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Response to "The Lottery"

The Cruelty That People Take Lightly In Life


         Many people in Taiwan believe that eating dog meat or bear palms could bring benefits to their health.  Due to this wrong idea, dogs are killed for their meat and bears are 「murdered」 for their palms.  People kill animals without any mercy at all!  Cruelties like this happen in our daily life all the time, but no one is taking any actions against these cruelties because people often take these kinds of cruelties lightly.

Reading from the lines of Shirley Jackson』s 「The Lottery」, we can see that it showed a cruelty in life that people take lightly.  The story is set in a small village with a weird tradition: to pick out someone and stone the person to death in order to have a good harvest.  The villagers in the story stoned one of the villagers among them to death and family members also participated in that ceremony; ironically, the villagers even seemed to be jovial during the ridiculous ritual.  To them, the ritual was a common and normal thing that even children were allowed to attend.  They didn』t think it was a cruelty.  This is also what we modern people are like nowadays---we often take many cruelties in real-life lightly.

When I was in senior high school, I had many friends and classmates around me who had already had quite a few abortions simply because they consider making preparation before having sex a bothersome thing.  Therefore, they』d rather have abortions and destroy lives than making preparations in advance.  This shows that teens and the younger generations have begun to see these operations as ordinary things in life.  They don』t think there』s anything unusual about them.

When people begin to take life lightly, as demonstrated by my friends in high school and the villagers in 「The Lottery,」 this is a very serious problem.  We should try to make people understand the importance of every individual person and make them realize that life itself is a precious thing which shouldn』t be ignored in any way by anyone.

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