Home > Curriculum Vitae > Publications > Book Reviews
|Book Reviews
- 2007 Invited Review of Geetanjali Misra and Radhika Chandiramani, eds., Sexuality, Gender and Rights: Exploring Theory and Practice in South and Southeast Asia, New Delhi: Sage, 2005, in Sexualities 10.3 (July 2007): 389-391.
Home > Curriculum Vitae > Publications > Invited Lectures
|Invited Lectures
- 2019/11/20
- “Prosperity and its Aesthetic of Vulgarity,” Keynote Speech, 9th ELIA Leadership Symposium, Mapping the Common Ground: Collaborations Across Cultures, Hangzhou, China
- 2019/09/20
- “Gender as Governance: Sexual Politics in the Age of Globalization,” Keynote Speaker, Humanities Research Center Fall Conference 2019: The Future of the Humanities: The Gender/Sex Turn, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, Shanghai
- 2019/08/30
- “Is the need for sex education a false need?” 7th International Conference on Chinese Sexuality Studies, Chinese Renming University, Harbin
- 2019/08/26
- “Gender/Sexuality Education’s Guerrila Warfare,” 9th Training Course on Theory and Method in Sexuality Research, Chinese Renming University, Harbin
- 2019/05/22-30
- “The winding road of cultural studies” lecture series, Dept. of Cultural Studies, Shanghai University
- 2018/06/26
- “From Gender Equality to Gender Governance.” Graduate Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing University, Beijing, China (In Chinese)
- 2017/07/03
- “Re-thinking Sex.” Keynote Speech. Sixth International Conference on Chinese Sex Research, Institute of Sexuality and Gender, Chinese Renmin University, Harbin, China (In Chinese)
- 2016/08/27
- “Breaking the Dead Lock between Women’s Rights and Sex Rights and between Structure and Individual.” Keynote Speech. Forum on Gender/Sexuality Activism in Taiwan, Institute of Sexuality and Gender, Chinese Renmin University, Harbin, China (In Chinese)
- 2015/07/04-06
- “Twenty Years of Gender/Sexuality Studies: Reflections on Theory and Activism,” Keynote Speaker, Chinese Renmin University, Beijing (In Chinese)
- 2015/07/02
- “The Handicaps of Contemporary Sexuality Studies,” 7th Summer School on Sex Research and Methodology, Chinese Renmin University, Beijing (In Chinese)
- 2014/12/04-06
- “Sex and Women in the Metropolis: A Communitarian View,” Keynote Speaker, Conference on “Precariously Yours: Gender, Class, and Urbanity in Contemporary Shanghai,” Open University (UK) and Heidelberg University (Germany), Shanghai, China
- 2014/12/12-14
- “Teaching Cultural Studies: Progressivism and its Problems,” Keynote Speaker, Second Teaching Camp, organized jointly by Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society (IACSS), Lingnan University, and HKSAR, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- 2014/10/17-18
- “Gender Governance through Law: Populist Moralism in Aspiring Democracies/Economies,” Conference on “Left” in the Dark?: Postcolonial Conversations on Law, Neoliberalism and Queer-Feminist Futures, Keynote Speaker, Jindal Global Law School, Jindal Global University, Delhi, India
- 2013/08/29
- "The Turn to Health?: The Taming of Sex Research," Fifth Summit of Sexology, World Association of Chinese Sexologists, Hong Kong
- 2013/06/20
- "The New Civil Affects: Lesson for Contemporary Gender/Sexuality Politics," Keynote, Fourth International Conference on Chinese Sex Research, Institute of Sexuality and Gender, Renmin University, Beijing, China
- 2013/06/19
- "Conducting Research in Gender/Sexuality," Institute of Sexuality and Gender, Renmin University, Beijing, China
- 2013/06/14
- "Contemporary Intimacies and Their Tensions," Humanities Chair Lecture, Fifth Cross-Strait Professional Forum—Mental Health Division, Fuchow, China
- 2012/12/28
- "The Perils of Multiculturalism," Keynote Speaker, Sexual/Gender Diversity: Challenges and Hopes, Graduate Institute for Gender Studies, Shih-shin University, Taiwan
- 2012/07/18
- "Self-Dignified Citizen and the Making of Taiwanese Democracy," Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, virtually broadcast to Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Tübingen, Germany
- 2012/07/17
- "The New Politics of Gender Governance in Taiwan," Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, virtually broadcast to Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Tübingen, Germany
- 2012/07/13
- "Shanzhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization," Arbeitsbereich Chinesische Sprache und Kultur / Sinologie, Mainz University, Germersheim, Germany
- 2012/07/12
- "Politics of Gender/Sexuality in Taiwan: An Introduction," Arbeitsbereich Chinesische Sprache und Kultur / Sinologie, Mainz University, Germersheim, Germany
- 2012/07/11
- "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: The Changing Role of Women's NGOs in Taiwan," Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, virtually broadcast to Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Tübingen, Germany
- 2012/07/09
- "The New Politics of Gender Governance in Taiwan," School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, England
- 2012/07/09
- "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: The Changing Role of Women's NGOs in Taiwan," School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, England
- 2012/06/20
