
Post-Philosophy: Richard Rorty

Course Description:  

In recent years, 'post-philosophy', 'post-analytic philosophy', 'post-modern philosophy' and 'post-Nietzschean philosophy' have been used to describe the contemporary American philosophy scene, in which Richard Rorty's "Neo-Pragmatism" figures prominently. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with this recent development in American philosophy and its 'continental philosophy connection'. Due to the limitation of time, we will concentrate on certain aspects of Rorty's philosophy; however, works by a number of other post-analytic philosophers will also be studied.  

Course Requirement:  

Students are required to attend classes regularly, study the required reading materials, participate in class discussions, and make scheduled presentations in class. There will be a term paper, no less than 5000 words (in Chinese), to be turned in no later than Jan. 15th, 1993. The term paper does not have to make any original contribution to the field; yet it should be a well-written, clear exposition of selected article(s) or book(s). You must have your choice of topic approved by the instructor by Nov. 18 before you start writing. Collaboration on this project is permissible but restricted to two persons in each team.  

Reading Materials:  

Rorty: Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, Consequences of Pragmatism, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, Philosophical Papers I & II. 

Besides Rorty's works , various articles will be selected from mainly the following books:  

  • Rajchman, John and Cornel West, eds. Post-Analytic Philosophy. 
  • Baynes, Kenneth, et. al. eds. After Philosophy: End or Transformation? 
  • Murphy, John. Pragmatism: From Peirce to Davidson. 
  • Hiley, David, et. al. eds. The Interpretive Turn: Philosophy, Science, Culture. 


道德哲學:正義理論John Rawls

John Rawls 的<<正義理論>>被公認為20世紀後期倫理學發展的一個里程碑,確定了「正義」是道德哲學中最中心主要的問題。本課程將以大部分時間研讀這本名著,以及幾篇Rawls的論文;如果時間允許,也將以小部分時間來使學生熟習 Sandel,Mouffe等人Rawls 的批評。 


John Rawls, A Theory of Justice 


Michael J. Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice.  

Chantal Mouffe, "Rawls: Political Philosophy without Politics".  

John Rawls, "Justice as Fairness" (1958)  

---, "Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory"  

---, "A Kantian Conception of Equality"  

---, "Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical" (1985)  

---, "The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus"  

---, "The Prioity of Right and Ideas of the Good"  

---, "The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus"  



  • Norman Daniels, ed. Reading Rawls: Critical Studies of A Theory of Justice
  • Brian Barry, The Liberal Theory of Justice: A Critical Examination of the Principal Doctrines in A Theory of Justice by John Rawls
  • Robert Paul Wolff, Understanding Rawls: A Reconstruction and Critique of A Theory of Justice
  • Will Kymlicka, Liberalism, Community and Culture.




倫理學專題:Habermas' discourse ethics

本課程雖然是探討Habermasdiscourse ethics,但是因為Habermas的思想非常具有系統性,故而本課程也是介紹他思想的大要:他的theory of communication, communicative competence, ideal speech situation, universal pragmatics, 等等。 


  • Communication and the Evolution of Society (Habermas) 
  • The Theory of Communicative Action vol. I & II (Habermas) 
  • Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action. (Habermas) 
  • The Communicative Ethics Controversy (Ed. Seyla Benhabib and Fred Dallmayr) 

The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas (Thomas McCarthy)  





  • Foucault. “The Discourse on Language.” In The Archaeology of Knowledge.1970(演講), 1971(法英出版).兩個英譯版本。 
  • Foucault. Discipline and Punish. 1975(法), 1977(英). 
  • Foucault. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. 1976(法), 1978(英). 
  • Foucault. “Governmentality”, in Graham Burchell et al (eds.) The Foucault Effect. 1978(演講),1991(英). 
  • Sheridan, Alan. Michel Foucault: The Will to Truth. London: Tavistock Publication, 1980. 
  • Dreyfus, Hubert L. and Paul Rabinow. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Second Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982, 1983. 
  • Poster, Mark. Foucault, Marxism and History. New York: Polity Press, 1984. Pp. 78-145. 
  • McNay, Lois. Foucault: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994. 
























