Research Methodology and Thesis Writing (Fall, 2006)
國外研究巴塔耶的領域既深而廣,多與黑格爾、海德格、德勒茲、德西達、克里斯蒂娃、白朗修、惹內等人在文哲學領域中做對照討論。相對而言,國內研究方向則多以巴塔耶為理論之ㄧ,進而輔助分析電影、文學、藝術等文本,或單探討其特定單一領域如小說、經濟理論等。 | ||
以「Bataille」為關鍵字在Google Scholar搜尋人文社會學科1995年至2006年期刊論文結果: | ||
2006 | ||
1. |
F. french, P., “Donner a Voir: Sacrifice and Poetry in the Work of Georges Bataille” | |
2005 | ||
1. |
Lechte, J., “Bataille and Caillois: Communication and Chance” | |
2. |
Faucher, K. X., “The Transcendental Empiricism of Georges Bataille: The Incommensurable Object” | |
3. |
Noys, B., “Shattering the subject: Georges Bataille and the limits of therapy” | |
2004 | ||
1. |
Dunaway, J. M.,“Alexander Irwin, Saints of the Impossible: Bataille, Weil, and the Politics of the Sacred” | |
2. |
Ambrose, D., “Christopher M. Gemerchak, The Sunday of the Negative: Reading Bataille Reading Hegel” | |
3. |
Vernon, J.,“Homogeneity and Heterogeneity: Bataille and Hegel” | |
2003 | ||
1. |
Hegarty, P., “Leslie Hill, Bataille, Klossowski, Blanchot: Writing at the Limit” | |
2. |
Marcel, J.C, “Bataille and Mauss: a dialogue of the deaf?” | |
3. |
Featherstone, M.,“The Eye of War: Images of Destruction in Virilio and Bataille” | |
4. |
“Kaufman, Eleanor. The Delirium of Praise: Bataille, Blanchot, Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski” by Winspur, S. | |
5. |
Ramp, W., “Religion and the dualism of the social condition in Durkheim and Bataille” | |
6. |
Hegarty, P., “Undelivered: the space/time of the sacred in Bataille and Benjamin” | |
7. |
Buchholtz, D. , “BATAILLE: Native American Representations: First Encounters, Distorted Images, and Literary Appropriations” | |
2002 | ||
1. |
2. |
Sanderson, M., “Georges Bataille and Sacred Literature” | |
3. |
Hegarty, P., “Andrew Hussey, The Inner Scar: The Mysticism of Georges Bataille | |
4. |
5. |
Earle, B., “Performance of Negation, Negation of Performance: Death and Desire in Kojeve, Bataille, and Girard” | |
2001 | ||
1. |
Trahair, L., “The Comedy of Philosophy: Bataille, Hegel and Derrida” | |
2. |
Dellamora, R., “Bataille/Wilde: An Economic and Aesthetic Genealogy of the Gift” | |
3. |
Bond, D. J., “Connor, Peter Tracey. Georges Bataille and the Mysticism of Sin” | |
4. |
Hegarty, P., “Patrick ffrench, The Cut: Reading Bataille's `Histoire de l'oeil'” | |
5. |
Wirth, J. M , “Animal Desiring: Nietzche, Bataille, and a World without Image”. | |
2000 | ||
1. |
by de Gennaro, M., “The World "Outside of Fiction": Georges Bataille and Surrealist Photography Sculpture” | |
1999 | ||
1. |
Hollywood, A., “ "Beautiful as a wasp": Angela of Foligno and Georges Bataille” | |
2. |
Kocay, V., “Language and Truth: Sartre, Bataille, Derrida on Genet” | |
3. |
Nicholson, M., “Alejandra Pizarnik, Georges Bataille, and the Literature of Evil” | |
