Research Methodology and Thesis Writing (Fall, 2006)
Topic: Literary research about Oscar Wilde:
Searching keyword: “Oscar Wilde” | ||
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全國碩博士論文資訊網 |
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中國學位論文全文數據庫 |
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搜尋結果: |
一、全國碩博士論文資訊網 |
1. |
王爾德四部喜劇中之新中產階級女性(中國文化大學/英國語文學研究所/94/碩士/研究生:王凡/指導教授:滕以魯) |
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《肖像》物神化:論奧斯卡‧王爾德《葛雷的肖像》中主體化的客體與精神化的物質性(東吳大學/英國語文學系比較文學碩士班/92/碩士/研究生:葉雅茹/指導教授:邱彥彬) |
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王爾德與《葛雷的肖像》之美學研究(國立中正大學/外國語文研究所/92/碩士/研究生:宋美慧/指導教授:陳國榮) |
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距離與美:從《葛雷的肖像》,看王爾德之美學(國立中正大學/外國語文研究所/87/碩士/研究生:陳明秀/指導教授:羅林) |
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顛覆傳統的王爾德(國立成功大學/外國語文學系碩博士班/90/碩士/研究生:劉名原/指導教授:麥迪摩) |
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論王爾德作品中理想化的愛(國立成功大學/外國語文學系碩博士班/93/碩士/研究生:林子偉/指導教授:麥迪摩;林明澤) |
7. |
從逾越到超越:王爾德美學發展歷程之研究(國立成功大學/外國語文學系碩博士班/91/碩士/研究生:黃鈺婷/指導教授:麥迪摩) |
8. |
再述王爾德美學:論《多利安.葛雷的畫像》呈現的顛覆現象(國立清華大學/外國語文學系/92/碩士/研究生:簡文珍/指導教授:蕭嫣嫣) |
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從王爾德的三個喜劇談主流與反主流論述之辯證(國立臺灣師範大學/英語教育研究所/80/碩士/研究生:許惠芬/指導教授:慕禮生) |
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王爾德童話中譯本隱含之翻譯觀與兒童文學觀(臺東師範學院/兒童文學研究所/90/碩士/研究生:李畹琪/指導教授:張子樟) |
11. |
王爾德童話中的死亡象徵-從一體兩面談起(臺東師範學院/兒童文學研究所/88/碩士/研究生:林芳妃/指導教授:楊茂秀;張子樟;杜明城) |
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王爾德社會劇中的顛覆(臺灣大學/外國語文學研究所/93/碩士/研究生:鄭富櫻/指導教授:王寶祥) |
13. |
王爾德四齣劇中的自私意識(靜宜大學/外國語文研究所/76/碩士/研究生:謝玉娥/指導教授:傑卡.喬治) |
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維多利亞時代童話中美感與修辭:王爾德理想國的視界(靜宜大學/英國語文學系/89/碩士/研究生:江孟濟/指導教授:海柏) |
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從衣沙爾的閱讀理論看王爾德之小說「葛雷的畫像」(靜宜大學/外國語文研究所/76/碩士/研究生:江惠珠/指導教授:包宜蘭) |
二、中國學位論文全文數據庫 |
1. |
The Moral Sense in Oscar Wilde's Works(浙江大學/英語語言文學/93/碩士/研究生:黃秀國/指導教授:朱炯強) |
2. |
王爾德戲劇中的唯美主義和消費主義(北京第二外國語學院/英語語言文學/93/碩士/研究生:方軍/指導教授:胡自信) |
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王爾德的創作與維多利亞道德批判(華中師範大學/比較文學與世界文學/94/碩士/研究生:楊敏艷軍/指導教授:聶珍釗) |
4. |
從唯美主義到消費主義——王爾德的現代性解讀(上海師範大學/文藝學/94/碩士/研究生:吳萍/指導教授:王紀人) |
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直面晚期維多利亞社會的奧斯卡‧王爾德(福建師範大學/比較文學與世界文學/93/碩士/研究生:葉辛/指導教授:林大津) |
6. |
王爾德唯美主義童話對傳統童話的顛覆與開創(東北師範大學/中國現當代文學/93/碩士/研究生:李增彩/指導教授:黃凡中) |
7. |
一個悖論式的唯美主義者--論王爾德的《道連·葛雷畫像》(浙江大學/英語語言文學/92/碩士/研究生:宋晗/指導教授:朱炯強) |
8. |
世紀末的唯美主義狂——論王爾德對唯美主義的繼承與開拓(湘潭大學/比較文學與世界文學/92/碩士/研究生:李廣平/指導教授:曾思藝) |
9. |
奧斯卡·王爾德:一位十九世紀順從的叛逆者——淺評戲劇創作技巧(浙江大學/英語語言文學/90/碩士/研究生:許巍/指導教授:朱炯強) |
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永恒的矛盾和沖突——王爾德及其唯美主義新論(山東師範大學/比較文學與世界文學/90/碩士/研究生:楊黎紅/指導教授:王化學) |
1. |
Utopia, Use, and the Everyday: Oscar Wilde and a New Economy of Pleasure(Carolyn Lesjak, ELH Vol. 67, No. 1 (Spring, 2000), pp. 179-204) |
2. |
Sexual Politics and the Aesthetics of Crime:Oscar Wilde in the Nineties(Simon Joyce, ELH Vol. 69, No. 2 (Summer, 2002), pp. 501-523) |
3. |
The Bi-Social Oscar Wilde and "Modern" Women(Margaret Diane Stetz, Nineteenth-Century Literature Vol. 55, No. 4 (Mar., 2001), pp. 515-537) |
4. |
Productive Decadence:"The Queer Comradeship of Outlawed Thought": Vernon Lee, Max Nordau, and Oscar Wilde(Richard Dellamora, New Literary History Vol. 35, No. 4, Forms and/of Decadence (Autumn, 2004), pp. 529-546) |
5. |
Redressing Oscar:Performance and the Trials of Oscar Wilde(David Schulz, TDR (1988-) Vol. 40, No. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 37-59) |
6. |