  • Foucault. “The Discourse on Language.” In The Archaeology of Knowledge.1970(演講), 1971(法英出版).兩個英譯版本。 
  • Foucault. Discipline and Punish. 1975(法), 1977(英). 
  • Foucault. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. 1976(法), 1978(英). 
  • Foucault. “Governmentality”, in Graham Burchell et al (eds.) The Foucault Effect. 1978(演講), 1991(英). 
  • Foucault. “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History." Language, counter-memory, practice. 或者 Paul Rabinow, ed., The Foucault Reader. (方法學) 
  • Foucault. "Introduction", In The Archaeology of Knowledge.1970 (方法學) 
  • Sheridan, Alan. Michel Foucault: The Will to Truth. London: Tavistock Publication, 1980. (中) 
  • Dreyfus, Hubert L. and Paul Rabinow. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Second Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982, 1983. (中) 
  • Poster, Mark. Foucault, Marxism and History. New York: Polity Press, 1984. Pp. 78-145. 
  • McNay, Lois. Foucault: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994.(包括了Foucault後期著作的解說) 
  • 中文書可以參考劉北成編著之<傅柯思想肖像>,北京師範大學出版社。
Foucault 研究的一般論文集  
  • Prado, C. G. Starting with Foucault: An Introduction to Genealogy. San Francisco: Westview Press, 1995. Chapter 5,6. 此書比較適合分析哲學傾向者閱讀。
  • Hoy, David Couzens (ed.), Foucault: A Critical Reader


  • Hacking, Rorty, Walzer. 三人的文章 Hoy, David Couzens (ed.), Foucault: A Critical Reader
  • Haber, Honi Fern. Beyond Postmodern Politics. Chapter 3. 
  • Fraser, Nancy. "Michel Foucault: A young conservative?" 
  • Macey, David. The Lives of Foucault 
  • Miller, James. The Passion of Michel Foucault 
  • Eribon, Didier. Michel Foucault.

期末報告可能的Thesis topic: (建議)


  • Roy Porter vs. Mark Poster 在Debating Gender, Debating Sexuality的文章。 
  • Kritzman, Lawrence (ed.) Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984. London: Routledge, 1988. Chapter 7 Power and Sex. 
  • Poster, Mark. Foucault, Marxism and History. New York: Polity Press, 1984. Pp. 78-145. 
Foucault 與女性主義  
  • Lois McNay, Foucault and Feminism. 
  • Jana Sawicki, Disciplining Foucault. 
  • Irene Diamond and Lee Quinby, ed., Feminism and Foucault
  • Susan J. Hekman, ed., Feminist Interpretation of Michel Foucault. 
  • Up Against Foucault—Explorations of Some Tensions Between Foucault and Feminism. Ed. by Caroline Ramazanoglu. London: Routledge, 1993. 
  • Hoy, David Couzens. "Power, Repression, Progress: Foucault, Lukes, and the Frankfurt School." Foucault: A Critical Reader. Hoy, David Couzens (ed.), 123-147. 
  • McCarthy, Thomas. "The Critique of Impure Reason: Foucault and the Frankfurt School." Critique and Power. Edited by Michael Kelly. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 1995. 243-282. 
  • Hoy, David Couzens, and Thomas McCarthy.  Critical Theory.  Chapter 5.  Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
  • Dew, Peter.  “Michel Foucault: Power and Subjectivity.”  In his Logics of Disintegration.  New York: Verso, 1987.  (Esp. 150-161.)
Foucault and Sexuality  
  • Mark Poster and Judith Butler 在Caputo and Yount的文章。 
  • David Halperin,“The Queer Politics of Michel Foucault" in Saint Foucault. 或 The Material Queer. 
  • Catherin McKinnon. 在 Discourses of Sexuality—from Aristotle to AIDS. Ed. by Domna C. Stanton. Michigan, 1992. 
  • Hacking, Ian. "The Autonomy of Statistical Law." Scientific Explanation and Understanding: Essays on Reasoning and Rationality in Science. Edited by N. Rescher. Lanham, MD: University of Press of America, 1983. 3-20. 
  • Hacking, Ian. "How Should We Do the History of Statistics?" The Foucault Effect: Studies In Governmentality. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991. 181-196. 
  • Ball, Stephen J. "Management as Moral Technology: a Luddite Analysis." Foucault and Education: Disciplines and Knowledge. Ed. by Stephen Ball. New York: Routledge, 1990. 
Kant, Foucault, Habermas 
  • Kant. “What is Enlightenment?” On History. trans. L. W. Beck.
  • Foucault. “What is Enlightenment?” , in Paul Rabinow (ed.) , The Foucault Reader
  • Foucault. “Kant on Enlightenment and Revolution”, in Gane & Johnson. Also in Kelly and in Kritzman as “The Art of Telling the Truth”. 
  • Foucault. “Critical Theory/Intellectual History”, in Kelly and also in Kritzman. 
  • Gordon, Colin. “Question, Ethos, Event: Foucault on Kant and Enlightenment.”, in Gane & Johnson. 
  • Habermas. “Taking Aim at the Heart of the Present.” In Hoy, and also in Kelly. 
  • Rabinow and Dreyfus. “What is Maturity? Habermas and Foucault on ‘What is Enlightenment?’” , in Hoy. 
  • Kelly, Michael. Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate
  • Kritzman, Lawrence (ed.) Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984
  • Hoy, David Couzens (ed.), Foucault: A Critical Reader
  • Gane, Mike and Terry Johnson (eds.) Foucualt‘s New Domains.






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