- "Civility and Its Delicate Emotions: Sexual Deployment in Newly Emergent Democracies," Dept. of Cultural Studies, Shanghai Univeristy, China (In Chinese)
- 2012/05/22
- "Creating a Research Collective: The Case of the Sex Center," Dept. of Sociology, Hong Kong University
- 2012/05/21
- "Self-Dignified Citizen and the Making of Taiwanese Democracy," Dept. of Sociology, Hong Kong University
- 2012/02/27
- "The New Politics of Gender Governance," Visiting Lecture Series,Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- 2012/02/20
- "Delicate Emotions: Sexual Governance in New Liberal Democracies," Visiting Lecture Series,Lingnan University, Hong Kong (In Chinese)
- 2012/02/16
- "Domestication of Eros: Politics of Equality in Contemporary Intimate Relationships," Visiting Lecture Series,Lingnan University, Hong Kong (In Chinese)
- 2012/02/09
- "The Demise of Playing: The Civilizing Process and Social Discipline," Visiting Lecture Series, Lingnan University, Hong Kong (In Chinese)
- 2011/12/09
- "The Domestication of Eros: A Chapter in Politics of Gender," Renmin University of China, Beijing, China (In Chinese)
- 2011/06/16
- "Feminism and Sexuality Studies," Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, (In Chinese)
- 2011/05/21
- "Contemporary Economy of Beauties in Taiwan," Hexiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (In Chinese)
- 2011/03/16
- "Shan-Zhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization." Plenary Speaker, European Consumer Trend Conference, Zurich, Switzerland
- 2011/03/04
- "S/Z Gender/Sexuality: New Horizons Beyond Identity Politics," Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- 2011/02/28
- "Shan-Zhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization." Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
- 2011/01/07-08
- "ShanZhai China," Plenary Speaker, Association for Cultural Studies, Taiwan 2011 Conference, Aletheia University, Danshui, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2010/12/18
- "Sensibility and Civiliation: Globalization and Its Gender Politics," response to Homi Bhabha, From the West Heavens to the Middle Kingdom: An Exchange Between China and India in Contemporary Art and Thoughts, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, (In Chinese)
- 2010/09/25-26
- "Theory and Practice: A Re-evaluation," Plenary Speaker, Taiwan Social Studies 20th Anniversay Conference, Shih-Shin University, Taipei, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2010/06/22-26
- "Censorship and Sensibility," Keynote Speaker, International Communication Association (ICA) 2010 conference, Singapore
- 2010/06/17-21
- "ShanZhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization." Plenary Speaker, Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) Crossroads 2010 conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- 2009/08/14-17
- "SZ Gender/Sexuality: The Unavoidable Horizon of Contemporary Studies of Sexuality," Plenary Speaker, The First International Conference in Chinese Sexuality, Shu-De University, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2009/04/15-18
- Invited plenary discussant, "Sex Scandal and the Mundane: Response to Lenore Manderson," 7th International IASSCS Conference: Contested Innocence: Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space (organized by the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society IASSCS), Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2008/07/10
- "Is Global Governance Bad for East Asian Queers?" Program in Global Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo
- 2007/11/29-30
- "Sexual Justice Amidst Global Economic Struggle," Keynote Address, New Feminist Solutions, Barnard Center for Research on Women, Columbia University, New York, USA
- 2007/06/03
- "Bidding for Vulnerability: Asian Modernity and the Emerging Gender Stance," Keynote Address, The Second Gendering Asia Conference, Iceland
- 2007/05/29
- "Sex Revolution and Sex Rights Movement in Taiwan," Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2007/05/25
- "Constructing the Transgender," Keynote Address, Nederlands Transgender Filmfestival (NTGF), De Balie, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2007/05/24
- "Queer Existence under Global Governance: Or, Is Global Governance Bad for Asian Queers," Mosse Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2006/01/07-08
- "People in Trouble: Depression and the Dark Side of Modernity," Keynote Address, Seventh Annual Convention of Cultural Studies Association, Taiwan, National Central University, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2005/07/07-09
- "Is Global Governance Bad for Asian Queers?" Keynote Address, "Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia: An International Conference of Asian Queer Studies," Bangkok, Thailand
- 2005/04/29-30
- "Queer Existence Under Global Governance: A Taiwan Exemplar," Keynote Address, "Beyond the Strai(gh)ts: Transnationalism and Queer Chinese Politics" Conference, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
- 2004/08/23
- "Terror-Filled Sexuality Education," Keynote Address, Conference on Gender Equity Education, Ministry of Education, Shu-De University, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2003/02/20-21
- "Cyber Sex: Sexuality, Youth and Cyber Space," Keynote Address, Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp, Taipei Grand Hyatt