Courses (2015)
- 2007-present Professor, English Department, National Central University
- 2001-2007 Associate Professor, English Department, National Central University
- 1996-2001 Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University
Ph.D. |
University of California, San Diego Literature Department
Dissertation: Locating Modernities: Epistemologies of Space, Time and Nation in Modernist Literature from the US and Taiwan
1996 |
MA |
University of California, San Diego Literature Department |
1991 |
BA |
California State University, San Diego English Department |
1986 |
- “Exemplary Affect: Corruption and Transparency in Popular Cultures.” The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 9.2 (June 2016) 39-71. Special issue, “Affective Perspectives from East Asia.” Edited by De-Hsuan Yeh.
- “Inter-Asian Migratory Roads: The Gamble of Time in Our Stories.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 13.2 (June 2012) 176-188. Special issue, “Asian American Studies in Asia.” Edited by Chih-ming Wang.
- “The Politics of Schadenfreude: Violence and Queer Cultural Critique in Lucifer Hung’s Science Fiction.” Co-authored with Liu Jen-peng. Positions 18:2 (Fall 2010) 351-372. Special issue, “Beyond the Strai(gh)ts: Transnational Chinese Queer Politics Today.” Edited by Lisa Rofel and Petrus Liu.
- “Querying queer cultural politics: partial, composite, contaminated English.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 11: 2 (2010, Tenth Anniversary Issue) 224-227.
- 〈橫跨於二元抉擇與流離異域空間:《駭客任務》三部曲的酷兒真實〉,《電影欣賞季刊》,97年1-3月號,第134期,頁19-23。
- “The Politics of Schadenfreude: Violence and Queer Cultural Critique in Lucifer Hung’s Science Fiction.” Positions, special issue “Beyond the Strai(gh)ts: Transnational Chinese Queer Politics Today.” Edited by Lisa Rofel and Petrus Liu, forthcoming.
- "Anti-Realism, Anti-Reticence: Chen Xue’s Reality/Dream Dialectic." Trans. into Chinese, Jonathan Yeh and Elaine Chen. Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics. Naifei Ding, Jen-peng Liu and Amie Parry. Chungli, Taiwan: Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, 2007 (45-66).
(〈尋找(看不見的)婆遺失的辯證:陳雪的反寫實、反含〉,《罔兩問景:性/別的閱讀政治》,與丁乃非、劉人鵬合著,中壢:中央大學性別研究室,2007 (45-66)。)
- "Narcissism and BBM’s Catechism: Taipei’s ‘Underground’ Lesbian Band." Trans. into Chinese, Jonathan Yeh and Richard Hsu.Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics, Naifei Ding, Jen-peng Liu and Amie Parry. Chungli, Taiwan: Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, 2007 (147-159).
(〈自戀與「幫幫忙」樂團的引導問答:台北『地下』拉子樂團〉,葉德宣譯,《罔兩問景:性/別的閱讀政治》,與丁乃非、劉人鵬合著,中壢:中央大學性別研究室,2007 (147-159)。)
- "Realism’s Fantasy Structures and Fantasy’s Realist Effects: Rereading T-P Narratives." Co-written with Ding Naifei and Liu Jen-peng.Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics, Ding Naifei, Liu Jen-peng, and Amie Parry. Chungli, Taiwan: Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, 2007 (107-144).
(〈寫實的奇幻結構與奇幻的寫實效應:重讀T、婆敘事〉,《罔兩問景:性/別的閱讀政治》,與丁乃非、劉人鵬合著,中壢:中央大學性別研究室,2007 (107-144)。)
- “’There Is No Such Thing as a True Tale’”: Preface to the Chinese translation of The Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Trans. Xiujun Li. Taipei: Muse Press, 2007 (8-13)
- “Magical Thinking and Minor Writing.” Trans. Jonathan Yeh and Cina Kuo. Visual Culture and Critical Theory I: Empire, Asia and the Question of the Subject. Ed. Joyce Liu. Taipei: Maitien, 2006 (75-81).
