課程名稱:情緒哲學philosophy of emotions









接著我們將問題繼續引導到社會理論方面,我們問:決定社會行動的基本力量是情感或理性?情感和社會結構的關係是什麼?情感是社會建構的嗎?什麼是後情緒社會?傳統情感和現代情感有別嗎?情感勞動與情感商品化會導致人的異化嗎?有人認為「羞恥」在現代社會控制方面衰落了,被罪惡感取而代之,是真的嗎?羞恥與社會順從(conformity)若密切相關,為何羞恥不是很醒目?本世紀興起了以自我為中心的「自我感受」的情感,如自傲、自恨、窘糗、迷茫、鼓舞、懷舊、自戀等的意義是什麼?情感和自我、自戀社會的關係是什麼?EQ興起的社會文化背景是什麼?如何看待情緒偏差(emotional deviance)?情緒在現代組織中的角色是什麼?由此進入有關現代情緒(Modern Emotions)與其社會功能的討論。


下學期則進一部深入情緒哲學的問題。例如:情感的哲學理論是什麼?情感有認知的功能嗎?學術研究向來強調理性,情感或情緒在學術研究內有一席之地嗎?應該有嗎?情緒主義倫理學的意義是什麼?為什麼存在主義者認為本體論(ontology)應當根基於像驚懼憤怒這類情緒的現象學?沙特如何解釋情緒?焦慮、作噁、荒謬感、疏離(alienation)等「存在」情緒(“existential” emotions)的意義是什麼?尼采、舍勒(Max Scheler)對於妒恨(resentment)和羞恥(shame)的討論是什麼?

心靈哲學如何看待情緒?情感或情緒究竟是什麼(是感受?感覺?認知?生理狀況?行為類型?傾向?或以上的某些組合)? 生物-心理學者如何看待情感現象?




Barbalet, J. M.  Emotion, Social Theory and Social Structure: A Macrosociological Approach.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Hochschild, A. R.  The Managed Heart: The Commercialization of Human Feeling.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.

Kemper, T.  Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions.  Albany, NY: State

Bendelow, Gillian and Simon J. Williams, eds.  Emotions in Social Life : Critical Themes and Contemporary Issues.  London: Routledge, 1998.

Fineman, Stephen.  Emotion in Organization.  London: Sage Publication, 1993

Scheff, Thomas J.  Microsociology : Discourse, Emotion & Social Structure.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Meštrović, Stjepan G.  Postmotional Society.  London: Sage Publication, 1997.

Wouters, C.  “ On Status Competition and Emotion Management.”  Journal of Social History.  24(1991): 699-717.

Wouters, C.  “The Sociology of Emotions and Flight Attendants: Hochschild’s Managed Heart.”  Theory Culture and Society.  6(1989): 95-123.

Hochschild, A. R.  “Reply to Cas Wouter’s Review Essay on the ‘Managed Heart’.”  Theory Culture and Society.  6.3(1989): 439-45.

Hochschild, A. R.  “The Commercial Spirit of Intimate Life and the Abduction of Feminism: Signs from Women’s Advice Books.”  Theory Culture and Society.  11(1994): 1-24.

Bartky, Sandra Lee.  “Feeding Egos and Tending Wounds: Deference and Disaffection in Women’s Emotional Labor.”  In her Femininity and Domination.  New York: Routledge, 1990.  99-119.

Scheff, Thomas J.   Emotions, the Social Bond & Human Reality : Part-Whole Analysis.   New York: Cambridge University Press: 1997.



De Sousa, Ronald.  The Rationality Of Emotion.  Cambridge , Mass. : MIT Press , 1987.(本課程的教科書之一)

“Emotion.”  Encyclopidia of philosophy.


Lyons ,William E.  Emotion.  New York : Cambridge University Press , 1980.

Green ,O. H.  The Emotions : A Philosophical Theory.  Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer , 1992. 

Harre ,Rom, and W.Gerrod Parrott.  The Emotions : Social, Cultural and Biological Dimensions.  California : SAGE Publications Inc , 1996.

Harre ,Rom.  The Social Construction of Emotions.  New York: Blackwell, 1986.

Harre ,Rom.  Physical Being: A Theory for a Corporeal Psychology.  Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1991.

Ryle, G.  The Concept of Mind.  Chapter 4.

Coulter, Jeff.  The Social Construction of Mind.  Chapter 7. “Emotion and social context”.

Russell, B.  The analysis of Mind.



Sartre ,Jean Paul, and Bernard Frechtman .  The Emotions : Outline of a Theory.  New York : The Wisdom Library , 1975.

Kitayama ,Shinobu, and Hazel Markus.  Emotion and Culture : Empirical Studies of Mutual Influence.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1994.

Radke-Yarrow, M. and T. Sherman.  “Interaction of Cognition and Emotion in Development.”  Social Relationships and Cognitive Development.  Eds. by   Robert A. Hinde, et. al.  173-190.  Also in the same volume by Editors: “Emotion, Cognition, and Social Interactions.” (Editorial) 169-172.

Shibles ,Warren A.  Emotion in Aesthetics.  Dordrecht Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1995. 

Garner, Richard.  “Chapter 12: Desires and Emotions.”  In his Beyond Morality.  Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1994.



──達爾文﹐Scheler, Nietzsche, Elias, Goffman, Tomkins

達爾文,《人和動物的感情表達》The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals曹驥譯﹐北京科學出版社:1996。(四川出版社有另一個譯本﹐似乎較差)

Scheler, Max.  Ressentiment.  Free Press, 1961.(台北雙葉翻印)

舍勒(Max Scheler)《價值的顛覆》牛津大學出版社1996


Nietzsche, F.  On the Geneology of Morals. (《論道德的譜系》)




舍克Helmut Schoeck。《嫉妒與社會》,台北時報出版社:1995

Heller, Agnes.  The Power of Shame.  London: RKP, 1985.

Heller, Agnes.  A Theory of Feelings.  Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1979.

Goffman, Erving.  Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity.  (The Disability Studies Reader. 有收錄兩篇可選讀)

Elias, Norbert.  “On Human Beings and Their Emotions: A Process-Sociological Essay.”  The Body: Social Process and Cultural Theory.  Edited by Mike Featherstone, et. al.  London: Sage, 1991.  103-125.

Kuzmics, Helmut.  “Embarrassment and Civilization: on some similarities and differences in the work of Goffman and Elias.”  Theory Culture and Society.  8(1991): 1-30.

Wheeler, Arthur.  “Pain Suffering and Death in the Intensive Care Unit.”  Politics and the Human Body: Assault on Dignity.  Edited by Jean Bethke Elshtain and J. Timothy Cloyd.  Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1995.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, and Adam Frank.  Shame and its Sisters: A Silvan Tomkins Reader.  Durham: Duke UP, 1995.

Demos, E. Virginia, ed.  Exploring Affect : The Selected Writings of Silvan S. Tomkins.  Cambridge University Press.


Bartky, Sandra Lee.  “Shame and Gender.”  In her Femininity and Domination.  New York: Routledge, 1990.  83-98.

Ettorre, Elizabeth, and Elianne Riska.  Gendered Moods.  London: Routledge, 1995.



Craib, Ian.  “The Sociology of the Emotions.”  Experiencing Identity.  London: SAGE, 1998.  Chapter 8.

Craib, Ian.  The Importance of Disappointment.  London: Routledge, 1994.

Marris, Peter.  The Politics of Uncertainty.   London: Routledge, 1996.

Lasch, Christopher.  The Culture of Narcissism.  London: Sphere Books, 1980.