中大的綠樹 Trees in NCU
Ladies and gentlemen, as you have been walking across the campus of National Central University, you must have been impressed by the greenish scenery of this beautiful campus. My name is Anita and I am going to introduce to you the trees on this campus. You may have noticed that most of the tall trees are pine trees, which are appropriately chosen to represent the spirit of the university, integrity and modesty. Let me explain. Pines are a genus of evergreen trees of the pine family, with hard, woody cones and bundles of two to five needle-shaped leaves and nearly all of the pine trees on this campus have five needle-shaped leaves. Pine trees can withstand extreme coldness and stay green all year round. Also, the trunks are always straight, standing tall against the extreme strong winds on this little hill. I think the founders of this university must have thought that planting pine trees all over campus would encourage students to emulate the integrity and modesty of such trees. On the other hand, planting such an enormous amount of tall trees on our campus also allow this school to maintain the image of a well established academic institution. When the university was relocated in Chungli in 1968, the north-south freeway that you see in the distance was being constructed. As the land was cleared for the freeway, many grown trees were to be toppled. But the university pleaded with the county government and got these trees transplanted here on this campus. We not only saved the trees, but also created a lovely environment for ourselves. What better deals can there be! As the university campus and its trees provided relaxation for its students and faculty after a hard day’s work, the residents of Chungli city also treat our campus as their public park and playground. On weekends, hundreds of families flock to our campus to take walks, fly their model planes, or to play ball on the huge lawns. And early every morning, many elderly people come to our school to put their bodies next to the bark of the trees. It is believed that the essence of these trees can help cure their sores and pains. If not, at least breathing in the fresh scent of the leaves and trees enhances their life force. As you see, pine trees and other trees play a very large part in the community life of the elderly, providing them with a place to rest and exercise. This is what we believe: if our university has cared for the intellectual needs of the community, we would also want to care for their physical needs too. |