情緒哲學(philosophy of emotions)


 ──1999年春 (88學年度第一學期)  






接著我們將問題繼續引導到社會理論方面,我們問:決定社會行動的基本力量是情感或理性?情感和社會結構的關係是什麼?情感是社會建構的嗎?什麼是後情緒社會?傳統情感和現代情感有別嗎?情感勞動與情感商品化會導致人的異化嗎?有人認為「羞恥」在現代社會控制方面衰落了,被罪惡感取而代之,是真的嗎?羞恥與社會順從(conformity)若密切相關,為何羞恥不是很醒目?本世紀興起了以自我為中心的「自我感受」的情感,如自傲、自恨、窘糗、迷茫、鼓舞、懷舊、自戀等的意義是什麼?情感和自我、自戀社會的關係是什麼?EQ興起的社會文化背景是什麼?如何看待情緒偏差(emotional deviance)?情緒在現代組織中的角色是什麼?由此進入有關現代情緒(Modern Emotions)與其社會功能的討論。 

下學期則進一部深入情緒哲學的問題。課程內容包括了古典與當代對情緒的哲學討論,但是會集中在晚近哲學界對此問題的新興趣與新討論。情感與理性和動力意願(motivation)的關係,自從Plato就開始被討論,而且在Aristotle, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Hume和沙特等人的著作中都是個重要的題目。雖然大家都認為情緒是我們動機中很有力的因素,但是哲學家多半對情緒能否有助於理性與道德行為感到懷疑。有哲學家認為情感就像生理的干擾,而且也無法構成行動的「理由」,因為情感的內容是空洞的。不過也有人認為情緒雖然具有認知內容,但是太個人化,是生理(或甚至病理)反應的產物,無法提供行為可靠的理由。不過,近年來許多哲學家,像Ronald de Sousa, Amelie Rorty and Martha Nussbaum開始「平反」情緒在理性或行動理論中的地位。同時從倫理學與政治理論立場出發的 Elizabeth Spelman, Allan Gibbard, Michael Stocker and Alison Jagger 則認為我們應該重新評估情感的重要性。在本學期將涵蓋的話題有:情感的哲學理論是什麼?情感有認知的功能嗎?學術研究向來強調理性,情感或情緒在學術研究內有一席之地嗎?應該有嗎?情感的認知理論或社會建構理論為何?情感與女性主義知識論、情感與價值、情感與自欺,有何關係?情緒主義倫理學的意義是什麼?為什麼存在主義者認為本體論(ontology)應當根基於像驚懼憤怒這類情緒的現象學?沙特如何解釋情緒?焦慮、作噁、荒謬感、疏離(alienation)等「存在」情緒(「existential」 emotions)的意義是什麼?尼采、舍勒(Max Scheler)對於妒恨(resentment)和羞恥(shame)的討論是什麼?

心靈哲學如何看待情緒?情感或情緒究竟是什麼(是感受?感覺?認知?生理狀況?行為類型?傾向?或以上的某些組合)? 生物-心理學者如何看待情感現象?




Campbell, Sue. Interpreting the Personal: Expression and the Formation of Feelings.  Ithaca: Cornell University, 1997.

de Sousa, Ronald.   The Rationality of Emotion.  Cambridge MIT Press, 1987.

Gibbard, Allan.  Wise Choices, Apt Feelings: A Theory of Normative Judgements

Griffiths, Paul E.  What Emotions Really Are: The Problem of Psychological Categories.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Nussbaum, Martha.  Love's Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Nussbaum, Martha.  Upheavals of Thought.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Rorty, Amelie (ed.)  Explaining Emotions.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.

Solomon, Robert and Cheshire Calhoun (eds.)  What Is An Emotion? Classic Readings in Philosophical Psychology.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.

Spelman, Elizabeth V.  Fruits of Sorrow: Framing Our Attention to Suffering.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1997.

Stocker, Michael and Elizabeth Hegeman.  Valuing Emotions.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.




「Emotion.」  Encyclopidia of philosophy.

Coulter, Jeff.  The Social Construction of Mind.  Chapter 7. 「Emotion and social context」.

Green, O. H.  The Emotions: A Philosophical Theory.  Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer , 1992. 

Harre, Rom, and W. Gerrod Parrott.  The Emotions: Social, Cultural and Biological Dimensions.  California: SAGE Publications Inc , 1996.

Harre, Rom.  Physical Being: A Theory for a Corporeal Psychology.  Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1991.

Harre, Rom.  The Social Construction of Emotions.  New York: Blackwell, 1986.

Lyons, William E.  Emotion.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

Russell, B.  The analysis of Mind.

Ryle, G.  The Concept of Mind.  Chapter 4.


Garner, Richard.  「Chapter 12: Desires and Emotions.」  In his Beyond Morality.  Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1994.

