Research Methodology and Thesis Writing (Fall, 2006)
Bibliography on Thesis Writing:
Lester, James D., and James D. Lester, Jr. Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide. New York: Pearson Longman, 2005. |
With a clear map of contents, the book intends to help readers build up their own ideas and directions of research, learn how to gather data from library or other sources, organize ideas to set goals of research, teach readers to learn proper forms and styles, avoid plagiarism, and keeps modifying and improving one’s research. |
在寫作論文的過程中,我們可能會需要某些可以快速地幫助我們處理問題的工具書。一般的研究輔助書籍內容通常都比較長;然而在本書中,作者很親切地提供了非常詳盡且有系統的目錄表,供讀者很迅速地找到他們所需要的資料。這本書對於一般大學學生的使用,應該是相當的充足與便利。 | ||
Becker, Howard S. Tricks of the Trade: How to Think about Your Research While You’re Doing It. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998. |
Intending to inspire readers to make good sense of their own papers and to ignite some creative ideas, the author Becker offers his teaching experiences and opinions as some helpful concepts or technical tricks for students’ academic research. Becker emphasizes that readers should develop some ideas and writing strategies which are combined by many different fields such as art history, anthropology, sociology, literature, and philosophy. |
本書的主要目的是幫助學生培養與傳統思考不同的論文思考技巧,因此,在這本書中,並沒有指導傳統APA或MLA的寫作格式,而是在研究的過程中培養思考上的策略與技巧。由於作者是屬於社會科學範疇的學者,因此建議較適合該範圍的學生研讀。本書作者以經驗指導讀者如何將思考範圍擴及各個學科範疇。 | ||
Mauch, James E., and Jack W. Birch. Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: Conception to Publication: A Handbook for Students and Faculty. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc, 1983. |
The main target of this book is to help we readers complete an academic paper from the conception in the very beginning to its publication in the end. With its step-by-step contents, readers can easily and clearly find out how to develop and prepare for the proposal, understanding the meanings of the research advisor and the thesis committee, preparing the study plan and writing the manuscript, and defending for the thesis. |
本書專為得取碩博士學位的研究生所撰寫,作者將帶領學生去了解書寫論文的每一個程序步驟;包含了從最初的設定工作時間表,了解指導教授和論文委員會的意義,整個研究的準備、撰寫跟修訂,一直延伸到論文的申辯過程與該論文未來的發展性。本書對於想要全盤了解學術研究程序與細節的讀者會是非常有力之工具書。 | ||
How to Write a Thesis |
這本書的好處在於它在每個步驟指導過程中指出皆提供了為何如此作的理由,而非機械式地按部就班。 | ||
Guide to Student Papers |
本書從較短地課堂文章講解起,直到比較大篇幅的研究寫作,主要針對課堂中的學生指導練習如何讓一篇初具模型的學術寫作成形以及展示。 | ||
The Research project |
此書提供了一些學術寫作步驟、要領以及應該避免犯的一些錯誤,簡潔淺顯。 | ||
Writing the Research and Term Paper |
本書視角比較狹窄,焦點集中在如何消化並系統呈現他人的文獻,可能比較適合大學部只針對某些課題作初步瞭解認識時使用。書的最後部分提供一篇小論文範本,對於一些格式或是文章結構的分析應用應該會有幫助。 | ||
Berry, Richard. The Research Project: How to Write it. 3rd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. |
This book is more like a beginner’s manual for getting started in thesis writing than a profound, often circumlocutory one. It follows closely some basic guidelines, from “The Choice of Subject: Using the Library”, “Preparing a Bibliography”, “Taking Notes,” Composing the Paper”, to “The Final Version”, provided with a detailed “Specimen Paper,” written by a student’s research paper. Kindly enough, Mr. Berry Richard heeds us against some usual mistakes, in forms or contents, according to his teaching history, as a supplementary “don’ts” to the more elaborating “do’s”. Since to write is to get a hearing, Richard conceptualizes, in the end, how to turn papers to publishable forms. |
