主講人:馬克夢 教授 (Professor R. Keith McMahon)

East Asian Languages and Cultures University of Kansas
1996-present Chair, East Asian Languages and Cultures

馬克夢教授的著作,特別是他 1995 的專著(中譯:《吝嗇鬼、潑婦、一夫多妻者:十八世紀中國小說中的性與男女關係》),不論在中國古典小說或性 / 別研究的領域,都提供了嶄新的閱讀分析視角。明清小說中的家務安排、人情關係與性別傾向,在人類學家 Maurice Freedman 的著作裏稱之為「中國式一夫多妻」的獨特形式,馬克夢藉著歷史及社會經濟層面之特定性的研究,揭開了過往以跨歷史理解的「愛情故事」外觀。大部份的讀者都意識到這點,但卻不看重這個家務與性愛的安排作為小說形式與意識型態的決定性面向,或不認為該議題本身就值得認真研究。馬克夢的著作不僅全面呈現了一夫一妻多妾再現的多元面向,由明清到二十世紀初,追溯其系譜,並且從中國一夫多妻想像之演進變化的觀點,分析了一男與二女或多女之間、男女之間以及女人之間的各種糾結複雜的關係。這是典範性的著作,開啟了新的研究領域,同時反思「現代」性偏見,以及我們思考的隱形框架。馬克夢教授的著作在古典中國小說研究領域中,其成就不僅在於一個特定主題的微觀層面(明清一夫多妻與娼妓制度連續體的再現與變奏),同時也在於他廣泛的興趣,例如他最近關於資本主義現代性與清代吸鴉片之再現的弔詭性的研究與其〈吸鴉片與現代主體性〉一文,介入了一般性的亞洲研究,也與後殖民與文化研究對話。

The male consort of the remarkable woman and the ontology of the feminine

時間:2006/05/26(五) 14:00~17:00
地點:新竹清華大學人文社會學院 C501 教室


Liminal, deficient, inhuman, half-human, and superhuman – this list describes the range of ghosts, immortals, swordswomen, and other radiant beauties who suddenly and magically appear to an unexpecting man in Pu Songling’s stories. The ephemeral nature of the woman’s attachment to the man makes the man a consort of the woman. He deserves her or he does not, not the other way around. What does such an apparent reversal of the norm of male primacy stand for? Pu Songling’s strange women are the better choice than the man when it is a matter of examining subjectivity in symbolic and ontological crisis. The woman or feminized man represents the human subject par excellence.

The structure of sexuality in China on the verge of modernity

時間:2006/05/30 (二) 10:00~12:00
地點:中壢中央大學文學院 C2-211 教室


Polygamy and prostitution had a deeply formative effect upon the entire field of sexuality in pre-modern China. In simplest sexual terms, China became modern when it abolished bound feet and polygamy. As China neared the end of its imperial era, the dominant symbol of manhood was the polygamous and philandering man, and not only he but also his plural women -- main wife, concubine, and prostitute -- were icons of cultural identity in the face of extinction.

Lacan’s theory of sexual difference in terms of late imperial China

時間:2006/06/2(五) 14:00~17:00
地點:新竹交通大學人社二館 106 教室


The master polygynist says that he is the master of all women, but one of his women is always having an affair with another man. Hence the example of Ximen Qing in Golden Lotus, whose Pan Jinlian is the proof of the uncontainable nature of the woman. This example is a kernel version of sexual difference in general, which on the female side has to do with the failure of any set of rules or terms to fully contain the woman. This failure in turn indicates her ultimate escape from the universal rule to which the man must submit in order to qualify as a man among men under the rule of the exceptional man, the polygynist emperor.