Research Methodology and Thesis Writing (Fall, 2006)


Dickens and Austen:

狄更斯小氣財神中寓言夢的特質及其在英語教學上之應用Dream Allegory in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol and Its Application to English Teaching
再思狄更斯小說中之時間觀Rethinking the concept of time in Dickens's novels
階級、性別與性相:狄更斯《小杜麗》中的女性形象與家庭迷思Class, Gender and Sexuality: the Representations of Women and Domestic Myth in Charles Dickens's Little Dorrit
自我認同的追求:從巴赫汀的理論解讀查理斯‧狄更斯的《大期待》Quest for Self-Identity: A Bakhtinian Interpretation of Charles Dickens'''' Great Expectations
狄更斯的荒涼山莊艾瑟兒的成長三部曲The Trilogy of Esther's Self-growth in Dickens's Bleak House
狄更斯《孤星血淚》之禪釋Charles Dickens'' Great Expectations: A Zen-Buddhist Study
突破:【雙城記】中的死亡與重生Breaking Through: Death and Rebirth in A Tale of Two Cites
迴向辨證與繁複思維:狄更斯《錦繡前程》之為華美文體A Rhetoric of Dialogic Imagination in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations
狄更斯小說《大期望》中紳士之探討The code of the gentleman-hero in Charles Dickens's great expectations
狄更斯在《苦難時代》中的社會觀Dickens's social vision in hard times
狄更斯小說悲苦時代、宏願中的疏離感Alienation in Charles Dickens’s Hard times and Great expectations
女性主義先驅者 珍.奧斯汀:[傲慢與偏見] 與 [艾瑪] 研究Jane Austen as a Forerunner of Feminists as Shown in Pride and Prejudice and Emma
現代概念之改變:從奧斯汀之《愛瑪姑娘》到海克琳之《獨領風騷》Changing Notions of Modernity—Austen’s Emma and Heckerling’s Clueless
珍.奧斯汀《曼斯菲爾德莊園》與《艾瑪》中的『它』者The Other(s) in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and Emma
女性自我認同之探討:管窺波特的米蘭達故事與奧斯汀的《愛瑪》Female Self-Identification in Katherine Anne Porter's Miranda Stories and Jane Austen's Emma
珍‧奧斯汀《傲慢與偏見》與《艾瑪》中的婚姻與女性掙扎Marriage and Female Struggle in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Emma
論珍‧奧斯汀在《愛瑪》一書中的妥協藝術Jane Austen’s Emma: The Art of Compromise in the Power Discourse
愛與成長:珍.奧斯汀勸導中安妮的婚姻追求Love and Maturity: Anne Elliot's Pursuit of Marriage in Jane Austen’s Persuasion
想像力作為一種出路: 比較珍‧奧斯汀之《理性與感性》與《愛瑪》之比較Imagination as a Way Out: A Comparative Study of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility and Emma
珍‧奧斯丁之《傲慢與偏見》一書中達西先生之蛻變:由貴族紳士走向感性紳士The Transformation of Mr. Darcy from a Gentleman of Blood to a Gentleman of Sensibility in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
聰明一線間--由多元智能論看珍‧奧斯汀之《愛瑪》與《勸導》Smart or not Smart: Seeking Multiple Intelligences in Jane Austen’s Emma and Persuasion
珍奧斯汀《說服》一書中年歲的虛無與存在: 沙特式的閱讀Nothingness and Being of Age in Jane Austen’s Persuasion: A Sartrean Reading
論珍‧奧斯汀說服與夏洛特伯朗蒂簡愛中意識與潛意識的書寫The Conscious and Unconscious Writing in Jane Austen’s Persuasion and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre
珍‧奧斯丁的社會願景:<<傲慢與偏見>>與<<說服>>中的社會階級變動研究Jane Austen’s Social Vision: a Study of Social Mobility in Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion
珍‧奧斯汀《說服》中安妮的沈淪與重生The Capitulation and Resurrection of Anne Elliot in Jane Austen’s "Persuasion"
論珍.奧斯汀之顛覆性On the Subversiveness of Jane Austen