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2023.11.04 「女性:短暫的革命」,2023台灣社會研究學會年會,主題演講,台北教育大學,台北
2019.11.20-22 “Prosperity and its Aesthetic Challenges,” Keynote Speech, 9th ELIA Leadership Symposium, “Mapping the Common Ground: Collaborations Across Cultures,” China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2019.9.20 “Gender as Governance: Sexual Politics in the Age of Globalization,” Keynote Speech, Humanities Research Center Fall Conference 2019: The Future of the Humanities: The Gender/Sex Turn, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, Shanghai
2017.7.3 〈重新思考性〉,主題演講,第六屆中國性研究國際研討會,中國人民大學性社會學研究所,哈爾濱
2016.8.26-27 〈突破死結:從女權與性權到結構與個體〉,主題演講,《性/別理論與運動的臺灣經驗》學術講座,中國人民大學性社會學研究所、臺灣中央大學性/別研究室合辦,北京
2015.07.04 〈性/別研究二十年:理論與運動的反思〉,主題演講,第五屆中國性研究國際研討會,中國人民大學性社會學研究所,北京人民大學
2014.12.14 “Teaching Cultural Studies: Progressivism and its Problems,” Keynote Speech, Second Teaching Camp, organized jointly by Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society (IACSS), Lingnan University, and HKSAR, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
2014.12.04 “Sex and Women in the Metropolis: A Communitarian View,” Keynote Speech, Conference on “Precariously Yours: Gender, Class, and Urbanity in Contemporary Shanghai,” Open University (UK) and Heidelberg University (Germany), Shanghai, China
2014.10.18 “Gender Governance through Law: Populist Moralism in Aspiring Democracies/Economies,” Conference on “Left” in the Dark?: Postcolonial Conversations on Law, Neoliberalism and Queer-Feminist Futures, Keynote Speech, Jindal Global Law School, Jindal Global University, Delhi, India
2013.6.20 〈新公民情感:當代性/別政治的課題〉,主題演講,第四屆中國性研究國際研討會,中國人民大學性社會學研究所,北京
2013.6.14 〈現代親密關係及其張力〉,人文講座,第五屆海峽科技專家論壇心理衛生分會場海峽兩岸之心理健康研討會,福建福州
2012.12.28 〈多元文化主義的陷阱〉,性別多元之實踐與挑戰工作坊,Keynote Speaker,世新大學
2011.3.16 "Shan-Zhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization."  Plenary Speaker, European Consumer Trend Conference, Zurich, Switzerland
2011.1.7-8 山寨中國〉,Plenary Speech,中華民國文化研究學會年會,淡水真理大學
2010.9.26-27 〈理論與實踐:一個在具體脈絡中不斷變化的關係〉,Plenary Speaker,返景入深林:理論與實踐學術研討會,台灣社會研究學會,世新大學
2010.6.22-26 "Censorship and Sensibility," Keynote Speech, International Communication Association (ICA) 2010 conference, Singapore
2010.6.17-21 Shan-Zhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization,” Plenary Speaker, Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) Crossroads 2010 conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
2009.8.14-17 〈山寨性/別(SZ Sexuality):當代性研究/性運不可迴避的眼界〉,Plenary Speaker,第一屆世界華人性學會議,高雄樹德大學
2009.4.15-18 Invited plenary discussant, “Sex Scandal and the Mundane: Response to Lenore Manderson,” 7th International IASSCS Conference: Contested Innocence: Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space (organized by the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society IASSCS), Hanoi, Vietnam
2007.11.29-30 Keynote Address, "Sexual Justice Amidst Global Economic Struggle," New Feminist Solutions, Barnard Center for Research on Women, Columbia University, New York, USA
2007.6.3 "Bidding for Vulnerability: Asian Modernity and the Emerging Gender Stance," Keynote Address, The Second Gendering Asia Conference, Iceland
2007.5.25 "Constructing the Transgender," Keynote Address, Nederlands Transgender Filmfestival (NTGF), De Balie, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2006.1.7-8 〈民困愁城:憂鬱症與現代性的黑暗面〉,Keynote Address中華民國文化研究學會年會,中壢,中央大學
2005.7.7-9 "Is Global Governance Bad for Asian Queers?" Keynote Address, "Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia: An International Conference of Asian Queer Studies," Bangkok, Thailand
相關新聞:亞洲同性戀研究會在泰舉行 何春蕤應邀演說
2005.04.29-30 "Queer Existence Under Global Governance: A Taiwan Exemplar," Keynote Address, "Beyond the Strai(gh)ts: Transnationalism and Queer Chinese Politics" Conference, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
