
Jo Ho








一份聯合國內部機密檔案評估,如果發生新的戰爭,將會有50萬人直接或間接死亡, 2百萬人流離失所。國際醫界防止核武組織預估,戰後還會有20萬人死亡,有三成5歲以下的兒童會死於營養不良。







The Cost of War

We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent coannihilation. - Martin Luther King Jr.

No country should be allowed to take the law into its own hands.- Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa

The attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peaces.

Women and children bear the brunt of war and sanctions.


1991 Gulf War: Children and Basic Care

The 1991 Gulf War took the lives of 111,000 civilians, 70,000 of them children under 15 years of age.  And over a decade of economic sanctions have resulted in the deaths of 500,000 children due to malnutrition, diarrhea, and other preventable diseases.

Researchers report that the fragile Iraqi health care system, already badly damaged by 12 years of economic sanctions, is woefully inadequate to deal with the effects of a new war.  92% of hospitals surveyed indicated they were lacking basic medical equipment; intra-operative and post-operative surgical care is virtually unavailable; medical system is poorly equipped to handle civilian casualties resulting from war.


Assessment of New War

A confidential UN assessment warns of diseases in epidemic if not pandemic proportions.  500,000 direct or indirect casualties, and up to 2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees.  International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War estimate an additional 200,000 victims dying in the post war aftermath.

30 percent of children under 5 would be at risk of death from malnutrition," according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The U.N. has stated that the Oil-For-Food Program, which has almost $11 billion in undelivered humanitarian supplies still in the pipeline, will be suspended once war breaks out.  Over 15 million Iraqis who depend for survival on the monthly food rations could be left with no means of support.

"The $30 million in emergency aid pledged by the U.S. and U.K will cover one day's worth of supplies under OFF," said Sarah Zaidi, CESR Research Director.  "The people planning this war must have no understanding of the suffering they will impose on innocent men, women and children in Iraq."

Hidden Costs of the War

Wasted Resources:  Government sources have estimated costs at $50-93 billion for the war itself, $17-45 billion annually for the occupation, and $5-15 billion annually for reconstruction.  One economist estimated total costs to the American economy over the next decade at $1.6 trillion.

Loss of Freedom:  War will also heighten the atmosphere of fear that is undermining traditional American principles of tolerance, non-discrimination, and liberty.

Preemtive War:  An unauthorized pre-emptive war against Iraq will set a dangerous precedent for other countries to settle disputes through military force rather than peaceful negotiations.


