草莓世代 The Strawberry Generation


The term “The Strawberry Generation” refers to our generation of young people who, under their beautiful, brilliant appearances, are described as quite fragile and intolerable of life’s hardships. Having never gone through economic turbulences or the destruction of war, we are said to make complaints rather than actively find out solutions to our problems. Admittedly, compared with our parents’ generation, we grew up in an affluent society and some of the descriptions seem to fit us, yet this kind of brittle characteristics can not be all blamed on us. After all, we never chose to become this kind of person, and our social environment should be partly responsible for making us what we are today.>

We seemed to be unable to deal with stress because we, unlike our parents, are faced with an innumerable supply of information and data. We hesitate at every intersection because we need to think which way to go, and there is no one who can guide us unto a right path or tell us what to do next. The adults seem to be just as lost and inept in the age of the media and the internet. The only thing we can do is to struggle continuously in order to develop our competitiveness. Under such circumstances, frustration and depression are becoming inevitable parts of our lives. In other words, it’s not that we are too fragile to stand stress; it’s because the pressure is more acute on us than on our parents.

Yet faced with such difficulties, we still managed to develop some unique strengths in our generation. Due to our wealthy living environment, coupled with the influence of ample information, our observation, sensitivity, creativity are greatly enhanced. We are more than willing to receive new knowledge and challenge old ideas in order to demonstrate our aggressiveness and progressiveness. According to one survey, more than half of us display a high zeal for work and take solid steps to improve our competitiveness in our work place. We simply do not surrender easily to pressure. And our experiences on the internet have taught us how to manage our relationships with others rationally. In light of this, the strawberry generation is really not that undesirable. We are still full of energy and can take some responsibilities in this world.