Kitayama ,Shinobu, and Hazel Markus.  Emotion and Culture : Empirical Studies of Mutual Influence.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1994.

Radke-Yarrow, M. and T. Sherman.  「Interaction of Cognition and Emotion in Development.」  Social Relationships and Cognitive Development.  Eds. by   Robert A. Hinde, et. al.  173-190.  Also in the same volume by Editors: 「Emotion, Cognition, and Social Interactions.」 (Editorial) 169-172.

Sartre ,Jean Paul, and Bernard Frechtman .  The Emotions: Outline of a Theory.  New York : The Wisdom Library , 1975.

Shibles ,Warren A.  Emotion in Aesthetics.  Dordrecht Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1995. 


Barbalet, J. M.  Emotion, Social Theory and Social Structure: A Macrosociological Approach.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Bartky, Sandra Lee.  「Feeding Egos and Tending Wounds: Deference and Disaffection in Women』s Emotional Labor.」  In her Femininity and Domination.  New York: Routledge, 1990.  99-119.

Bendelow, Gillian and Simon J. Williams, eds.  Emotions in Social Life : Critical Themes and Contemporary Issues.  London: Routledge, 1998.

Fineman, Stephen.  Emotion in Organization.  London: Sage Publication, 1993

Hochschild, A. R.  「The Commercial Spirit of Intimate Life and the Abduction of Feminism: Signs from Women』s Advice Books.」  Theory Culture and Society.  11(1994): 1-24.

Hochschild, A. R.  The Managed Heart: The Commercialization of Human Feeling.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.

Hochschild, A. R.  「Reply to Cas Wouter』s Review Essay on the 『Managed Heart』.」  Theory Culture and Society.  6.3(1989): 439-45.

Kemper, T.  Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions.  Albany, NY: State

Lupton, D. The Emotional Self: a Sociocultural Exploration. London, SAGE, 1998.

Meštrović, Stjepan G.  Postmotional Society.  London: Sage Publication, 1997.

Scheff, Thomas J.   Emotions, the Social Bond & Human Reality : Part-Whole Analysis.   New York: Cambridge University Press: 1997.

Scheff, Thomas J.  Microsociology : Discourse, Emotion & Social Structure.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Wouters, C.  「 On Status Competition and Emotion Management.」  Journal of Social History.  24(1991): 699-717.

Wouters, C.  「The Sociology of Emotions and Flight Attendants: Hochschild』s Managed Heart.」  Theory Culture and Society.  6(1989): 95-123.


──達爾文﹐Scheler, Nietzsche, Elias, Goffman, Tomkins


舍勒(Max Scheler)《價值的顛覆》牛津大學出版社1996

舍克Helmut Schoeck。《嫉妒與社會》,臺北時報出版社:1995

達爾文,《人和動物的感情表達》The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals曹驥譯,北京科學出版社:1996。(四川出版社有另一個譯本似乎較差)



Demos, E. Virginia, ed.  Exploring Affect : The Selected Writings of Silvan S. Tomkins.  Cambridge University Press.

Elias, Norbert.  「On Human Beings and Their Emotions: A Process-Sociological Essay.」  The Body: Social Process and Cultural Theory.  Edited by Mike Featherstone, et. al.  London: Sage, 1991.  103-125.

Goffman, Erving.  Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity.  (The Disability Studies Reader. 有收錄兩篇可選讀)

Heller, Agnes.  The Power of Shame.  London: RKP, 1985.

Heller, Agnes.  A Theory of Feelings.  Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1979.

Kuzmics, Helmut.  「Embarrassment and Civilization: on some similarities and differences in the work of Goffman and Elias.」  Theory Culture and Society.  8(1991): 1-30.

Nietzsche, F.  On the Geneology of Morals. (《論道德的譜系》)

Scheler, Max.  Ressentiment.  Free Press, 1961.(臺北雙葉翻印)

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, and Adam Frank.  Shame and its Sisters: A Silvan Tomkins Reader.  Durham: Duke UP, 1995.

Wheeler, Arthur.  「Pain Suffering and Death in the Intensive Care Unit.」  Politics and the Human Body: Assault on Dignity.  Edited by Jean Bethke Elshtain and J. Timothy Cloyd.  Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1995.



Bartky, Sandra Lee.  「Shame and Gender.」  In her Femininity and Domination.  New York: Routledge, 1990.  83-98.

Ettorre, Elizabeth, and Elianne Riska.  Gendered Moods.  London: Routledge, 1995.


Craib, Ian.  「The Sociology of the Emotions.」  Experiencing Identity.  London: SAGE, 1998.  Chapter 8.

Craib, Ian.  The Importance of Disappointment.  London: Routledge, 1994.

Marris, Peter.  The Politics of Uncertainty.   London: Routledge, 1996.

Lasch, Christopher.  The Culture of Narcissism.  London: Sphere Books, 1980.
