conversations with Taiwanese Sex Workers." InterAsia Cultural Studies 2 (Aug. 2000): 283-299. (In English)
- 2000
- "Toward a Sexuality Education in the Perspective of Multiculturalism: Education is Sex Education, Sex Education is Education." (Co-Author with Yin-Bin Ning) From Queer Space to Education Space. Ed. by Josephine Ho. Taipei: Rye Fields. 373-398. (in Chinese)
- 2000
- "'Feminist' Perspectives on Sexology." Sexuality in the New Millennium: Proceedings of The 14th World Congress on Sexology. Bologna, Italy: Editrice Compositori. 31-34. (In English)
- 1998
- "The Prejudice in Gender/Sexuality Education: The Power Dynamics of Sex Education," Quarterly of Gender Equality Education 3: 68-73。 (in Chinese)
- 1998
- "From Left to Queer: The Queering of the American Homosexual Movement." Working Paper in Gender/Sexuality Studies 3-4: 260-299. (in Chinese)
- 1998
- "The Good, the Bad, and the Perverted Sisters: Recent Debates in Taiwanese Feminist Discourse." Problematizing Asia: An InterAsia Cultural Studies Conference. Taipei. (In English)
- 1998
- "A Feminist View of Sex Work." Working Paper in Gender/Sexuality Studies 1-2 (Jan. 1998): 200-239. (in Chinese)
- 1997
- "Towards A Multi-Cultural Perspective in Sexuality Education: Education as Sexuality Education, and Sexuality Education as Education." Co-author with Yin-Bin Ning. From Queer Space to Education Space. Ed. By Josephine Ho. Taipei: Rye Field. 373-398. (in Chinese)
- 1997
- "Sexual Revolution--A Marxist Perspective on One-Hundred Years of American History of Sexualities." Visionary Essays in Sexuality/Gender Studies: Proceedings of the First International Conference On Sexuality Education, Sexology, Trans/Gender Studies and LesBiGay Studies. Ed. By Josephine Ho. Taipei: Meta Media Publishers. 33-99. (in Chinese)
- 1997
- "Sexuality in Contemporary China." 1997: Building a Global Civil Society. Eds. by Lida Nedilsky and Bruce van Voorhis. Hong Kong: July 1 Link, 1997. 94-103. (In English)
- 1996
- "Pornography and Female Sexual Agency." Chung-Wai Literary Monthly 25.4: 6-37. (in Chinese)
- 1995
- "Crisis Discourse and the Study of Literature." Journal of Humanities East/West 13: 107-126. (In English)
- 1995
- "It's Difficult for Women to Achieve Sexual Pleasure: The Need for Sexual Emancipation." Taiwan Studies: A Journal of Translations 1.4 (winter 1995-6): 73-86. (English Translation of Chapter 5 from own book The Gallant Woman: Feminism and Sexual Emancipation)
- 1994
- "The McDonaldization of Taiwan--The Cultural Logic of Multi-National Service Industry Capital." Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly of Social Studies 16: 1-20. Collected in Identity and Public Culture, ed. by Chen Qing-Qiau, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1997. 141-160. (in Chinese)
- 1994
- "Feminism and Women's Novels." Taiwan Literary Monthly 5: 7-11. (in Chinese)
- 1994
- "Hope In Place of Knowledge--Rorty's Lectures in Taipei." Contemporary Monthly 94: 22-31. (in Chinese)
- 1993
- "The Locus of Truth/Ideology in the German Debate: A New-Pragmatic Reappraisal of Lukacs, Benjamin, Brecht, and Adorno." Journal of Humanities East/West 11: 125-146. (In English)
- 1993
- "Conversations with Deconstruction--Rorty's Pragmatic Strategy." Chung-Wai Literary Monthly 22.7: 29-44. (in Chinese)
- 1992
- "Richard Rorty and the Literary Culture." Journal of Humanities East-West: 10: 149-164. (In English)
- 1991
- "Another Look at the Spread of English." Journal of Humanities East/West 9: 237-250. (In English)
- 1991
- "Orality and Writing--A Theoretical Reconsideration." Chung-Wai Literary Monthly 19.2: 73-91. (in Chinese)
- 1991
- "A Pluralistic and Open Literature Classroom: Stanley Fish's Pragmatic Pedagogy." Meta-Thinking on Literature. Ed. by Lu Cheng-Huei. Taipei: Zheng Zhong Publishers. 182-204. (in Chinese)
- 1990
- "Subjectivity and Belief: Walter Benn Michaels' Re-Circulation of Classical Pragmatism in the Field of Literary Studies." Journal of Humanities East/West 8: 177-186. (In English)
- 1990
- "From Reader Response to Anti-Theory: Stanley Fish's New Pragmatism." Chung-Wai Literary Monthly 18.12: 86-109. (in Chinese)
- 1989
- "The Quest(ion) of Origin: Freud's Conception of Effectivity." Journal of Humanities East/West 7: 121-30. (In English)
- 1988
- "Talking about Politics is Talking about God--Harvey Cox and Secular Theology." Contemporary Monthly 31: 43-50. (in Chinese)
- 1987
- "The Rise and Fall of Comparative Literature." China Times Literary Supplement, Sept. 15-17. (in Chinese)
- 1987
- "A Criticism of the Criticism Aimed at New Criticism--A Historicist Perspective." Hai-Xia Monthly 5: 78-88. (in Chinese)
- 1987
- "The Dead-End Alley of Feminist Literary Criticism." China Times Literary Supplement Mar. 24-25. (in Chinese)