電算中心 Computer Center

The three locations where NCU students spend most of their time include: the dormitory where they sleep, the cafeterias where they gather three times a day for their meals, and last but definitely no the least, the computer center where they get in touch with the world. In fact, for some students, this is the spot where they spend the most of their time, where they would even do their sleeping and eating.

The NCU computer center was set up in 1975, a time when the word “computer” is still a novel term. But the school had the vision to devote a lot of funding into installing computers for academic purposes, and at that time students use the computers mostly for writing research papers. As old type computers were replaced by new ones and as the world wide web blooms, we can see, from the laughter in that corner / and from their undivided attention to their computer screens, that the computer means much more that what it used to be.

Right now, the computer center is a multi-function space. It is an Information library where people can gather lots of information simply by typing in the right key words. It is a recreation center where you can play all kinds of on-line games if the supervisor is not watching. It is also a social center where students get in touch with the world through the internet. The economical factor has been taken into concern by the center. You can print out entire on-line databases, free of charge. Some students have printed out bundles of books which can’t be found in the actual library. In the global village of the internet, people makes friends with the whole world in on-line chat rooms, the lover’s hot dating-spot. For many who fell in love on the net, their first real date takes place at the place that connected them together, the computer center.

As popular and convenient as the computer center is today, it still cannot compete with the newly-established internet cafés off campus. For the center operates only between 7 in the morning and 11 at night, while the internet cafes are open 24 hours. For those who would like to have access to information any time of the day, every second counts. Whether it was the September 21 earthquake in Taiwan or the September 11 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, people want to keep in touch with the most up-to-date information. That’s why many students are urging the school to consider keeping the computer center open for 24 hours too.