2004.08.23 "Terror-Filled Sexuality Education," Keynote Address, Conference on Gender Equity Education, Ministry of Education, held at Shu-De University, Taiwan
2003.02.20-21 "Cyber Sex: Sexuality, Youth and Cyber Space," Keynote Address, Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp, Taipei Grand Hyatt
2023.7.14 〈性別話語與台灣社會變遷〉,廈門大學婦女/性別研究與培訓基地、廈門大學臺灣研究院,廈門
2019.11.20 “Art Education in Today’s Prosperity,” China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
2019.8.30 需要性教育是不是一個虛假的需要?〉第七屆中國性研究國際研討會,中國人民大學性社會學研究所,哈爾濱。
2019.8.26 〈性/別教育的游擊戰〉,第九期「性」研究理論與方法培訓班,中國人民大學性社會學研究所,哈爾濱。
2019.5.22-30 「文化研究的迢遙路」系列演講,第一講〈文化研究的落寞〉,5月22日。第二講〈文化研究的進步〉(與甯應斌合講),5月27日。第三講〈文化研究的迷蹤〉5月29日。上海大學文化研究系
2018.6.26 〈從性別平權到性別治理:女性主義的普世話語〉,「回首我們的知識道路」研討會,北京大學人文社會科學研究院,北京
2017.6.28 〈重新思考「賦權」〉,第八期「性」研究理論與方法培訓班,北京中國人民大學性社會學研究所,哈爾濱
2016.3.29 〈情感的理性化:當代親密關係的「平等」政治〉,華東師範大學,上海
2016.4.1 〈文明化、全球化、法制化:新公民情感與性別治理〉,中國美術學院,杭州
2015.7.2 〈當代『性』研究的罩門〉,第七期「性」研究理論與方法培訓班,北京中國人民大學性社會學研究所,北京
2013.9.8 “Creative Economy in the Rise of Asia,” Second International Culture Industry Summit,” Lanzhou, Gansu, China
2013.6.19 〈研究社會性/別〉,中國人民大學性社會學研究所,北京
2012.7.18 “Self-Dignified Citizen and the Making of Taiwanese Democracy,” Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, virtual broadcast to Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Tübingen, Germany
2012.7.17 “The New Politics of Gender Governance in Taiwan,” Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, virtual broadcast to Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Tübingen, German
2012.7.13 “Shanzhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization,” Arbeitsbereich Chinesische Sprache und Kultur / Sinologie, Mainz University, Germersheim, Germany
2012.7.12 “Politics of Gender/Sexuality in Taiwan: An Introduction,” Arbeitsbereich Chinesische Sprache und Kultur / Sinologie, Mainz University, Germersheim, Germany
2012.7.11 “From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: The Changing Role of Women's NGOs in Taiwan,” Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, virtual broadcast to Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Tübingen, Germany
2012.7.9 “The New Politics of Gender Governance in Taiwan,” School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, England
2012.7.9 “From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: The Changing Role of Women's NGOs in Taiwan,” School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, England
2012.6.20 〈情感的嬌貴化:新興民主的性治理〉,上海大學文化研究系
2012.5.22 “Creating a Research Collective: The Case of the Sex Center,” Dept. of Sociology, Hong Kong University
2012.5.21 “Self-Dignified Citizen and the Making of Taiwanese Democracy,” Dept. of Sociology, Hong Kong University
2012.2.27 “The New Politics of Gender Governance,” Dept. of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
2012.2.20 〈情感的嬌貴化:新興民主的性治理〉,香港嶺南大學文化研究系
2012.2.16 〈愛欲的家馴化:當代親密關係的平等政治〉,香港嶺南大學文化研究系
2012.2.9 〈嬉戲滅亡的年代:文明化與社會規訓〉,香港嶺南大學文化研究系
2011.12.9 〈愛欲的馴化:性/別政治另一章〉,北京中國人民大學性社會學研究所
2011.6.16 〈女性主義與性研究〉,北京中國人民大學性社會學研究所


2011.3.4 〈山寨性/別:認同政治的新視野〉,新加坡南洋理工大學中文系
2010.12.18 〈文明及其嬌貴:全球化年代的新感性政治〉,回應Homi Bhabha,「從西天到中土:中印當代藝術與思想的交會」,上海美術館,上海
2008.7.10 “Is Global Governance Bad for East Asian Queers?” Program in Global Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo
2007.5.29 "Sex Revolution and Sex Rights Movement in Taiwan," Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen, Denmark
2007.5.24 "Queer Existence under Global Governance: Or, Is Global Governance Bad for Asian Queers," Mosse Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2019.10.19-20 〈繁榮盛世下的土味審美(短版)〉,第二屆海峽兩岸「人文學論壇」,中國社會科學院哲學研究所、中國社會科學院台港澳研究中心、廈門海滄台商投資區管委會主辦,廈門海滄
2018.09.08 〈從性別平權到性別治理(短版)〉,兩岸「重新認識傳統」會議,廈門海滄
2015.05.16-17 〈性別與情感治理:一個文明化的解讀〉,性/別二十年國際學術研討會,中壢,中央大學
