Feminist Theory and Queer Politics
授課教師 何春蕤

課程內容 Schedule
第零週 |
Introduction to the Course (and Sedgwick簡介及<什麼是酷兒>) |
第一週 |
Sedgwick, Affect and Queer Performativity |
第二週 |
Reflections on the Queer Conference (written report required) |
Essentially Feminist Samples |
第三週 |
Mackinnon |
第四週 |
Radicalesbians |
第五週 |
Alcoff |
Rubin's Que(e)ry |
第六週 |
Traffic in Women |
第七週 |
Thinking Sex |
第八週 |
Sexual Traffic |
Theorizing Queer Politics |
第九週 |
Warner |
第十週 |
de Lauretis |
第十一週 |
Butler, Imitation |
第十二週 |
Butler, Against |
第十三週 |
Braidotti |
Continental Divide |
第十四週 |
Butler, Introduction |
第十五週 |
Fuss |