Research Methodology and Thesis Writing (Fall, 2006)
The search is done with the help of MLA International Bibliography only. | ||
Keyword: Dictee: |
1. |
Annihilating Possibilities: Witnessing and Testimony through Cinematic Love in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's DiCTEE |
2. |
Nation, Immigrant, Text: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
3. |
'What of Partition': Dictee's Boundaries and the American Epic |
4. |
Unsettling Calls for National Unity: The Pedagogy of Experimental Multiethnic Literatures |
5. |
Decapitated Forms: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Visual Text and the Politics of Visibility |
6. |
Cross-Cultural Intervention in Twentieth Century American Literary Theory: Another Look at 'Dictee,' 'The Bonesetter's Daughter,' 'Dreaming in Cuban,' 'So Far from God,' and 'Song of Solomon' |
7. |
Multilingual Narrative and the Refusal of Translation: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee and R. Zamora Linmark's Rolling the R's |
8. |
Translating Grief |
9. |
Christianity in Contemporary Asian-American Literature: (Mis)-Translation of the Word |
10. |
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, D.G. Rossetti, and the 'Art of the Book': A Note on Dictee |
11. |
Frustrating Colonial Narratives: Writing and the Body in Dictee |
12. |
Imagining the Mother/Motherland: Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of Orange and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
13. |
The Dialectics of Sensibility: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Thomas Pynchon, Bessie Head, and the Institutionalization of Postmodern Literary Criticism |
14. |
Modernism in a Transnational Landscape: Spatial Poetics, Postcolonialism, and Gender in Cesaire's Cahier/Notebook and Cha's Dictee |
15. |
'You See Only Her Traces': Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee, or the Performance of a Voice |
16. |
Martyrdom in Korean American Literature: Resistance and Paradox in 'East Goes West', 'Quiet Odyssey', 'Comfort Woman' and 'Dictee' |
17. |
Suspicious Characters: Realism, Asian American Identity, and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
18. |
The Enunciation of the Tenth Muse in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
19. |
'From the Multitude of Narratives...For Another Telling for another Recitation': Constructing and Re-Constructing Dictee and Memory/all echo |
20. |
Writing at the Crossroads of Languages |
21. |
'In Another Tongue': Body, Image, Text in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
22. |
Dictee by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha |
23. |
Myth, Memory, and Desire: Homeland and History in Contemporary Korean American Writing and Visual Art |
24. |
Korean American National Identity in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
25. |
Performing Writing at the Crossroads of Languages |
26. |
Baring the Apparatus: DICTEE's Speaking Subject Writes a Response |
27. |
Reading the Figure of Dictation in Theresa Hak Kyung's Cha's Dictee |
28. |
Nationalism and Korean American Women's Writing: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
29. |
Postmodernism, Readers, and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
30. |
Word and Flesh: Materiality, Violence and Asian-American Poetics |
31. |
A Novena of Rebirth |
32. |
Tracing the Vampire |
33. |
Decolonization, Displacement, Disidentification: Asian American 'Novels' and the Question of History |
34. |
Pears Bearing Apples: Virgil's 'Georgics,' Plato's 'Phaedrus,' Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's 'Dictee' |
35. |
Tracking the Pacific Rim, Fast and Loose: Censorships, Diasporas, and the Return of the Cultural Uncanny |
36. |
Unnaming the Same: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's DICTEE |
37. |
'Transform This Nothingness': Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee |
Response: |
The studies of this single book or several related literary works are mainly focused on postcolonialism, postmodernism, issues of language use, translation, national identity, homeland/motherland, etc. The formation of the topic is usually a key concept plus the specific literary work, in the case of the study of a single literary work. |
Keyword: Spanish > Spanish literature > film adaptation |
1. |
Teaching Golden Age Theater through Filmic Adaptations |
2. |
Jean Giono and ‘Platero y yo’: Film Adaptation as an Act of Re-Creation |
3. |
The Promise of Words, the Promise of Time: Víctor Erice's La promesa de Shanghai and Alumbramiento |
4. |
The Object of the Gaze and Masculinity: The Portrayal of Don Quixote in Film |
5. |
Celebrating 400 years of Don Quixote |
6. |
Theater and Politics in Four Film Versions of the Quijote |
7. |
Death and the Adorable Orphan: Marcelino pan y vino (1954; 1991; 2000) |
8. |
The Question of Authenticity: Camus's Film Adaptation of Cela's La Colmena |
9. |
Spanish Literature and the Language of New Media: From Film Adaptation to Digitized Cultural Interfaces |
10. |
Literary Adaptations in Spanish Cinema |
11. |
Narrative Voice in El embrujo de Shanghai: Novel, Promise, Film |
12. |
Film Representation of Galdos' Female Character in 'Nazarin' (1962), 'Tristana' (1969), 'Fortunata y Jacinta' (Film: 1969, television series: 1987) and 'El Abuelo' (1998) |
13. |
Artful Relation: Buñuel's Debt to Galdós in Nazarin and Tristana |
14. |
The Cid Legend in Opera and Film: A Modern Afterlife for Epic and Ballad |
15. |
Why Is This Absurd Picture Here? Ethnology/Heterology/Buñuel |
16. |
Cultural Alliances: Film and Literature in the Socialist Period, 1982-1995 |
17. |
Those Obscure Objects of Desire in Luis Buñuel's Spanish Films: Viridiana and Tristana |
18. |
Sensing an Ending: Predestination in Imanol Uribe's Días contados |
19. |
Counted Days for the Lone Man: Decentered Masculinity and Ideology Fatigue in El hombre solo (1994), by Bernardo Atxaga, and Días contados (1994), by Imanol Uribe |
20. |
State Melancholia: Spanish Nationalism, Specularity, and Performance. Notes on Antonio Muñoz Molina |
21. |
Spanish Film and the Postwar Novel: Reading and Watching Narrative Texts |
22. |
Blood Wedding: Tradition and Innovation in Contemporary Flamenco |
23. |
North American Desire for the Spanish Other: Three Film Versions of Blasco Ibáñez's Blood and Sand |
24. |
Contemporary Spanish Film from Fiction |
25. |
Josefina Molina's Esquilache: Example of Feminist Film Transformation? |
26. |
Pedagogy and Pornography: Confronting the Sexually Explicit in Spanish Cinema |
27. |
Things Are Looking Up for Chusa: Editing the Postmodern in Fernando Colomo's Film Adaptation of Bajarse al moro by José Luis Alonso de Santos |
28. |
Discourses of Power in the Film Versions of The House of Bernarda Alba and Like Water for Chocolate |
29. |
Josefina Molina's Esquilache: Film Transformation of Theater |
30. |
The Cultural Process of Adaptation: Bodas de Sangre |
Response: |
The best way to study Spanish films is to learn Spanish so that you can read those papers in Spanish! Some masters are often discussed, for instance Buñuel; some remarkable works are also discussed with frequency, for example, Don Quixote and Blood Wedding. There are roughly two types of topic formation. One regards one specific work with a theory or a rather small concept which can be applied to the literary work well. The other consists of a discussion on some theoretical ideas and then an application of the ideas to examine some related films or roughly discuss the history of films. |
(Melinda) | ||