- “Schadenfreude: Truth, Violence and Surveillance in Lucifer Hung’s Science Fiction.” Co-authored with Liu Jen-peng. Studies on Science Fiction, ed. Yeh Li-hua. National Chiao Tung University Press. 2004. (81-113).
Reprinted in At the Margins of the Canon and the Human: Selected Essays on Taiwanese Science Fiction, ed. Jianchun Lin. Fuchou, PROC: 2006 (287-313).
- “Narcissists, Lesbian’s, Shuai T’s and so on: The Cultural Politics of Creative Taxonomies.” Taiwan Cultural Studies Association Newsletter, on-line, May 2001. <>.
- “Documenting a Beautiful Youth: Boys for Beauty and 2,1” (A review of two film documentaries on queer youth cultures in Taiwan). Co-authored with Wang Ping. InterAsia Cultural Studies Vol. 1, Number 1, April 2000. 181-84.
- “’For the other overlapping time’: Sexuality and the Allegorical Temporalities of Translation in Dictee.” Trans. into Chinese, Chen Ting. Remapping the Territory of Literary Studies: Perspectives on Foreign Literatures from Taiwan, ed. Pin-chia Feng. Taipei, Taiwan: Bookman Press, 1999. 29-55.
- “Modernism and Domesticity: From Conrad’s Eastern Road to Stein’s Empty Spaces in the Home.” Burning Down the House: Recycling Domesticity, Politics and Culture Book Series, Volume 7, ed. Rosemary Marangoly George. Boulder: HarperCollins and Westview Press, 1998. 75-101.
- “From Herland to Queerland: The Homoerotic Longings of a Feminist Utopia.” Trans. into Chinese, Chen Ting. Working Papers in Gender/Sexuality Studies Nos. 3&4, September 1998. Special Issue: “Queer Politics and Queer Theory.” Chungli, Taiwan: Center the Study of Sexualities, National Central University. 347-56.
Grants and Awards
8/2017-7/2018 |
Research Fellow, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University |
8/2015-7/2018 |
Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient |
8/2014-7/2015 |
Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant Recipient |
1/2013-12/2015 |
Distinguished Professor Award |
8/2012-7/2014 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient |
1/2010-12/2013 |
Distinguished Professor Award |
8/2009-7-2012 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient |
25/4/2009 |
2007 Book Award in Literary Studies, Association for Asian American Studies |
1/2008-12/2008 |
Outstanding Academic Research Award 學術研究傑出獎 |
6/2008 |
National Central University Teaching Award |
2006 |
NCU Liberal Arts College Outstanding Research Award Recipient |
8/2006-7/2008 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
“Visual Cultures, Invisible Affects: Feminine Empowerment in Contemporary Fantasy Genres”
Group project: Modern Emotions (Affects): Formations and Politics; Sponsor: Josephine Ho
6/2005 |
National Central University Teaching Award |
8/2003-7/2005 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
“Fantasy and Modernity: The Cultural Politics of Deviant Bodies”
Group Project: The Embodiment of (Post-/Late) Modernity; Sponsor: Josephine Ho
8/2000-7/2003 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
“Beyond the Social Contract: Alternative Communities in Taiwan Queer Writing and Culture of T/Po”
Group Project: Transgender Formations in Taiwan: Culture, History and Theory; Sponsor: Ding Naifei |
2001 |
National Chiao Tung University Teaching Award |
2000 |
National Science Council Award Recipient
“Anti-Realism, Anti-Reticence: Chen Xue’s Reality/Dream Dialectic” |
6/1999-12/1999 |
Visiting Scholar at the Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica |
1999 |
National Science Council Award Recipient
“’For the other overlapping time’: Sexuality and the Allegorical Temporalities of Translation in Dictee” |
8/1998-7/2000 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
“The Sexual Contract and Its Discontents: Women’s Poetry and Popular Music in Taiwan”
Group Project: The Cultural Construction of Female Subjectivity: Alternative Approaches to Female Sexualities; sponsor: Josephine Ho
1998 |
National Science Council Award Recipient
“Hsia Yu’s ‘saw tooth-shaped truth’: The Sexual Politics of an Experimental Poetics” |
8/1997-7/1998 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
“Poetics in Translation: Theresa Cha’s Postcolonial Allegory”
Group Project: Border Crossing: New Literatures in English; sponsor: Chou Ying-hsiung |
1997 |
National Science Council Award Recipient
Dissertation: Locating Modernities: Epistemologies of Space, Time and Nation in Modernist Literature from the US and Taiwan |
1/1997-7/1997 |
National Science Council Research Grant Recipient
“Gender, Contradiction and Modernity: The Poetry of Hsia Yu” |
4/1995-6/1995 |
University of California Humanities Research Institute Resident
Scholar. In-residence group research project: “Nationalism, Colonialism and Modernity in East Asia: The Cases of Korea, Japan and China” |
9/1993-6/1994 |
Fulbright Scholar, Taiwan |
9/1992-6/1993 |
Title VI Academic Year Fellowship Recipient |
Conference Presentations
- “The Speculative Turn: Parables for the Millennium.” Redirections: The 26th International Conference of the English and American Literature Association. National Taitung University, October 27, 2018.