2015.03.18 “Gender and Diversity in Taiwan: A View Outside the Legal and Policy Framework,” 2014-2015 US Fulbright Grantees Research Workshop,政治大學創新與育成中心
2014.7.29-30 〈以性為芻狗:性別的創傷與脆弱年代〉,第六屆世界華人性學家學術大會,金馬飯店,杭州
2013.10.6 〈小心公民社會〉,第八屆性/別政治超薄型國際學術研討會,中央大學,中壢
2013.9.8 “Creative Economy in the Rise of Asia,” Second International Culture Industry Summit,” Lanzhou, Gansu, China
2013.3.23 〈性別/年齡治理與情感公民的形成〉,國科會人文處99-100年度外文學門專題計畫研究成果發表會,政治大學
2012.10.6-7 〈性別治理與公民規範〉,新道德主義:道德保守與道德進步「兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢」學術研討會IV,中央大學,中壢
2012.3.24-25 “Gender/Sexuality Matters: Governance in New Liberal Democracies,” International Symposium on the Future of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2011.12.10 〈《華人性權研究》主編經驗談〉,2011年度性與性別事件研討會,林業大學,北京
2011.11.11 反教育的青少年性教育〉,2011年全面的性與生殖健康教育專家圓桌會議,浙江省社科院,杭州
2011.9.24-25 〈性別政治的年齡轉向〉,第三屆兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢研討會,中壢中央大學
2011.6.25 〈台灣法律中的兒少主體〉,大中華兒童法論壇研討會,香港樹仁大學跨域法學理論和政策研究中心
2011.6.21-23 〈文明極其嬌貴:新興情感結構與性的法治化〉,第三屆中國性研究國際研討會,北京中國人民大學性社會學研究所
2011.4.15-17 〈年齡轉向:性別政治的新民粹策略〉, 2011年性/別政治與本土起義研討會,香港中文大學文化與宗教研究系
2010.6.17-21 Shan-Zhai: Economic/Cultural Production through the Cracks of Globalization. Plenary Speaker, Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) Crossroads 2010 conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
2009.12.5-6 〈山寨性/別:模組化與當代性/別生產〉,兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢研討會,中壢中央大學
2009.01.03-04 〈世俗與驚駭:當代刺青的敘事化〉,中華民國文化研究學會年會,台北師大
2008.01.20-22 〈台灣性革命、性權、性學的歷史互動〉,2008世界華人性學家協會成立大會暨性學高峰論壇,2008年1月20-22日,中國深圳。
2007.12.14-15 "Sex Revolution and Sex Rights Movement in Taiwan," A Roundtable: CHINESE GENDER / SEXUALITY in 21st CENTURY, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2006.05.26-28 "Life of a Parasite: A Survival Story of Cultural Studies," International Conference on Cultural Studies and Institution, Ling-Nan University, Hong Kong
2005.07.22-24 "Embodying Gender: Transgenderism in Taiwan," InterAsia Cultural Studies Conference, Seoul, Korea
2004.11-12-13 〈找尋語言/認識生命:與污名主體的訪談經驗〉,華人社會口述歷史工作研討會,香港大學。
2004.08.23 "Sex and Power," 2nd Asian Congress of Sexuality Education, Shu-De University, Taiwan
2004.07.07-11 "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of ‘Women’s’ NGOs in Taiwan," 36th International Institute of Sociology, Beijing
2004.05.22 〈性別壓迫與同志文化〉,同志諮商研討會,中華心理衛生協會、東吳大學合辦
2004.05.21 〈性工作權與產業規範〉,情色工業與倫理思考學術研討會,淡江大學
2004.05.02 〈台灣性工作除罪化的漫漫長路〉,Out in the Sun: Legal Constraints and Possibilities in Protecting the Rights of Sex Workers, An International Conference on the Sex Industry and Sex Workers’ Rights,香港城市大學與紫藤,香港
2004.04.23-24 "Gender Embodiment: Transgender Body-Subject Formation in Taiwan," Problematizing Global Knowledge: Towards a New Encyclopaedia for a Global Knowledge Archive, National University of Singapore
2003.12.13 "Trans-Sexuality: Bisexual Formations and the Limits of Categories," 第五屆性/別政治超薄型國際學術研討會,台灣中央大學。
2003.11.21-22 "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline: Or, The Changing Role of ‘Women’s’ NGOs in Taiwan,"第二屆「華人社會社會排斥與邊緣性問題研討會」,香港理工大學。
2003.07.04 "The Em[bodi]ment of Identity: Constructing the Transgender," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
2003.06.27 "From Anti-Trafficking to Social Discipline," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
2003.06.18 "From Spice Girls to Enjo-Kosai: Formation of Teenage Girls’ Sexuality in East Asia," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
2003.06.04 "Self-Empowerment and Professional Performativity in Sex Work," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan

"Pornography and Female Sexual Agency," Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan

2003.02.20-21 "Cyber Sex: Sexuality, Youth and Cyber Space," Keynote Speech, Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp, Taipei Grand Hyatt.
