My name is Guang-Yi Tang. Don』t think too much about it; my name has nothing to do with Japanese idol group Kinki Kids』 Tang Ben Guang Yi. I was named by my grandfather, and when he named me Guang-Yi, no one knew that there would be a Tang Ben Guang Yi later!
When I was just a little child, I asked my grandfather why he gave me such a strange name. 「Grandpa, since I am obviously a girl, why did you give me a boy』s name?」 I liked Grandpa very much, but I was still angry at him for giving such a name without consulting me first. Grandpa always said with a smile, 「Be a nice kid. When you grow up, Grandpa will tell you why.」 However, Grandpa passed away before I grew up. When I was in sixth grade in elementary school, a sudden disease took my grandpa away.
Grandpa had doted on me all the time, just like Maruko』s grandpa. No matter what odd ideas I had, Grandpa always smiled and said OK, which left my Mom angry on the side but unable to do anything. Grandpa usually held my hand to walk me home. It was he who delivered to school anything I forgot to take with me. It was he who took me home to see the doctor when I was sick and got a temperature in school. Such a nice grandpa, my most beloved grandpa, passed away on the eve of my commencement ceremony.
Grandpa had been anticipating my graduation, but when the day came, he broke his promise. Dad and Mom both came that day, but because of the absence of Grandpa, I still felt very sad. All the classmates cried that day, and I could not help crying as well. I did not cry because I was leaving my classmates whom I had gotten along so well for so many years. I was crying for Grandpa. Although it was kind of saddening to part with my classmates, there would be chances to meet them again in the future. But I knew that Grandpa and I were parting with each other forever. I would never see him again.
畢業典禮結束之後,我發現爸爸媽媽的眼睛也紅紅的,也許他們也跟我一樣想爺爺吧! 爸爸拿出一封信給我,信封上熟悉的字跡,讓我的眼淚又忍不住掉下來。
After the commencement ceremony, I noticed my parents』 eyes were red as well. Maybe like me, they missed Grandpa too. Dad handed me a letter, and the familiar writing on the envelope made my tears drop again.
Dear Guang-Yi:
恭喜你畢業了,你終於長大了,爺爺很高興。為什麼要幫你取光一這個名字? 其實我是希望以後你可以這麼介紹自己:「我叫做唐光一,光是光芒四射的光,一是第一名的一。合起來就是,光芒四射的第一名。」知道嗎?在爺爺心中,你是永遠的第一名。
Congratulations on your graduation! I am so happy that you are finally grown up. Why did I name you Guang-Yi? In fact, I did hope that you can introduce yourself like this in the future: 「My name is Guang-Yi Tang. Guang means the shining splendor while Yi means number one, and the combination of Guang and Yi means a shining number one.」 You know what? In my mind, you are number one forever.
Dad said that the letter was found in Grandpa』s drawer, and it looked like that it had been written long time ago, for the edges of the stationery and the envelope were already kind of yellow. When did Grandpa write this letter? Maybe when I asked him why he named me Guang-Yi for the very first time, he started to think of writing this letter for me. The letter was very short, and there was no date stated, but this was the first and the last letter Grandpa wrote me.
升上國中之後,我變得很用功,或許是因為那封信的緣故,我下定決心,我要當第一名因為爺爺一定也希望看到,他的小孫女變成真正的第一名吧!第一次段考,我終於得償所望,衝到全校第一名。接下來的每一次段考,我也一直都是全校第一名。而且遙遙領先第二名。因為名字好記,又每次都拿全年級第一名,我成了學校的名人,班上同學叫我「第一名小姐」;看我不順眼的人叫我「第一名變態」、「第一名妖怪」、「第一名怪物」;走在校園裡,大家總會指指點點的: 「你看!那就是那個每次都考第一名的傢伙!」(這還算客氣的)「聽說他每天都熬夜讀到早上三四點!書呆子!」(我一到晚上十一點就昏迷不醒啦)「聽說他的興趣是讀英文字典!」(我又不是翻譯機,讀字典幹嘛?)「聽說她會把讀過的課本撕下來吃掉!」(我是人,不是羊好不好!)