- “Necessary Gifts.” 2018海峽兩岸暨香港人文社會科學論壇“融合與蛻變:中國傳統文化的現代轉型.”南京大學. 9月14-15號.
- “‘Barefoot Septons’ against Lawful Containments: Envisioning Non-liberal Knowledge Dissemination and Practices of Care.” American Studies Association Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. November 12, 2017.
- Speaker. Workshop on American Quarterly Review and Editorial Process (Mari Yoshihara, Yujin Yaguchi, Amie Parry, Jeanette Hall, Gabriel Rosenberg). American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado. November 17, 2016.
- “Speculative Pasts and Futures of Cold War Capitalist Illiberalism.” Presented on the panel, “Neoliberal Reproduction of the Cold War Miseries.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada. October 9, 2015.
- “Cuteness and Corruption in Popular Culture.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference. Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia. August 7-9, 2015.
- “‘What holds the realm together? Our Marriage’: SFF and the Illiberality of the West.” Presented on the panel, “Speculative Archives: Imagining the Unthinkable in Tension with Neoliberalism in the Post-American Century.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, California, USA. November 8, 2014.
- “’You’re the one I’ve been waiting for since historical times!’: Freedom, Discipline and Risk from the Cold War to Paprika.” Panel: Cultural Imaginaries of Cold War Neoliberalism. Fifteenth International Association of Women Philosopher’s Symposium: Philosophy, Knowledge and Feminist Practices. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. June 24-27, 2014.
- “Abandoned Closures: Sexuality and Innovative Cultural Narrative.” ASA Program Committee Panel: “Beyond the ‘Debt’ of U.S. Cold War ‘Liberation’: Rethinking Transnational Circuits of Labor in the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting: Beyond the Logic of Debt, Toward an Ethics of Collective Dissent. Washington DC, USA. November 22, 2013.
- “Abandoned Closures: Sexuality and Innovative Cultural Narrative.” (paper in English; presented in Chinese). Shih Hsin University, New Taipei City. October 6, 2013.
- “Representing Accountability and Risk: Sexuality in Inter-Asian Migrant Labor Narrative.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico. November 17, 2012.
- “Angel and Monk: Obsessive Detection on Television.” The Fourth East Asia Conference on Comparative Literature: Obsession in Context. Soochow University, Taipei. March 10, 2012.
- “The Promise of Happiness and Ku Yu-ling’s ‘gamble’: Risk, Sexuality and Narrative Form.” Biennial Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference. BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 17-18, 2011.
- “‘That’s right--no more employee sacrifices!’: Barbaric Imaginations and Obsessive Compulsive Cultures.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, USA. October 20-23, 2011.
- “‘Our Stories’ and Asian American Studies in Asia.” Association for Asian American Studies Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, USA. May 18-20, 2011.
- “Fantastic Obsessions.” 2010 Association of Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference. Lingnan University, Hong Kong. June 17-21.
- “’Our Stories’ and The Question of Asian American Studies in Asia: Toward a Critical Comparativism.” Asian American Studies in Asia: An International Workshop 2010. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan June 4-5.
