Freshman Oral Training--2005 Fall

Josephine Ho (a-105 Tu. 2-5)

The Rise of Contagious Disease

The rise of contagious disease in humans

In prehistoric times, epidemics of infectious diseases in humans were almost certainly rare for a number of reasons.  Humans lived in hunter-gatherer communities, and this life style required large areas of land to collect food from.  Each small group of people lived an isolated existence away from other populations, preventing the spread of disease.  There were no domesticated animals kept in close proximity to humans, and thus, they could not serve as reservoirs of pathogens or intermediaries of disease transmission.

The domestication of animals and the cultivation of plants by early humans brought about a shift from a hunter-gatherer, nomadic existence to an agricultural society that could now stay in one place.  This brought about several changes that facilitated the spread of infectious diseases.  Agriculture demanded that humans now live in larger groups to help in the planting, care and harvesting of crops.  Keeping animals meant living near them and farmers would often sleep under the same roof as their animals, so transmission of infectious agents between humans and animals was now possible.  Although the availability of food was higher than in the past, malnutrition was still a problem because of poorer, mostly carbohydrate, diets.  (In contrast, the diet of the hunter-gatherer was healthier, including more meat.)  This led to weaker immune systems.  The abundance of food also allowed segments of the population to pursue occupations outside the realm of agriculture.  Many of these pursuits involved interaction with others, fostering the growth of large cities and intercity commerce.  High densities of people encouraged the rapid spread of disease, and this was exacerbated by poor public hygiene.  Since the development of agriculture, infectious disease has increasingly plagued humans.

As diseases became more common, various efforts were made to attempt to treat these maladies. Traditional societies developed a variety of herbal and animal medicines and often a medical caste to administer them.  There is a prejudice among many people now that these treatments must have some utility or the traditional societies would not have continued them.  Doubtless, some of these had some efficacy, but others certainly did not.  Why might non-efficacious remedies persist?  A primary reason is that the largely uneducated populations had little choice but to use them, as there was essentially no alternative.  Secondly, even the most useless compound did seem to work at least some of the time.  Partly, this is because people simply recover by themselves some of the time, but such recoveries were certainly attributed to the treatment.  Another powerful reason is the placebo effect, in which optimism of a patient about the treatment really does have a helpful effect.  Quite possibly, this is a result of neural effects on the immune system, but the mechanisms are unclear.

In more developed societies, doctors and chemists concocted elixirs and powders of suspicious content and declared them as cures for all sorts of illnesses, though it was absolutely clear that these treatments were harmful to the patient and could not possibly provide a cure.  Even in rather recent times, the application of leeches and blood letting was a popular treatment for almost any complaint.  It was thought the leeches removed bad blood from the patient and cured them.  As odd as it may seem, electrical treatments were also attempted in the early 20th century.  As above, normal patient recovery and the placebo effect yielded some apparently positive results.  Nevertheless, the egregious marketing of patent medicines, with extravagant claims that bordered on the humorous, gradually made the general public skeptical of most medical treatments by the early 20th century.

The true nature of infectious diseases was not understood.  However, it had been obvious to many for some time that being in the presence of someone who had certain illnesses would increase their likelihood of coming down with the illness.  This explains the flight from many of the cities of Europe during the epidemic of bubonic plague in the 14th century.

In the last 100 years however, human society has made amazing progress in the battle against infections diseases.  At the turn of the century, the top killers were pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis and diarrhea.  Infectious disease accounted for more than 33% of all deaths.  In 1998, the leading causes of death were heart disease, cancer and stroke, with infectious disease accounting for less than 4% of all deaths.  As we have come to understand the nature of disease and the pathogens that cause it, we have limited the impact of each illness.

Five major advances have helped to decrease the incidence of infectious disease in humans: quarantine of sick individuals, better sanitation of human waste, pest control, vaccines, and antibiotics.


One of the first methods of attacking infectious disease was the isolation of contagious individuals to prevent them from spreading the disease to others.  The practice of quarantine began during the 14th century in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics.  Ships arriving in Venice from infected ports were required to sit at anchor for 40 days before entering.  The word quarantine is derived from the Latin word quadraginta, meaning forty.

Quarantine can take several forms.  The most common form of quarantine is the isolation of sick individuals to a limited access location.  This prevents them from spreading the illness to others during the course of a disease.  Recent outbreaks caused by Ebola virus in Africa have been rapidly halted by the immediate use of quarantine practices, limiting the number of deaths.  Quarantine can also take the form of restricting the movement of healthy populations during epidemics and isolating healthy individuals exposed to an illness.

Early in history of its use, quarantine was employed by local governments, but as populations became more mobile and widespread epidemics became possible, quarantine activities were assumed by national governments.  A number of yellow fever epidemics prompted the United States Congress to pass Federal Quarantine Legislation in 1878 and many more acts followed to empower the government to help prevent the spread of disease.

At its best, quarantine is only a partially effective means of slowing the spread of disease.  With many diseases, an infected individual will be contagious before showing any outward signs of illness.  Carriers, who are asymptomatic people harboring the infectious agent and capable of spreading it to others, also exist for many infectious diseases.  Having them present in a population will allow continued new cases of the illness.  The previous example of keeping ships at dock for a period of time would sometimes fail, because rats carrying the fleas that spread the plague-causing bacteria would swim ashore.  Despite these problems with quarantine, its practice still helps decrease the number of individuals who come down with a disease.

The advent of effective methods for curing infectious disease has greatly decreased the use of quarantine as a method of disease prevention, but several diseases, including cholera, diphtheria, tuberculosis, plague, yellow fever and viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by Marburg, Ebola and Congo-Crimean viruses are still candidates for quarantine.  The CDC monitors the incidence of these diseases in other parts of the world and pays particular attention to individuals entering this country from endemic areas.