When I entered junior high school, I became very hard-working. Maybe because of that letter, I was determined to be number one, for Grandpa surely wished to see his little granddaughter become the real number one. In the first monthly exam, I finally accomplish my dream to be number one in the whole school. In every monthly exam after that, I was number one in the whole school all the time. Besides, my grades were far ahead of number two. Since my name was easy to remember and I always got number one of the year, I became a famous person in school. My classmates called me 「Miss No.1」, and those who didn』t like me called me the 「No.1 pervert」, 「No.1 bugaboo」 or 「No.1 monster」. When walking in the campus, I was always pointed out: 「Look! That』s the guy who always gets number one on the exams!」 (This was rather polite.) 「I』ve heard that she studies all night till 3 or 4 o』clock in the morning everyday! A bookworm!」 (Actually I never stayed up later than 11 o』clock at night.) 「It is said that her interest is to study the English dictionary!」 (I am not a translator, so why should I study the dictionary?) 「I』ve heard that she would tear off pages from the textbook she』s reading and eat them!」 (Come on! I am a human being, not a sheep!)
In short, there were a lot of funny rumors about me. But I didn』t care whether I was considered a monster or a bugaboo as long as I was number one. There was no way for others to surpass me! Hum! NO WAY!
但是升上二年級的第一次段考,悲劇發生了。我竟然掉到第二名,我看著校榜,驚訝的說不出話來。變成第一名的那傢伙,是個聽都沒聽過的男生。我被打敗的訊息,很快就傳遍了學校。 「喂喂,那個第一名怪物被幹掉了耶!」 「真是大快人心,幫我們男生出了口氣!」一群我根本不認識的討厭鬼,經過我們班還會怪腔怪調的說, 「唷!『第、二、名小姐』該不會哭了吧!」
Nevertheless, in the first monthly exam in the second year, tragedy happened. Unexpectedly I fell to number two! When I read the grade sheet, I was too surprised to speak. The guy who became No.1 was a boy I had never heard of. The news that I was defeated spread around the whole school very soon. 「Hey, that 『No.1 monster』 was defeated!」 「It was so gratifying! That boy vented our anger on her!」 When passing my class, a group of repulsive guys I didn』t know at all even said in a queer way, 「hey, I am afraid that 『Miss. No. 2』 cried!」
I cried? It was so ridiculous! I just dropped my guard momentarily! I definitely would beat that guy in the next exam!
In the award ceremony after the exam, I saw that guy for the first time. No wonder I had never heard of him, for it was said that he just transferred from another school this semester. The guy stood where I used to stand with a proud smile on his face. I hated his arrogant smile so much that but for the principal』s presence, I really wanted to kick him. The only thing I could do was to stare at him fiercely to project my resentment on him. Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell……
I started going to school to study at six o』clock everyday. As the door of the school was not open at that time, I decided to climb the wall to get in. I threw my reference-book-filled school bag over the wall, and then climbed over the low enclosure. In the early morning there was no one in school. Who could imagine that I, the top student, would climb the wall into school everyday? In the second monthly exam, I got 698 points. I only made one mistake in physics while in other subjects I got full scores. I thought that I definitely could get back to the throne of number one, but when the announcement of grade was shown, to my surprise I was number two again! That shameless pervert got 700 points!
唯一讓我覺得欣慰的是,學校裡也開始有了些關於他的傳言。「你看!那就是那個每次都考第一名的傢伙!」「聽說他為了熬夜讀書,還吸毒啊!」(難怪瘦巴巴一臉鴉片鬼的樣子!)「聽說他的興趣是讀英文字典!」(我看他就算連上廁所也在看辭海吧!) 「聽說他會把讀過的課本撕下來吃掉!」(說不定他還吃過百科全書呢!)現在大家口中的「第一名變態」變成他;「第一名妖怪」,「第一名怪物」也都是在叫他;我開始懷念那一段被叫「妖怪」、「變態」、「怪物」的日子。現在大家都叫我「第二名」, 甚至還有人直接叫我「光二」!我簡直快氣炸了,這可是爺爺幫我取的名字!「光一」就該是第一名,怎麼能是第二名!失去第一名寶座的我,怎麼對得起疼愛我的爺爺?我想,幹掉那個第一名唯一的方法,就是我也考滿分。只有這樣,我才能重新變成第一名!