- "Where do we go from here? When will the end appear?: The Deferral of Closure in Fantasy Narrative and Visual Culture." 30th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, Florida. March 18-22, 2009.
- Roundtable Presenter on "’When You Are Strange, No One Remembers Your Name’": Teaching the Unfamiliar," Thursday, May 22nd, 2008. Cultural Studies Association (US) Sixth Annual Meeting, New York University, May 22-May 24, 2008.
- "Precious Texts, Prolific Fans: Storytelling and Obsessive-compulsive Narrative in Fantasy Cultures." Presented at The Second Cross-strait Forum on Humanities and Social Sciences. Paradigm Shifts: Disciplinary Interaction and Integration. National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan. November 17-18, 2007. Paper collected in the conference proceedings.
- “Race/nationality Exclusions and the Emerging Alliances: Challenges and Possibilities.” 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference: Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Productions. Shanghai University, July 15-17.
- “’I've seen your movies; you always come back!’:What Genres (and Fans) Know about the Dark Side in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” The 28th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. March 14-18, 2007.
"'Unequal Love' in Fantasy and Fan Fiction in Taiwan." Association of Cultural studies Crossroads Conference, Bilgi University. Istanbul, Turkey. July 20-23, 2006.
- “The Politics of Schadenfreude: Violence and Queer Cultural Critique in Lucifer Hung’s Science Fiction.” Co-authored, co-presented with Liu Jen-peng. Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia: First International Conference of Queer Asian Studies. Bangkok, Thailand. July7-9, 2005.
- “‘In the superficial song lyrics/ Learning a lesson’: Hsia Y’s ‘Underground’ Poetry.” Presented at the Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States 19th Annual Conference. University of Illinois at Chicago. April 7-10, 2005.
- “Alternative Embodiments in Tolkien’s Trans-species Fantasy: Countercultural Readings and the Contradictions of Fellowship.” Presented at the Sixth International Superslim Conference on Politics of Sexuality/Gender. National Central University, Taiwan. November 27, 2004.
- “Tolkien’s Trans-species Fantasy: Countercultural Readings and the Contradictions of Fellowship.” Presented at the 2004 Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. June 25-28, 2004.
- “Realism’s Fantasy Structures and Fantasy’s Realist Effects: Rereading T/P Narratives.” Co-written with Ding Naifei and Liu Jenpeng (other group project participants). Presented at the Fifth International Super-Slim Conference on Politics of Gender/Sexuality. National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan. December 13, 2003.
- “The Politics of Schadenfreude: Violence, Surveillance and Reality in Hung Ling’s Science Fiction.” Co-written with Liu Jenpeng. Presented at the 2003 Conference on Science Fiction Studies—Science Fiction Studies: Past, Present and Future. National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. October 18, 2003. The essay is forthcoming in a peer-reviewed anthology based on the conference.
- “The Politics of Schadenfreude: Violence, Surveillance and Reality in Hung Ling’s Science Fiction.” Co-written with Liu Jenpeng. Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Chair: Rob Wilson. March , New York, USA. April 2003.
- “Narcissists, Queer Vampires, Shuai Ts: The Cultural Politics of Creative Taxonomies.” Paper read in my absence at a panel I organized entitled “Dissection, Animality, Anachronism and Murder: Dangerous Bodies in Discourses of Modernity.” The Fourth International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Tampere, Finland. June 29-July 2, 2002.
- “’Still waiting for the world to prove I’m right’: Taipei Queer Youth Cultures and the Alternative Music of BBM.” Presented on a panel entitled “Media and Performance in Contemporary Taiwan.” Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Washington D.C., USA. April 4-7, 2002
- “Narcissism and a Catechism: Flashing Objects in Taiwan’s Contemporary Music Cultures.” The Fourth Annual SuperSlim International Conference; final conference for NSC Group Project, “The Cultural Construction of Female Subjectivity: Alternative Approaches to Female Sexualities.” Tsinghua University, Taipei Building. November 27, 2000.
