
何春蕤(A210, Tu 2-5 or by appointment





很抱歉今天需要臨時轉換晚會舉行地點,對於為大家所帶來的各種不方便,我在這裡深感歉意。但事實上在過去一星期,大聯盟有多位執委四出奔走,為的是令大會成功舉行,直至到星期五,我們才知道大會已不能在香港科學館如期舉行。在迫於無奈的情況下,執委會雖要在24小時作出緊急應變措施,其中包括取消今天晚上的紀念活動,但考慮到這樣做會令廣大龍迷感到非常失望,所以最後決定去完成一件近符不可能的事──我們稱之為Mission Impossible──就是在這種情況下仍然如期舉行這個晚會。


1. Media Asia – Mr. Bey Logan- 今次大會主要贊助商,今天大家所看到的各種珍貴片段,均由Media Asia提供

2. Star TV- 李小龍七部電影版權持有人

3. 張紹榮博士及香港塑膠科技中心- 24小時內,替我們安排這個地點

4. 香港理工大學- 提供這個場地



Dear Fans of Bruce Li:

Welcome to the Bruce Li Film Festival. We apologize for the sudden change of location for tonight's festivity and the inconvenience it has resulted. The fact of the matter is that for the past week, members of the Executive Committee of the Alliance have been working hard trying to bring about this memorial film festival. We were informed on Friday that the film-showing cannot be held at the Hong Kong Science Museum as we had planned. We were then forced to make immediate adjustments within 24 hours, which may very well result in the cancellation of tonight's festival. Considering that our decision may disappoint all the fans of Bruce Li, we decided to carry out what we thought would be a mission impossible—that is, to still hold the film festival under such unfavorable circumstances. Several individuals and groups have contributed immensely to bring about tonight's film festival, and we would like to extend our gratitude for them at this time:

First, we would like to thank Mr. Bey Logan of Media Asia, the main sponsor of tonight's festivity. All the precious clips that you will be seeing tonight are graciously provided by Media Asia.

Second, we would like to thank Star TV, which holds movie rights for seven of Bruce Li's films, for letting us show portions of these films. 

Third, our gratitude goes to Dr.
張紹榮博士and the Hong Kong Plastic Technology Center for arranging this location for us within the short notice of 24 hours. 

Last but not least, we would like to thank Hong Kong Polytech University for providing this location for tonight's film festival. We hope you will enjoy this evening of sweet memories and great fun. 












Please allow me to speak in Chinese, for the theme of this conference is 「Human Rights in China.」 The organizers have given me the great honor of delivering the opening address at a conference that discusses the human rights condition in China.

I personally have not done much academic research in human rights related issues, yet I am highly concerned about them. Many people have asked me, especially after I left China, what I would do other than my own scientific research. I always answer: 「I will work on human rights in China.」 I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about why I have chosen such a project as the focus of my concern. 

First of all, I am concerned about human rights because I feel they are most fundamental. There may be many different cultures, different characteristic in this world, but if you study them from the angle of the individual or human rights, everyone should be treated the same way regardless of their race, gender, religion, and cultural differences. We should be concerned about these fundamental human rights.

Secondly, I am concerned about human rights because this is what China needs most right now. Many people are concerned about progress in the Chinese society, about political reforms or economic reforms in China. But I think these questions cannot be separated from improvements in human rights records. Recently many people are talking about the fact that during the crisis of the Gulf War, the Chinese government took the opportunity to conduct trials over the political dissidents in China (including those students, workers or other persons who had participated in peaceful demonstrations in China). I think this phenomenon is worthy of everyone's attention.

Thirdly, I am concerned about human rights because they can elicit the greatest response or concern from the international community. Many foreign friends may not understand very well the political structure of China, or they are not directly involved in China's future development. But if there are violations of human rights records in China, these things will very easily get international concern. Furthermore, I believe that if we are concerned about human rights, it would be a very effective way to promote the progress of the Chinese society. When the international community is concerned about human rights, the Chinese government will have to take measures to solve our problems. So these concerns do work.

Lastly, I would like to say that the concept of human rights or the movement for human rights is only in its beginning stage in China. As a Chinese, I feel a certain sense of shame. When the Academy of France and the British Royal Society asked whether we could provide a list of scientists suffering difficulties right now in China, I am ashamed to say that other than a few scientists with whom I have personal contact, I really don't know many others. And I found that international organizations have done much more than we have. For example, Amnesty International has a much longer list than we do. In these aspects, I think we Chinese should do a lot more.

Discussions of human rights are just beginning in China. I hope today's conference, besides conducting academic discussions, can lead to some practical effects in promoting the development of human rights in China. 


Thank you.