The only thing that gratified me was that there were now rumors about him in school. 「Look! That is the guy who always gets No.1 on exams!」 「I』ve heard that he even took drugs to study all night!」 (No wonder he looked so thin like an opium addict!) 「It is said that his interest is to study the English dictionary!」 (I think he read the dictionary even when he was using the bathroom!) 「I』ve heard that he would tear off the pages of the textbook he』s reading and eat them!」 (Maybe he had even eaten an encyclopedia!) Now the 「No. 1 pervert」 title stayed with him; the 「No.1 bugaboo」 and 「No.1 monster」 also belonged to him; I started to miss the days when I was called 「bugaboo」, 「pervert」 or 「monster」. Now everybody called me 「No. 2」, and some people even called me 「Guang-Er」 directly! (Er means number two.) I was so angry that I could explode, for Grandpa had named me 「Guang-Yi, how could I be number two? I was the one who lost the throne of number one, how could I let Grandpa down? The only way to defeat that number one was to get full scores, too. Only with that could I become number one again!
When I wrote on the third monthly exam, my hand was trembling all the way through. My close friend said that she could even feel the combativeness when standing next to me. The result was I got 700 points, full score, this time! When the announcement of grade was shown, I was dumbfounded. Why was my name still listed under that guy? I rushed into the Office of Academic Affairs angrily and asked the teacher, 「why was I listed as number two on the announcement of grade?」
「That can』t be! Both of you got full scores, so you are both number one!」
「Then why was his name listed before mine?」
「Because he is in class no. one and you are in class no. two! Since the two of you got the same scores, you were listed according to the order of your class!」
「That is unreasonable!」 I really wanted to roar at the teacher in the Office of Academic Affairs. I was number one! I was number one!
On the morning of the day of the award ceremony, I threw my schoolbag over the wall and climbed into school like usual. Yet this time when I fell to the ground, something felt strange. It seemed that I was glued to the ground. When did the school set this trap? Was it superglue? I looked down and found that I had fallen into a freshly cemented floor. What was I to do? I had better run away before anyone came.
我剛抬起一隻腳,「你在幹嘛?」我全身寒毛直豎,整個人像變成化石一樣動彈不得。MY GOD!被發現了!!!!!!!!!!!!!這件事萬一被學校老師知道了,說不定會被記過!爸媽一定會把我打死的…天啊!我該怎麼辦!
I raised one foot. 「What are you doing?」 All my hair stood on its end; I froze like a fossil. Oh, my God!!!!!! I was caught!!!!!!!!!! If this matter was known by the teachers in school, I would possibly get a demerit. My parents would definitely beat me to death…..God! What should I do?
With difficulty, I raised my head very slowly to see who on earth witnessed my crime. It was that 「No.1 pervert」!
「How come you are here!」 I could not help but cry out.
「I am here to play basketball,」 he pointed to the basketball in his hand, 「it is cooler to play in the morning.」
「You still have time to play ball?」 I was almost too angry to speak. That guy was so arrogant! 「I climbed into school because I didn』t have enough time to study, but you still have spare time to play ball in the early morning!」 I shouted at him.
「Though I need to study, I still want to play basketball!」 he shrugged, 「and you』d better not move because your footprints are everywhere now.」
I looked down at the ground. My God! The two original footprints had become four!
「Do you need help?」 he stretched out his hand, 「let me pull you out of there.」
「No one needs your favor!」 I took two steps to get out of that cement floor. Now there were six footprints on the ground.