Sanitation is another major deterrent to the spread of disease and has been practiced in various forms for centuries.  Archeological evidence shows the Etruscans of Italy (800-400 B.C.) and the Incas of South America (1100-1500 A.D.) thought clean water and efficient waste disposal were important.  These societies did it because they thought it would please the gods.  The Romans and Greeks realized sanitation was important for healthy living and built latrines and sewer systems to isolate and remove waste from living areas.

The connection between poor sanitation and the spread of disease became clear through the studies of John Snow in London.  An outbreak of cholera in the city of London was devastating the populace.  By carefully plotting the residence of each patient, Snow discovered that there was a significant cluster of cholera patients around the Broad Street water pump.  Removal of the pump handle stopped the epidemic.  Snow correctly concluded that germs in the water were causing cholera and that polluted water was the means of transmitting the disease from person to person.  By the late 19th century, the activism of reformers like Sir Edwin Chadwick resulted in English laws regulating sanitation, which significantly increased life expectancy.

Today, public water supplies in most areas are treated to remove any pathogenic organisms that might be present.  This purification normally takes the form of settling tanks, filtration and chlorine treatments.  Most people would not consider this as a disease treatment, but it really is.  The use of clean potable water and the treatment of waste water before release, prevents the transmission of illness by waterways.  Times of war or natural disaster are often accompanied by outbreaks of water-borne disease because of disruption of water and sewage treatment, which illustrates how important sanitation is to modern society.

Pest control

At the end of the 19th century, it was realized that insect vectors were spreading several diseases.  During the Spanish-American War, the United States Army lost 958 soldiers in battle, but over 5,000 to yellow fever.  It became clear that if the U.S. was to occupy Cuba until a stable government could be formed, they would need to protect the troops from yellow fever.  Major Walter Reed was appointed to head a commission whose charge was to study the cause and transmission of the disease. After much work and even the performance of transmission experiments upon themselves, they showed that the common Cuban mosquito, Aedes aegypti, spread yellow fever.  Further experiments by other scientists later demonstrated that the causative agent was a virus.

The findings of the Reed commission were immediately put into practice. The city of Havana was divided into 20 districts with teams of sanitation officers overseeing each sector.  Mosquito breeding grounds were the major targets.  Stagnant bodies of water were covered with a layer of oil and the people of the city were told to cover any open barrels of water either with screens or oil to prevent the mosquitoes from laying their eggs.  Noncompliance met with a fine of ten dollars, a large sum at that time.  Their efforts were a success with fewer than twenty people dying of yellow fever in 1901, where thousands had died in previous years.


Immunization has allowed the complete eradication of smallpox worldwide and eliminated poliomyelitis from the Western hemisphere.  It has also been the cause of major reductions in the incidence of other infectious diseases in the United States.  Vaccines are one of our most effective weapons against infectious diseases and new vaccines are being continually developed that protect both children and adults from potentially fatal illnesses.  In the 20th century, infant mortality rates in the United States decreased by more than 90%, and much of this decline is attributable to the introduction of routine vaccination of children.  Vaccines were first discovered in the 18th century and have become more important for disease prevention since then.

Vaccines are antigens prepared from pathogens that can raise a protective immune response, yet do not cause illness.  These prepared antigens will stimulate both B cells and T cells and help to create memory cells that can later mount a vigorous immune response to an encounter with the real pathogen.  As scientists have understood more about the pathogens that cause infectious diseases and how our immune systems recognize and destroy them, they have been able to identify the important antigens that our bodies react to.  This has allowed the development of vaccines that contain only those components that raise a protective immune response.  Component vaccines are more desirable than whole-cell vaccines, because the body is only exposed to a few antigens, instead of the entire pathogen.  Advances in microbiology and the pharmaceutical industry have made it easier to prepare component vaccines and many of the vaccines used today are of this type.

Antimicrobial compounds

The discovery of antibiotics by Alexander Fleming in 1929 and Gerhard Domagk怸s discovery of the broad antimicrobial activity of the sulfonamides hinted at a new method for treating infectious diseases.  World War II spurred further development of penicillin by Florey and Chain who isolated and purified the compound.  They then demonstrated that injection of penicillin into infected mice not only cured the disease, but also had very low toxicity to the animal.  The use of penicillin in the war greatly reduced the number of casualties due to wound infections.  In the ensuing years, an intense search for similar compounds with low toxicity and high antimicrobial activity resulted in the isolation of a large number of antimicrobial compounds, which ushered biomedical science into the age of antibiotic chemotherapy.   Chemotherapeutic agents are chemically synthesized compounds that have antimicrobial activity.  Antibiotics achieve their magic by having a selective toxicity.  They attack a process in the microorganism that has no counterpart in humans.  An antibiotic can be broad spectrum, affecting a wide range of organisms, or narrow spectrum, affecting only a small subset of microorganisms.  A clinically useful antibiotic should have as many as possible of the following properties:

Selective toxicity - The drug must be detrimental the microorganism, yet do little harm to the host.

Wide spectrum of activity - The antibiotic should inhibit as many different types of bacteria as possible.

Non-allergenic - The induction of an allergic reaction in the host makes an antibiotic no longer useful.

Permeable - An effective antibiotic must be able to reach the part of the body where the infection is occurring.

Inexpensive to produce

Chemically stable - It must have a reasonable stability both on the shelf and inside the body.

Difficult for the microbe to develop a resistance to  

From Microbiology and Bacteriology: The world of microbes