College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The building standing in front of us is a house of tension--because this is where a long history of divisions took place. In the 1980s, on the foundation of the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Institute of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering was founded. But in 1992, a separate department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Department was founded. This created a tension between the two departments. In 1997, a new college, the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, was established which included the two rivaling departments. Now any kind of squabble would have to be worked out at the college council. The tension can be seen in another interesting way. As we see in front us, the entrance to the department of Electrical Engineering is quite impressive while the entrance to the department of computer science looks “a little bit” like the back door of some building. In fact, the difference is so obvious that even the stray dogs choose to visit the main hall of the department of Electrical Engineering because there are sofas there for the dogs to rest on. Personally, I think the two departments should try to live in peace: after all, they both belong to the world of information technology, they are good at the same computer language and the coding of binary digit field. They should be able to communicate with each other better. As to the building itself, there are a few interesting points that I would like to point out. First, there is a peephole the main hall in the Electronic Engineering part, from which you can look upon every move in the hall without being seen. I have often wondered why it was put there. Was it to spy on us students? I don’t know. Secondly, and this is quite unique too: there are shower rooms in the restrooms of this building. That means, when you feel tired from studying, you don’t need to go back to your dorm and get fully rested. You can take a shower here and then go back to work. This demonstrates our university’s consideration for its students. Thirdly, this building is equipped with the most advanced technologies. For example, there is an advanced dust-free Laboratory (無塵室) on the fourth floor. All graduate students who enter this room must wear Cleanroom Apparel in order to nurse their semiconductor. There is also a classroom equipped for distance learning in the department of Computer Science. As we need to move on to other parts of the campus, I want to thank you for coming into our information technology world. |