He frowned, 「That』s not a good idea. What if the teachers find that…」
「The teachers will not know unless someone snitches!」
我狠狠的瞪了他一眼,抓起我的書包,幸好書包沒掉進水泥裡,不然我就慘了。 「你要是敢跟老師說,我就跟老師說,你自己還不是爬牆進來的。」
I stared at him fiercely and then grabbed my schoolbag to go. Thank God my schoolbag didn』t fall into the cement floor, or else I would be doomed. 「If you dare to tell the teachers, I will tell them that you also climbed the wall to enter school.」
「Do you hate me that much?」 he shouted from behind me.
「That』s right.」 I did not bother to look back.
「Because you got number one on the exam.」
He did not say anything again.
I went back to the classroom and wiped the cement off my feet with a rag. For the spots that I could not wipe clean, I rubbed some mud over them. There was no way anyone could discover what I did!
During the morning rally, the Director of Student Affairs suddenly rushed onto the stage angrily. He grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly, 「Somebody stepped over the freshly cemented floor next to the campus wall this morning.」 My heart was pounding crazily. I took an unconscious glance at my shoes. He couldn』t have discovered anything……
「I must find the guy who climbed over the wall! Now we will check the footprints of every class, starting with class no. one!」
I was so scared that I almost fell to the ground. What should I do? Just as the old saying goes, 「people should not take the bad road」, for the law would always catch up on you. I was finished. Students formed a queue and I inched forward behind everyone else. Te be exposed in front of the whole school was really the most terrible condition. I should have turned myself in while I still had the chance. Wouldn』t that reduce the penalty……
「So it was you?」 The Director of Student Affairs looked quite surprised, for the one whose footprints were being checked was that 「No.1 pervert」.
最驚訝的應該是我,怎麼會有這種事?我的腳明明比他小得多!?但他踩在鞋印上,卻是不大不小剛剛好,他們班導師也傻眼了。大家也都開始竊竊私語,「不會吧!第一名也會爬牆?」「看不出來啊,想不到他是這種人!」 「這一定有問題,犯人可能跟他穿同一種鞋子,尺寸可能剛好一樣大。」 他們班導師像是恍然大悟似的大叫。
The most surprised person should be me! How could it happen? My feet were obviously much smaller than his, but when he stepped onto the footprints, his feet and the footprints matched perfectly! The head-teacher of his class was dumbfounded, too. Everyone started to whisper to one another, 「No way! The number one climbed the wall?」 「No one could tell! I could never imagine he』s this kind of person!」 The head-teacher of his class cried out suddenly as if he just saw the light: 「There must be something wrong! The criminal may be wearing the same kind of shoes and their size may be the same.」
訓導主任連連點頭,一臉如釋重負的樣子,「沒錯,一定是這樣沒錯!」沒想到,第一名把腳抬得高高的,指著白球鞋上的灰色水泥痕跡說,「是我。」一瞬間,所有的人都楞在那。說不出話。 「我們去訓導處吧。」他自顧自的走向訓導處,主任急忙跟了上去,他們班導師還傻在那動不了。
The Director of Student Affairs nodded repeatedly with a sense of relief and said, 「That』s right! That must be the case!」 Surprisingly, number one raised his foot high, pointing to the gray mark of cement, and said, 「it was me」. It caught everyone by surprise and all were too shocked to say anything. 「Let』s go,」 said he, walking toward the Office of Student Affairs alone. The Director followed him quickly, while the head-teacher of his class was still dumbfounded and unable to move.
After the ranks were arrayed again, the award ceremony continued with giving out certifications of merits for those students who did well on the third monthly exam. The emcee skipped over his name and my familiar name came through: 「No.1 goes to class two, second year, Guang-Yi Tang.」
I was the only person standing in the position of number one, so I should be very happy. This was the position I had been eager to win back, right? Yet a sense of guilt drove out all other feelings. When I received the merit certificate, I suddenly felt that everything was so ridiculous.