- “Teaching ‘Translation’ in American Literature.” Fulbright Conference on Teaching American Literature and Culture in Asian Learning Contexts. Sun Yat-sen America Center, Chungshan University, Kaoshiung. June 1-3, 2000.
- “Chen Xue’s Queer Reality/Dream Dialectic.” Presented on a panel entitled: “The Politics of Reticence, Part II. ‘Kids,’ Ts, Pos and Cyborgs: Queer Sexualities and (non)Subjects in Taiwan.” Third International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Birmingham, England. June 2000.
- “Searching for the Lost Dialectics of the Invisible Po: Chen Xue’s Anti-realism and Anti-reticence.” The Third Annual SuperSlim International Conference. Central University, Chungli. November 1999.
- “Contractual and Other Subjects: Femme Feminism, Sex Work and the Question of Agency.” Midterm conference for National Science Council Group Project,
- “The Cultural Construction of Female Subjectivity: Alternative Approaches to Female Sexualities.” Chair: Ho Chuen-juei. Tsinghua University, Taipei Building. October 1999.
- “Reticence and Hsia Yu’s Dirty Words.” Paper presented on a panel entitled “Modernity and Postmodernity.” Eighth Quadrennial International Comparative Literature Association Conference. Tamkang University, Tamshui. August 1999.
- “Penetrating Herland.” Presented on a panel entitled “Are the Cats Still Singing? Modernity, Prostitution and the ‘Silent’ Politics of Translation.” Chair: Ho Cheun-juei. American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. November 1998.
- “Hsia Yu’s Dirty Words.” Presented on a panel entitled “The Politics of Reticence: Gender, Sexuality and Nation in Chinese Poetics, Political and Literary Discourses.” Chair: Naifei Ding. Second International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Tampere, Finland. June-July 1998.
- “Poetry, Incommensurabilty and the Allegory of Translation in Dictee.” Presented on a panel entitled “Border Crossing II.” Panel coordinator: Liao Ping-hui. Border Crossing: New Literatures in English Conference, sponsored by Chou Ying-hsiung. National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu. November 1997.
- “Modernism, Melancholia and Nationalist Discourse: Fang Hsin’s ‘Variations on Night.’” Presented on a panel entitled “Where is the Nation?: Layered Colonialisms, Island Nations and the Postcolonial Paradigm.” First International MELUS Conference: Multi-Ethnic Literatures across the Americas and the Pacific: Exchanges, Contestations, and Alliances.” Honolulu, Hawaii. April 1997.
- “Gertrude Stein’s Empty Landscapes and the Allegorical Histories of America.” Presented on a panel entitled “Spatial Perversions: Queer Bodies and Nationalist Discourse.” Chair: Amy Robinson. American Studies Association Annual Meeting: “Global Migration, American Cultures and the State.” Kansas City, Missouri. November 1996.
- “The Road to Nowhere: Time Difference and Melancholia in Taiwan Modernist Poetry.” Presented on a panel entitled “Modernity.” Discussant: Lisa Rofel. Colonialism, Nationalism and Modernity in East Asia. University of California, Santa Cruz. October 1996.
- “Hsia Yu’s ‘Making Sentences’: Gender, Contradiction and Modernity.” Looking at the Post-Colonial Paradigm: Constructing Modern China. University of California at Los Angeles, Center for Chinese Studies. May 1996.
- “Gertrude Stein’s Philosophy of Space and Time.” Presented on a panel entitled “Philosophical Dimensions of Public Space.” Chair: Edward Dimendberg. American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting. Seattle, Washington. April 1996.
- “Feminism and Global Strategies of Resistance?” A presentation delivered during the graduate student forum at the Globalization and Culture conference. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. November 1994.
Invited Lectures
- “Fantastic Transparencies: Corruption as Political Thought in Speculative Fiction.” Invited Speaker, Asia/Pacific Studies Institute Spring 2018 Speaker Series. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. February 12. 2018. 2018
- "'What's Your Story, Bastard?': The Song of Ice and Fire and the Illiberality of the West." National Chiao Tung University. May 26, 2015.
