
Getting a cold and sneezing all day long?  Wait a minute!  Do not go the hospital and see the doctor immediately.  Swallowing several kinds of pills won』t make you recover; it will only make your health get worse.  Suddenly discovering a tumor in your body?  Wait a minute!  Do not take a quick operation in order to get rid of the shadow of cancers.  To tell the truth, nowadays all the measures of treating diseases are being questioned by many doctors since these measures are not necessarily good for the human body but could make us become more and more ill.  In fact, many doctors are now saying that we need to change our lifestyles in order to get rid of the symptoms.

For decades, human beings have always tried to work out ways to fight against terrible and troublesome diseases.  From the plague, cancers, to AIDS, more and more kinds of diseases have come to the fore to attack our treasured rights of living well.  Therefore, great scientists and doctors always endeavor to find solutions and they invented a lot of medicines as treatment.  In the twenty-first century, we have Prosaic for depression, Antibiotics for the common cold, new surgeries for removing terrible cancers.  Still, the number of patients in today』s society didn』t decrease though there are so many effective ways to cure them or to treat them.  This prompts us to ask a key question: Why are human bodies so weak that they seem to be so vulnerable to various diseases?

If we examine the whole medical system, we will find that the policy and concept of curing patients in the west has always been to 「suppress」 the symptoms so that they do not surface or get worse.  Western doctors tell us to take medicines that remove or keep down the symptoms; they believe that takes care of the sickness.  However, running nose, coughing, and even a tumor is a serious warning to your body.  They are the messengers sent from our valuable bodies.  They are only a reminder that we have been treating our bodies in the wrong way.  That means, the best way to solve your health problem is to reconsider your life and the way you treat your body.  It is not wise to use medicines to repress the symptoms, just as it is not wise to pretend not to hear the fire alarm when the fire is already burning.  The best way to deal with your sickness is to take care of your body, listen to what it wants to talk to you, and figure out 『『why』』 it is suffering.  Then, change your lifestyle accordingly, instead of taking medicines that are no doubt an unnatural way and an incorrect way to treat diseases.

This new concept of healing is not yet popular in today』s society since the whole society still accepts the older concept of the western medical system.  But we do need to think about this new idea because it is logical and reasonable.  If you change your lifestyle instead of going to the doctor, you just might get healthier, instead of getting more pills! 

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