本書介紹論文寫作的幾種基礎技巧:<論文的選擇:使用圖書館>、 <書目的準備>、<作筆記>、<實際撰寫>、<最後定稿>,輔以一位學生的論文作為樣本。其後,作者提示了如何將論文轉為合宜出版的格式。 | ||
Luey, Beth. Handbook for Academic Authors. 3rd ed. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. |
Readers’ caution! It’s not a book to teach you how to write, but how to get published. “There is no better way to learn the economics of publishing than to invest your own money. Nor is there any better motivation to improve your marketing skills than to have your closets taken over by unsold books”.(Luey, preface xi) True to her experience, Luey Beth saves us time and money on how to get heard-the final step to be a fully scholar. |
本書闡釋如何讓論文得以出版。 | ||
Davis and Parker. Writing the Doctoral Dissertation: A Systematic Approach. Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron’s Educational Series, 1979. |
It is a different approach to the dissertation; the focus is not merely how to write your essays, but how to write effectively within “The Dissertation Time Schedule and Budget.” Furthermore, the reader can benefit from a right “Selection of an Advisor and a Dissertation Committee.” In addition to traditional handbooks’ gradual development of choosing a topic, writing the proposal and the rest, this book instructs us in the less-addressed factors outside the writing itself. |
論文寫作除了需要一定的寫作技能之外,如何善用有限的時間和預算,以及選擇合宜的指導教授等。本書即強調這些常被遺忘,卻又至為重要的外在因素。 | ||
Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Paper, Theses, and Dissertation. Chicago University of Chicago Press, 1987. |
目前最具權威性的論文寫作手冊之一。由於本書的功能在於幫助各領域的作者寫出足以出版的「標準論文」,因此書中了介紹各種格式、標點、資料的引用方式等等,並有詳細的範例說明,是寫論文者不可不備的工具書。目前中央大學圖書館存有數本可供外借,亦有中文版,建議借閱版本愈新者為佳。 | ||
Fabb, Nigel and Durant Alan. How to Write Essays, Dissertation, and These in Literary Studies. London: Longman, 1993. |
本書著重在人文領域的論文寫作,但是傾向於寫作的策略指導。教導讀者如何利用手邊的各種資源,從準備到出版該注意的各種事項,還有少許的研究方法提點。適用於論文寫作的初學者使用。 | ||
Sorenson, Sharon. How to write research papers. New York : Macmillan, 1998. |
簡易的論文寫作小冊。格式、範例、研究方法通通一手包辦,不過礙於篇幅的關係,僅能給予原則上的指導。簡單易懂,想在短時間內趕出不甚講究的作品,與此書可一拍即合。 | ||
Ruth, Audrey, J. The research paper: process, form, and content. Belmont, CA : Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1999. |
針對電腦使用者而編的寫作手冊。除寫作論文的各種指導外,尤其著墨在網路資源的使用,使讀者盡可能的省去跋涉的時間。藉由本書、網路和鍵盤,寫出理想的學術論文。 | ||
Hamp-Lyons, Liz. Study writing : a course in written English for academic and professional purposes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. |
語言類的論文寫作用書。主要在指導如何在論文中建構作者與讀者的關係,以及如何發揮語言的力量,正確的使用語言描述時間、次序、論證等等,寫出一篇有邏輯,條理清楚的文章。 | ||
Electronic Book | ||
Bailey, Stephen. Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students. London, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2003. |
本書使用大量的圖表, 分析樹狀圖等幫助讀者閱讀, 使得讀者對論文寫作有清楚的脈絡可以掌握, 條理分明, 值得推薦. | ||
Berry, Ralph. The Research Project: How to Write It. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. |
這是一本高度推薦的書. 只要對論文寫作的細節有任何不清楚的地方, 閱讀此書後幾乎都可以獲得清楚的解答. 作者以他數十年豐富的教學經驗指出學生最容易犯的錯誤何, 該如何避免之, 甚至連在浩瀚的圖書館中該如何找到自己所需要的資料也做了明確的說明. | ||
Brause, Rita S. Writing Your Doctoral Dissertation: Invisible Rules for Success. London, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2000. |
此書以較為輕鬆的筆觸和學生討論如何寫作論文, 作者把論文寫作當作自我鞭策, 時刻勉勵學生隨時保持學習之心, 是學習論文寫作入門者可以參考的一本書. | ||