
何春蕤(A210, Tu 2-5 or by appointment









專業口譯的總人口大約二千人,集中在New York, Brussels, Paris, Geneva等國際機構總部所在地──傳譯人員的駐地。

Ottawa, Hong Kong, Israel, Sri Lanka, Singapore等多語國家也經常需要傳譯──這裡的每一個區域都有其特殊的語言權力環境,操作起來也不一樣。





1.      翻譯專業研究機構成立的「歷史」脈絡:




2.      翻譯版圖的分類排序:翻譯-口譯-逐步-同步,顯然有高低之分

3.      特別適用翻譯的專業研究領域及其遠近親疏:商業、政治、法律、文學

4.      主要翻譯的目標語言:英、日

5.      從口譯專業收費表來觀察其適用場域



Translation – The transference of a written text from one language to another. 

Interpretation – The transfer of meaning from one language into another for the purpose of oral communication between two persons who do not share the same language. 

Source Language – The language of the original message, the one being translated 「out of」.  For example, when a witness answers questions in Spanish, and the interpreter renders them in English, Spanish is the Source Language.

Target Language – The target language is the language into which the message is being translated. In the above illustration, English is the Target Language. 

*Roseann Dueñas González, Victoria F. Vásquez, Holly M. Mikkelson, Fundamentals of Court Interpretation, Theory, Policy and Practice, p. 296, (c ) 1991, Carolina Academic Press. 

Simultaneous Interpretation - refers to the technique whereby the interpreter speaks at the same time as the source language speaker. The term "simultaneous" implies that the interpreter is uttering the same message at the same time as the source language speaker, but the word is misleading.  In fact, though the interpreter is speaking at the same time as the source, he is lagging behind the speaker at least one unit of thought as he interprets.  He is hearing one idea while stating another. 

Consecutive Interpretation - refers to the technique whereby the interpreter waits until the speaker has finished the source language message before rendering it into the target language. The source language message may last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, and the rate of speed and density of discourse may vary with each speaker and subject.

 *Roseann Dueñas González, Victoria F. Vásquez, Holly M. Mikkelson, Fundamentals of Court Interpretation, Theory, Policy and Practice, pp. 359, 360 and 379, (c ) 1991, Carolina Academic Press.


Simultaneous vs. Consecutive Interpretation

simultaneous interpretation

What is simultaneous interpretation?  The speaker's voice is interpreted at the same time he or she is speaking, with minimal delay.  Simultaneous interpretation requires specialized equipment and engineers for installation and monitoring.  Delegates listen to the language of their choice using headsets connected to multi-channel wireless receivers.  Teams of highly trained multilingual interpreters work in soundproof booths. Simultaneous interpretation is most commonly used for large meetings and multilingual events.

What are the advantages of simultaneous interpretation?

* No interruptions--a smooth, uninterrupted interpretation retains the effectiveness, flow, and mood of the speaker's presentation.

* Most efficient use of time--the meeting schedule is not affected since no additional time is required for the interpretation.

* Ideal in large meetings when only a small number of attendees do not speak English--the interpretation is heard only by those who choose to listen.

* Essential when multiple languages will be spoken at the same meeting.


consecutive interpretation

The speaker pauses after every two or three sentences to allow time for the interpreter to render the speaker's remarks into the other language.  The interpreter becomes a more integral member of the meeting since he or she is always in close proximity to the meeting participants.  Consecutive interpretation is commonly used for tours, informal meetings, guidance through trade show exhibits, business negotiations, or receptions.

What are the advantages of consecutive interpretation?

* More cost-effective--fewer interpreters and no equipment or technical personnel are required.

* Allows participants to absorb ideas and listen to the proceedings in both languages if they desire.

*Most effective in sensitive business negotiations--participants have a chance to reflect on what is being said.

*Essential when more than two languages will be spoken at the same meeting.

© 2002, PRIMEDIA Business Magazines & Media Inc.


Glossary of Interpreting Services:

Simultaneous Interpretation is the process of interpreting the words of one language into another at the same time as the presenter is speaking. Interpreters (two or more per language) are stationed in a sound proof booth looking onto the conference area. The interpreters listen to a speaker through earphones, and simultaneously transmit the message into another language (target language) through a microphone to listeners in the room. The listeners receive the message through headsets or earpieces. Recommended for large meetings, conventions and presentations.

Consecutive Interpretation involves a two-step process during a meeting. First, the presenter speaks for a short period of time while the interpreter listens. Then, the interpreter renders the meaning into another language (target language). Although special equipment is not required, this method may require additional time for the meeting. Recommended for personal (one-on-one) meetings, business negotiations, press interviews and small group meetings.

Escort Interpretation is another form of consecutive interpretation, whereby the interpreter accompanies the visiting delegate or executive. The interpreter facilitates communication, which is generally informal. Recommended for tours and excursions, and meet-and-greet.

(Johnson Events Group)


Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment

The 2 main types of simultaneous interpretation equipment are

Infrared equipment is best suited for meetings where their restricted range of transmission is an advantage; typically, meetings where industrial espionage or national security is a major concern. They are also the system of choice in areas of the world where poor regulation of the radio-electric spectrum allows interference with FM equipment.

FM systems are the most widely used in meetings and conventions because of their superior range, ease of operation, mobility, and reliability. 

Minimum requirements are 2 simultaneous interpreters, an interpreter's control unit, 1 transmitter per language pair, and 1 receiver-headphone set per participant.  The better systems also include a soundproof booth, 2 transmitters per language pair (instead of 1), and multi-channel receivers.



  就功能而言,口譯分為一般口譯(Liaison Interpretation)與會議口譯 Conference Interpretation): 




會議口譯的進行方式,大致可分為連續傳譯(又稱逐步口譯Consecutive Interpretation),同步口譯(Simultaneous Interpretation),以及耳譯 Whispering)。




同步口譯起於二次大戰後,聯合國成立運作,各國代表有感於以往連續傳譯之開會方式太耗時,又拜科技進步之賜,而有了耳機麥克風等設備,進而發明瞭同步口譯。同步口譯的方式加快國際會議進行的速度,也使口譯員的工作量愈來愈繁重。口譯員坐在一個隔音間(又稱口譯室 booth)內,透過隔音間前的玻璃或電視螢幕即可看到整個會場,藉由頭戴耳機的方式收聽會場講者的演說,同步開口翻譯成另一種語言,經口譯室內的麥克風傳到會場,會場中的人再以耳機收聽口譯內容。