4. |
Burke, V. I., “Antigone's Transgression: Hegel and Bataille on the Divine and the Human” | |
5. |
Itzkowitz, K., “To Witness Spectacles of Pain: The Hypermorality of Georges Bataille” | |
1998 | ||
1. |
Lechte, J., “Thinking the (Ecstatic) Essential: Heidegger after Bataille” | |
2. |
Vanskike, E., “Pornography as Paradox: The Joint Project of Hans Bellmer and Georges Bataille” | |
3. |
McCarron, K., “'O Come All Ye Faithful': Orgasm, Asceticism and the Rhetoric of Self-Abandonment in de Sade, Bataille and Updike” | |
1997 | ||
1. |
Still, J., “Horror in Kristeva and Bataille: Sex and Violence” | |
2. |
McConnell, W., “Blake, Bataille, and the Accidental Processes of Material History in Milton” | |
3. |
Noys, B., “Communicative Unreason: Bataille and Habermas” | |
4. |
Boldt-Irons, “The Fall from and into Grace: Camus and Bataille on Happiness and Guilt” | |
1996 | ||
1. |
Wolin, R., “Left Fascism: Georges Bataille and the German Ideology” | |
2. |
Arnould, E., “The Impossible Sacrifice of Poetry: Bataille and the Nancian Critique of Sacrifice” | |
3. |
Guerlac, S., “Bataille in Theory - Afterimages (Lascaux)” | |
4. |
Dragon, J., “The Work of Alterity: Bataille and Lacan” | |
5. |
Surkis, J., “No Fun and Games until Someone Loses an Eye: Transgression and Masculinity in Bataille and Foucault” | |
6. |
Hollywood, A., “Bataille and Mysticism: A "Dazzling Dissolution"” | |
1995 | ||
1. |
Macey, D., “Georges Bataille, The Absence of Myth: Writings on Surrealism” | |
以「Bataille」為關鍵字在全國博碩士論文網之搜尋結果: | ||
1. |
李健鴻,〈身體與消費社會〉 | |
2. |
李迺澔,“"In Passing": Breton, Bataille, and the Body in the Modern City”〈"錯身而過":布魯東、巴提耶和現代都市中的身體〉 | |
3. |
洪婉玲,“Naked Lunch: The Hauntological / Ontological Addiction”〈裸體午餐:異/慾質附身的裸體競技場〉 | |
4. |
廖怡玲,“Crash: Technological Desire for Body in the Twentieth Century”《Crash》:二十世紀欲求身體的科技慾望 〉 | |
5. |
羅翠珠,“Death and Sensuality in D. H. Lawrence''s "The Princess," "The Man Who Loved Islands," "St. Mawr," "Sun," "The Man Who Died" and "The Woman Who Rode Away"”〈勞倫斯《聖牝》及其他後期著作中性愛與死亡的研究〉 | |
6. |
蔡怡雅,“A Study of Transgression in Bataille''s Story of the Eye”〈巴塔耶《眼睛的故事》中的踰越書寫〉 | |
7. |
黃鉦傑,“A Study of Hans Bellmer’s Doll Photography”〈漢斯.貝墨之人偶攝影研究〉 | |
8. |
張光琪,“Mal: The Paradoxical Aesthetic from Georges Bataille's "informe"”〈惡:從巴塔耶「去形」出發之美學悖論〉 | |
9. |
杜時堯,〈喬治巴代耶的社會關懷--邁向溝通之路〉 | |
10. |
田家源,“Bataille's Conception of Sacrifice”〈論巴代耶的獻祭觀〉 | |
11. |
伍軒宏,〈柯律治《文學傳記》中的過賸與經濟〉 | |
12. |
劉貞蓉,〈1970至1980年代臺灣地區文化消費之研究〉 | |
13. |
童文聰,“Perpetual Imminence: The Slipping Dialectics in Edgar Allan Poe''s Tales of Terror”〈永恆的迫近:艾德嘉‧愛倫坡恐怖故事中之游移辯證〉 | |
另以「陳界仁」為關鍵字於全國博碩士論文網搜尋結果一筆: | ||
1. |
關秀慧,〈踰越社會體制的身體意象: 侯俊明的《搜神記》與陳界仁的《魂魄暴亂》研究〉 | |
(資料蒐集: 黃郁文 Aeon) | ||