課程綱要 Syllabus

Jo (Office: A210; Office Hours: Wed. 1-4)

This is a writing course for freshmen who may not be quite familiar with the art of writing cogent and coherent pieces.  We will finish one piece of writing every three weeks during which different techniques of writing will be discussed.  Reading assignments are provided to stimulate your thinking.  Written drafts are due in my email box no later than Sunday night at midnight.  We will always discuss the work you have done in class.

Date Content Homework
2-26 practice writing: 「God works in mysterious ways」  
3-5 How many different directions can you go?—討論思路發揮 rewrite the draft
3-12 demonstrate 「development」 with corrected pieces paper due 3-17; read 「Solace in the dark」
3-19 discuss: dramatic changes in social values and practices ideas on social change
3-26 demonstrate 「making a case」—討論說理層次 rewrite draft and read 「Tales from the Mango Tree」
4-9 no class paper due 4-14
4-16 discuss corrected essays; read 「Tales from the Mango Tree」 aloud construct a mysterious object as topic
4-23 telling about the object orally; practice 「effect」—討論寫作效果 write first draft on 「Tales from ……」
4-30 discuss editing示範修改草稿 paper due 5-5; read 「Been Down So Long」
5-7 discuss corrected essays; discuss reading research 「Dealing with Depression」
5-14 discuss organization and editing-做研究 write first draft
5-21 discuss draft paper due 5-26; work on final project
5-28 discuss possible topics of your own choice write first draft
6-4 discuss draft write final draft
6-11   final paper due