What on earth was 「number one」? The award was just a piece of paper. I didn』t deserve number one at all. Only he deserved it. He was the real number one. During the first break of the morning, I went over to his classroom; his seat was unoccupied. Was he still in the Office of Student Affairs? It was already past the first class. Hadn』t they finished with him? I looked in the direction of the Office of Student Affairs and saw him walking toward the classroom.
走廊上也有別的同學發現他了,有人酸酸的說: 「真沒想到,第一名也會爬牆啊!」「爬牆算什麼,我看連第一名都是靠作弊的吧!」「是啊,不然怎麼會每次都你拿第一名?」
Other classmates in the hallway saw him too, and someone said satirically, 「I had never imagined a number-one student would climb the wall!」 「It』s not a big deal to climb the wall. I bet he got number one by cheating!」 「That』s right! If not so, how come you are always number one?」
啪!啪!啪!三聲,我甩給他們三個一人一巴掌。 「你幹什麼!」一個男生一把抓住我的手,「你敢打我!」「怎樣,我告訴你,爬牆算什麼!第一名還會打人!」我繼續說,「我告訴你,第一名也是人,第一名也會生氣!」「你不要以為你是女生我就不敢打!」我的手還是被抓著,好痛。「放手。」他抓住那個男生的手,我們三個僵持在那,沒人肯鬆手。
Slap! Slap! Slap! I gave each one of them a slap on the face. 「What are you doing?」 a boy grabbed my hand, 「how dare you hit me!」 「Well! I tell you what. It』s not a big deal to climb the wall! A number-one student can also attack people!」 I went on to say, 「Let me tell you, a number one student is also a human being. She can also get angry!」 「Don』t think that I dare not hit you because you are a girl!」 My hand was in the guy』s grip, and it really hurt. 「Let her go,」 my rival number one grabbed that boy』s hand. The three of us were posed in a stalemate, for no one would let go.
Suddenly someone cried, 「the teacher is coming!」 Upon hearing the word, that boy finally loosened his grip, and everybody dispersed in a hubbub.
After school that day, I didn』t go home. I squatted in today』s 「crime scene」 alone in a daze. The footprints had been made by me. How did they become his footprints? I guessed that maybe after I walked away, he soon stepped his footprints over mine. Why did he do it? I had thought that he was the same kind of person as I was, that the goal of his life was to get the number one place on exams. In my mind, he was my 「enemy,」 yet he treated me so well.
「Hey! Could you do me a favor?」 I turned around and saw him walking toward me with a small bucket in his hand.
「I promised the Director that I would fix up the footprints today,」 he pointed at the bucket of gray stuff. 「Are you free now?」
「Sure!」 I nodded quickly, 「I』m sorry. If it hadn』t been…」
「妳別放在心上,我本來就是爬牆進來的啊!」他吐了吐舌頭。 「主任說,今天補好就不記我過。」真想不到主任也有這麼慈悲的一面......
「Never mind. I did climb the wall to get in!」 said he, sticking out his tongue. 「The Director said that if I mend it perfectly today, he won』t give me a demerit.」 I never imagined that the Director would be so merciful.
At nightfall in the campus, with the wind blowing coolly, we immersed in smoothing out the cement, which I found kind of interesting.
「Do you know why I wanted to get number one in the exams?」 I shook my head.
He took a deep breath and said, 「because…..when receiving the award, I can stand next to you.」
「Why would you want to stand next to me?」 asked I foolishly.
「Ah, I said it so plainly but you still didn』t get it. Are you smart or stupid?」
Uh? Well? Did he mean that? I blushed at once.
That night I wrote a letter to Grandpa:
Dearest Grandpa:
Thank you for naming me 「Guang-Yi」, for now I finally understood that you didn』t want me to compete for the number one, but you hoped that I would become the most important number one in someone』s life, right? To be the shining number one in that someone』s heart. Tell you what, Grandpa, now I』ve found that someone, who thinks of me as number one and regards me as more important than himself. Thank you, Grandpa.
I lit the lighter and watched the letter burn to ashes bit by bit. I thought that when Grandpa read the letter in Heaven, he would be happy for me too.