碩士論文 |
中文出版 |
- 徐昌錦,2006,《通姦除罪化-案例研究與實證分析》,五南圖書出版有限公司。
- 方剛,1999,《外遇中的女人--方剛兩性調查報告》。北京:光明日報出版社。,2001,《外遇中的女人》,台北:上游出版社。
- 平路,1994,〈打破婚變迷思〉,收自《海蒂報告:婚變滄桑》一書。雪兒‧海蒂著,林淑貞譯,台北市:張老師文化。
- 李昂,1985,《外遇》,台北:時報出版。
- 李銀河,1999,《性 婚姻─東方與西方》,陜西師範大學出版。
- 簡春安,1991,《外遇的分析與處置》,台北:張老師。
- 藍采風,1995,〈婚姻動態與滿足〉,《輔導季刊》,2-12。
中譯本出版 |
- Botwin, Carol ,1995 《新婚姻報告》,楊幼蘭譯,台北:牛頓出版。
- Friedman, Sonya,1995 《祕密戀情─女人的外遇》(Secrets Loves─Women With Two Lives),詹榮金譯,台北:展承文化。
- Griffin, Victoria. 《情婦:有關「她」的神話、歷史與詮釋》,奚修君譯,台北:藍鯨出版,2001。
- Hunt ,Morton,1996,《外遇:情感出軌的真實告白》。台北:方智出版。
- Hunt ,Morton,2002,(孟祥森譯),〈妻子的不忠〉,《他與她的情感世界── 一個心理學家的兩性觀察》,台北市:究竟出版。
- Hunt, Morton,1996,《外遇──情感出軌的真實告白》,于而彥譯,台北:張老師。
- Spring ,Michael ,Janis A.,1998, (高蘭馨、柯清心譯),《外遇的男女心理》,台北:天下文化。
外文出版 |
- Turner, J., ed. Thy Neighbor's Wife: Twelve Original Variations on the Theme of Adultery. New York: Stein and Day, Pub., 1968.
- Barnes, H. Comeron. Affair! How to Manage Every Aspect of Your Extramarital Relationship with Passion, Discretion and Dignity. Universal Publishers, 1999.
- Bennett, Judith M. & Froide, Amy M., eds. Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250-1880. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1999.
- Gallichan, Walter M. Women Under Polygamy. New York: AMS Press; 1974.
- Griffin, Victoria. The Mistress: Histories, Myths and Interpretations of the "Other Woman”. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1999.
- Lawson, Annette. Adultery: An Analysis of Love and Betrayal. U.S.A: Basic Book, 1988.
- Lee, Virginia. Affairs of the Heart: Men & Women Reveal the Truth about Extramarital Affairs. The Crossing Press, 1993.
- Richardson, Laurel. The.New Other Woman: Contemporary Single Women in Affairs with Married Men. New York: The Free Press, 1985.
- Taylor, Richard. Having Love Affairs. New York: Prometheus Books, 1982.
- Taylor, Richard. Love Affairs: Marriage & Infidelity. New York: Prometheus Books, 1997.
- Tuch, Richard. The Single Woman-Married Man Syndrome. New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc., 2000.