God works in
mysterious ways. People long for fame and most of them work hard
throughout their lives to become famous. Ironically, reputation always
comes only when one is dead.
Take Vincent Van Gogh
as an example. He is thought to be the most important Dutch painter,
but his whole life can be only described as 「a failure.」 When he was
still alive, almost all his works were neglected by the crowd. In 1888
after a quarrel with Gauguin, Gogh cut down his left ear and his
psychological state became worse. He never stopped suffering from
psychosis afterwards. It lasted until 1889 when Gogh shot himself in
the chest and ended his miserable life.
Today, people all over
the world admire the style of Gogh』s works and respect him as a great
painter. But this fame only came after his death. God』 work is really
a mystery. Many artists created works that were ahead of their times
and thus were not appreciated by their contemporaries. Their works may
enjoy a higher price later, but they themselves would never live to
enjoy it. Such is the irony of fame.