Course Description
This course will be conducted as a professional seminar that prepares students for the highly competitive job market and the challenge of intelligent discussions. We will learn about the ins and outs of performance-oriented PR-related jobs and the styles of public language and composure, as well as the rules of the game for intellectual discussions about given topics. Special emphasis will be put on the planning and organizing of materials for effective communication and presentation. Reference materials will be available on the course website and will be discussed in great detail in class. Registered students are required to serve as members of the English PR Team for the duration of the course. Students will be required to study before class and prepare for presentations. Basic requirements for grade consideration include: weekly presentations, conscientious efforts, and notable progress.
作業及聯繫信箱 。主旨必須標明 『oral training-學生中文姓名』,以便登記。未按照規定,迷失網路,恕不負責。

Tentative Schedule:
Useful Links: Top-ten words