Oscar Wilde and the Culture of Russian Modernism(Betsy F. Moeller-Sally, The Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 34, No. 4 (Winter, 1990), pp. 459-472) |
7. |
Oscar Wilde, W. H., and the Unspoken Name of Love(Lawrence Danson, ELH Vol. 58, No. 4 (Winter, 1991), pp. 979-1000) |
8. |
Oscar Wilde:Orality, Literary Property, and Crimes of Writing(Paul K. Saint-Amour, Nineteenth-Century Literature Vol. 55, No. 1 (Jun., 2000), pp. 59-91) |
9. |
Oscar Wilde's Progress down East(Rose Snider, The New England Quarterly Vol. 13, No. 1 (Mar., 1940), pp. 7-23) |
10. |
A Dramatic Device in Faust and The Importance of Being Earnest(Werner Vordtriede, Modern Language Notes Vol. 70, No. 8 (Dec., 1955), pp. 584-585) |
11. |
José Asunción Silva and Oscar Wilde(Carl W. Cobb, Hispania Vol. 45, No. 4 (Dec., 1962), pp. 658-661) |
12. |
The Significance of Literature: "The Importance of Being Earnest(Joel Fineman, October Vol. 15 (Winter, 1980), pp. 79-90) |
13. |
Alias Bunbury: Desire and Termination in The Importance of Being Earnest(Christopher Craft, Representations No. 31, Special Issue: The Margins of Identity in Nineteenth-Century England (Summer, 1990), pp. 19-46) |
14. |
Oscar Wilde and "Loyalties" (Asher Wilson, Educational Theatre Journal Vol. 11, No. 3 (Oct., 1959), pp. 208-211) |
15. |
Oscar Wilde and the Devil's Advocate(Arthur H. Nethercot, PMLA Vol. 59, No. 3 (Sep., 1944), pp. 833-850) |
16. |
The Influence of Dumas Fils on Oscar Wilde(H. Stanley Schwarz, The French Review Vol. 7, No. 1 (Nov., 1933), pp. 5-25) |
17. |
A Tragedy of the Artist: The Picture of Dorian Gray(Houston A. Baker, Jr., Nineteenth-Century Fiction Vol. 24, No. 3 (Dec., 1969), pp. 349-355) |
18. |
Hard Science, Soft Psychology, and Amorphous Art in The Picture of Dorian Gray(Heather Seagroatt, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 Vol. 38, No. 4, Nineteenth Century (Autumn, 1998), pp. 741-759) |
19. |
The Modern Tragicomedy of Wilde and O'Casey(Morris Freedman, College English Vol. 25, No. 7 (Apr., 1964), pp. 518-522+527) |
20. |
Wilde as Parodist:A Second Look at the Importance of Being Earnest(Richard Foster, College English Vol. 18, No. 1 (Oct., 1956), pp. 18-23) |
21. |
Andersen's "The Shadow" and Wilde's "The Fisherman and His Soul": A Case of Influence(Christopher S. Nassaar, Nineteenth-Century Literature Vol. 50, No. 2 (Sep., 1995), pp. 217-224) |
22. |
Writing Gone Wilde: Homoerotic Desire in the Closet of Representation(Ed Cohen, PMLA Vol. 102, No. 5 (Oct., 1987), pp. 801-813) |
23. |
Oscar Wilde's "Earnest" in Film(John Harrington Smith, The Quarterly of Film Radio and Television Vol. 8, No. 1 (Autumn, 1953), pp. 72-79) |
24. |
Arnold, Pater, Wilde, and the Object as in Themselves They See It(Wendell V. Harris, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 Vol. 11, No. 4, Nineteenth Century (Autumn, 1971), pp. 733-747) |
25. |
The Picture of Dorian Gray":Wilde's Parable of the Fall(Joyce Carol Oates, Critical Inquiry Vol. 7, No. 2 (Winter, 1980), pp. 419-428) |
26. |
Framing Fears, Reading Designs:The Homosexual Art of Painting in James, Wilde, and Beerbohm(Christopher Lane, ELH Vol. 61, No. 4 (Winter, 1994), pp. 923-954) |
27. |
Art as Symptom:A Portrait of Child Abuse in "The Picture of Dorian Gray(Esther Rashkin, Modern Philology Vol. 95, No. 1 (Aug., 1997), pp. 68-80) |
28. |
The Counterdiscourse of the Feminine in Three Texts by Wilde, Huysmans, and Sacher-Masoch(Rita Felski, PMLA Vol. 106, No. 5 (Oct., 1991), pp. 1094-1105) |
分析(參見附圖): |
(謝筱琳收集整理) | ||