2002.12.14-15 〈性/別壓迫:跨性別主體在台灣〉,「重訪東亞:全球、區域、國家、公民」,台中東海大學文化研究學會2002年會。
2002.02.25-03.01 "Introduction to Sexuality Studies--A Seminar for the Asian Context," Understanding Sexualities in Asia: Feminist Reflections on Cultural Production, Consumption and Counter-culture in Asia in the context of Capitalist Globalization, Asian Center for Women's Studies, Ewha University, Seoul, Korea. 參考資料
2001.11.16-17 〈認同的「體現」:打造跨性別〉,「華人社會社會排斥與邊緣性問題研討會」,香港理工大學。
2001.11.02 "From Spice Girls to Enjo Kosai: Formations of Teenage Girls’ Sexualities in Taiwan." International Conference on Teenage Girls' Sexualities and Sex Work in East Asia, Yonsei University, Korea,韓國延世大學。
2001.09.15-16 〈認同的「體現」:打造跨性別〉,第六屆四性兩岸三地學術研討會,中壢中央大學。
2000.08.26 "Sex Liberation and Its Impact on Feminism." Workshop on Feminism,香港理工大學。
2000.04.22-23 〈性、權力與鋼管辣妹︰一個田野的觀察〉,第五屆「性教育﹑性學﹑性別暨同性戀研究」學術研討會,中壢中央大學。
1999.10.30 〈非關個人:性(工作)的專業化〉,「女性主體的另類提問」小型學術研討會,台北清華大學。
1999.08.23-27 "'Feminist' Perspectives on Sexology," The Fourteenth World Congress of Sexology, Hong Kong.
1998.11.08-11 "A Feminist View on Sex Work," Workshop on Sexuality and the Commercialization of Sex in North East Asia, Soongsil University, Korea.
1998.10.03 〈從左翼到酷異:美國同性戀運動的「酷兒化」〉,第二屆「性/別研究超薄型國際學術研討會」,中壢中央大學。
1998.07.14-16 "The Good, The Bad, and The Perverted Sisters: Recent Debates Within Taiwan's Feminist Discourse," Problematizing Asia: An InterAsia Cultural Studies Conference,台北清華大學。
1997.11.08 女性主義的文化分析〉,國科會外文學門研究成果會議,新竹清華大學。
1997.07.10 "The ‘West’ in Asian Context: The Case of Sexuality," 「面對亞洲」學術研討會,台北清華大學。
1997.06.06 "Sexuality in Contemporary China." 1997: Building a Global Civil Society. Eds. by Lida Nedilsky and Bruce van Voorhis. Hong Kong: July 1 Link, 1997.
1997.05.31 〈邁向多元文化教育視野下的性教育:教育就是性教育,性教育就是教育〉,「多元文化教育的理論與實際」國際學術研討會,台北師範大學教育系。(與甯應斌合寫)
1996.06.29 性革命:一個馬克思主義的初步觀點〉,第一屆「性教育﹑性學﹑性別暨同性戀研究」學術研討會,中壢中央大學。
1996.05.17-18 "Shifting Boundaries of Gender Co(llege)- Existence," International Conference on Envisioning College Coeducation for the 21st Century,韓國漢城延世大學。
1996.05.03 色情與女/性能動主體〉,第二十屆全國比較文學會議,台中東海大學。
1994.12.16 "Crisis Discourse and the study of Literature," Modern Literature/Theories Revisited: an International Conference,高雄中山大學。
1994.01.09 方舟之外:論朱天心的近期寫作〉,從40至90年代--兩岸三邊華文小說研討會,台北中國時報。
1993.07.11 〈台灣的女性小說〉,第一屆海峽兩岸文學創作與研究新趨勢研討會,南京大學。
1993.01.02 "The Cultural Logic of Political Economy: The Case of McDonaldization in Taiwan," International Conference on Cultural Criticism,香港中文大學 。
1991.05.18 "Another Look at the Spread of English," 第八屆英語文教學研討會,新竹清華大學。
1990.06.03 口述與書寫:一個理論的再思〉,第十四屆全國比較文學會議,台北淡江大學。
1989.11.19 "From Reader Response to Anti-Theory: Stanley Fish's New Pragmatism," The Third Annual Conference on English and American Literature, 高雄中山大學。
1981.07.30-31 "Teaching English to Non-Native Speakers." 10th Annual Conference on Teaching the English Language Arts, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
1979.5.4-5 "Influences of Children’s Books in Taiwan," 11th Annual Conference on Children’s Literature in Elementary Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
