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Publications|Conference Papers
- 2019/10/19
- “Aesthetics of Vulgarity in the Age of Prosperity,” Cross-Strait Humanities Forum, Xiamen, China
- 2018/09/08
- “From gender equality to gender governance,” Cross Strait Conference on Recognizing Tradition, Xiamen
- 2017/06/28
- “Rethinking Empowerment.” 8th Summer School on Sex Research and Methodology, Chinese Renmin University, Harbin (In Chinese)
- 2016/04/01
- “Civility, Globalization, Juridification: New Civic Affects and Gender Governance. China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
- 2016/03/29
- “The Rationalization of Affect: The Politics of Equality in Contemporary Intimate Relations. East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
- 2015/05/16-17
- “Gender and the Governance over Affect: A View from the Civilizing Process,” Conference on Gender/Sexuality Studies in Taiwan: The First Twenty Years, Chungli, Natioanl Central University (In Chinese)
- 2015/03/18
- “Gender and Diversity in Taiwan: A View Outside the Legal and Policy Framework,” 2014-2015 US Fulbright Grantees Research Workshop, Innovation Incubation Center, Taipei, National Chengchi University
- 2014/07/29-30
- “At the Price of Sexuality: The Age of Gender Trauma and Vulnerability,” 6th Conference of World Association of Chinese Sexologists, Hangzhou, China (In Chinese)
- 2013/10/06
- “Beware of Civil Society,” 8th Super-Slim Conference on Gender/Sexuality Politics, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan (In Chinese)
- 2013/09/08
- “Creative Economy in the Rise of Asia,” Second International Culture Industry Summit,” Lanzhou, Gansu, China
- 2013/06/19
- “Researching Gender/Sexuality,” 6th Summer School on Sex Research and Methodology, People’s University of China, Beijing (In Chinese)
- 2013/03/23
- "Gender/Age Governance and the Formation of Affective Citizens," NSC Special Research Projects Conference, Cheng-chi University, Taiwan
- 2012/10/06-07
- "Gender Governance and Civil Norms," New Moralism: Moral Convervatism and Moral Progressism Conference, The Fourth Cross-Strait Conference on Gender/Sexuality Deployment, Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan (In Chinese)
- 2012/03/24-25
- "Gender/Sexuality Matters: Governance in New Liberal Democracies," International Symposium on the Future of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Natioan Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- 2011/12/10
- "Editing Chinese Sex Rights Research," Sex and Gender Events Conference, 2011, Beijing Forestry University (In Chinese)
- 2011/11/11-13
- "Anti-Education Teenage Sexuality Education," Roundtable Conference on Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education, HangZhou, China(In Chinese)
- 2011/09/24-25
- "The Age Turn in Taiwanese Gender Politics," The Third Cross-Strait Conference on Gender/Sexuality Deployment, Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2011/06/25
- "Underage Subjects in Taiwanese Law," Conference on Children's Law in Greater China, Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, (In Chinese)
- 2011/06/21-23
- "Civility and Its Delicacies: Emerging Structure of Feelings and the Codification of Sex," 4th Confernece on Chinese Sexuality, Renming Univeristy of China, Beijing, China, (In Chinese)
- 2011/04/15
- "The Age Turn: Populist Strategies in Contemporary Gender Politics," Gender/Sexual Conference: Gender/Sexuality Politics in Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, (In Chinese)
- 2009/12/5-6
- "ShanZhai Gender/Sexuality: Modular Design and the Production of Contemporary Gender/Sexuality," The First Cross-Strait Conference on Gender/Sexuality Deployment, Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2009/01/03-04
- "Fashion and Fright: The Narrativization of Contemporary Tattoo in Taiwan," Eighth Annual Convention of Cultural Studies Association, Taiwan, National Normal University, Taipei, (In Chinese)
- 2008/01/20-22
- "The Historical Interplay between Sex Revolution, Sex Rights Movement, and the Development of Sexology in Taiwan," World Association of Chinese Sexologists (WACS) Conference and First Summit, Shen-Zheng, China, (In Chinese)
- 2007/12/14-15
- "Sex Revolution and Sex Rights Movement in Taiwan," A Roundtable: Chinese Gender/Sexuality in 21st Century, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
- 2006/05/26-28
- "Life of a Parasite: A Survival Story of Cultural Studies," International Conference on Cultural Studies and Institution, Ling-Nan University, Hong Kong
- 2005/07/22-24
- "Embodying Gender: Transgenderism in Taiwan," InterAsia Cultural Studies Conference, Seoul, Korea
- 2004/11/12-13
- "Groping for Language & Getting to Know Lives: Interviewing Stigmatized Subjects," Doing Oral History in Chinese Society, University of Hong Kong, (In Chinese)
- 2004/08/23
- "Sex and Power," 2nd Asian Congress of Sexuality Education, Shu-De University, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2004/07/07-11
- "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of 'Women's NGOs in Taiwan," 36th International Institute of Sociology, Beijing, (In Chinese)
- 2004/05/22
- "Gender/Sexuality Oppression and the Gay Culture," Conference on Gay Counseling, Soochow University, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2004/05/21
- "Sex Work Rights and Regulation of Sex Industry," Conference on the Sex Industry and Ethics, Tamkang University, Taiwan, (In Chinese)
- 2004/05/02
- "The Long Road toward Decriminalization of Sex Work in Taiwan," Out in the Sun: Legal Constraints and Possibilities in Protecting the Rights of Sex Workers, An International Conference on the Sex Industry and Sex Workers' Rights, City University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Ziteng, Hong Kong, (In Chinese)
- 2004/04/23-24
- "Gender Embodiment: Transgender Body-Subject Formation in Taiwan," Problematizing Global Knowledge: Towards a New Encyclopedia for a Global Knowledge Archive, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- 2003/07/04
- "The Em[bodi]ment of Identity: Constructing the Transgender," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2003/06/27
- "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2003/06/18
- "From Spice Girls to Enjo-Kosai: Formation of Teenage Girls' Sexuality in East Asia," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2003/06/04
- "Self-Empowerment and Professional Performativity in Sex Work," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2003/05/28
- "Pornography and Female Sexual Agency," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2001/11/02
- "From Spice Girls to Enjo Kosai: Formations of Teenage Girls' Sexualities in Taiwan." International Conference on Teenage Girls' Sexualities and Sex Work in East Asia, Yonsei University, Korea.
- 2000/08/26
- "Sex Liberation and Its Impact on Feminism of Taiwan." Workshop on Feminism, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, (In Chinese)
- 1999/08/24
- "Feminist Perspectives on Sexology." The Fourteenth World Congress of Sexology, Hong Kong
- 1998/11/09
- "Sexuality and the Commercialization of Sex." Woman Doing Theology Workshop, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea
- 1998/07/16
- "The Good, the Bad, and the Perverted Sisters: Recent Debates in Taiwanese Feminist Discourse." Problematizing Asia: An Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Tsing Hua University, Taipei
- 1997/07/10
- "The 'West' in Asian Context: The Case of Sexuality," Facing Asia Conference, Tsing-Hua University, Taipei
- 1997/06/06
- "Sexuality in Contemporary China," International Conference on "1997: Building a Global Civil Society," Hong Kong, (In Chinese)
- 1996/05/18
- "Shifting Boundaries of Gender Co(llege)- Existence." International Conference on Envisioning College Coeducation for the 21st Century, Yeonsei University, Seoul, Korea