- “Thinking through Transparency: Cuteness, Corruption and an Anaphylactic Freedom.” The Oldenborg Center for Modern Languages and International Relations, Pomona College, California. Sponsored by the Asian Studies Program and the Department of History. November 7, 2014.
- “Science Fiction, Literature, and Gender.” The Production of Knowledge in the Natural and Social Sciences (Interdisciplinary Seminar). Co-hosted by the Centre for Contemporary Studies, IISc, and the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society. CCS Seminar Hall, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. October 2, 2010.
- "The Politics of Modernist Poetics: Toward a Critical Comparativism." Lecture Series on Humanities Methodology. Humanities College, National Central University, Taiwan. June 29, 2007.
- "Poetry from Beyond the Empty Screen." Humanities College, National Central University. Chungli, Taiwan. April 16, 2007.
- “The Politics of Modernist Poetics: Toward a Critical Comparativism.” Lecture Series on Humanities Methodology. Humanities College, National Central University, Taiwan. June 29, 2007.
- “Poetry from Beyond the Empty Screen.” Humanities College, National Central University. Chungli, Taiwan. April 16, 2007.
- “The Politics of Modernist Poetics.” Lecture Series on Modernism. English Department, Chung Cheng Univeristy, Chia-yi, Taiwan. April 3, 2007.
- "The Past, Present and Future of Fantasy Literature." A “conversation” with Chu Hsueh Heng (trans. of Lord of the Rings) given at National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan. December 2, 2004. Sponsored by Westtide (a student organization).
- "The Evidence of Existence," a talk with Liu Jen-Peng (NCTU) and Jeng Yun-Hung (NTUA) at the Third Ni-Kuang SF Award Film Festival. The Third Ni-Kuang SF Award Activities: SF Film Festival and Talks. Sponsored by Hsinchu Municipal Image Museum/ NCTU Center for SF Studies, Hsinchu Municipal Image Museum, Hsinchu, Taiwan. June 13, 2003.
- “Alternative Communities in Paris Is Burning.” A talk and screening presented at Tsinghua University, Research Program on Gender and Society, 2001.
- “Time Difference and Other Dialectics: Poetics from Taiwan, the US and Beyond.” A lecture presented a Tsinghua University, Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, December 14, 2000.
- “’For the other overlapping time’: Allegory, History, Translation.” Academia Sinica, Institute of European and American Studies. January 5, 2000.
- “From a Land of Daughters to a Land of Queers: The Homoerotics of Feminist Utopic Longings.” A talk presented on a panel entitled: “The Gender Politics of Female Utopias.” Chair: Jen-peng Liu. Sponsored by the Center for Sexuality and Difference, National Central University. Held in Taipei, December 1997.
- “Hsia Yu’s Dirty Words: An Anti-ontological Feminism.” Delivered at The Research Center for Gender and Society, Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu. November 1997.
- “Time’s Wreckage Shored: Ezra Pound’s Phantasmagorical Modernity.” A paper delivered at Fu Jen University, English Department, Taipei. April 1997.
- “Sexual Contradiction and the Failures of Progress: Hsia Yu’s Poetry.” A talk presented to the National Taiwan University Chinese Department Reading Group, Taipei. November 1996.
American Literature; two-semester survey course
Freshman Composition
Sophomore Composition
Research Writing; repeated with different content: Modernism (Fall 1998), Lewis Carroll (Spring 2000), Wuthering Heights (Fall 2000), The Classic Fairy Tales (Spring 2004), The Annotated Hobbit (Spring 2005).
Journalistic Writing: The Profile
Communicative Skills Workshop
Oral Training (Freshman, Sophomore and Junior levels)
Colonial Modernity and the Sea Voyage Novel
Poetry and Sexuality
Literary Theory
The Poem and the City: Paris, London, Taipei
Modern and Contemporary English and American Literature I
Themes in Western Civilization: The Sea Voyage Novel
World Literature in English
Seminar on an Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
History of Literary Criticism I
The Politics of Domesticity
Research Practicum
Introduction to Literary Theory
Postcolonial Literature and Theory
Thesis Writing and Methodology
Minor Literatures and the Politics of Representation
Survey of Literary and Cultural Theories