關於男女兩性的差異,異性戀與同性戀的差異,歷年來不論是在神經內分泌學或生物學,都有許多科學的研究,這些科學研究很多已經成為該學科的基本教義,但是近年的女性主義與同志科學家和科學哲學家則暴露出它們的男性或異性戀偏見。以下是一些相關書目。這是中央哲研所甯應斌(卡維波)【科學的哲學】1995課程,所使用的參考書目。) (凡有*標記者,乃以「性」為主,其餘則以「性別」為主) Birke, Lynda. "In Pursuit of Difference:
Scientific Studies of Women and Men." InventingWomen:
Sceinece, Technology and Gender. Edited by Gill Kirkup and
Laurie Smith Keller.Cambridge: Polity Press in association with Open
University, 1992. 81-102. Birke,
Lynda. "Transforming Biology." Knowing
Women: Feminism and Knowledge. Editedby Helen Crowley and Susan
Himmelweit. Cambridge: Polity Press in association with Open
University, 1992. 66-77. Birke,
Lynda. Women, Feminism and
Biology: The Feminist Challenge. Harvester Press, 1986. Bleier,
Ruth, "Sex Difference Research: Science or Belief?" Feminist Approaches to Science.
Bleier, Ruth, ed. New York: Pergamon Press, 1986. 147-164. Bleier,
Ruth. Science and Gender: A
Critique of Biology and Its Theories on Women.
NewYork: Pergamon Press, 1984. Caplan,
Paula J. and Jeremy B. Caplan. Thinking
Critically about Research on Sex and Gender. New York: Harper
Collins College Publishers, 1994. Harding,
Sandra and Jean O'Barr, eds. Sex
and Scientific Inquiry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1987. Hubbard,
Ruth. "Have Only Men Evolved?" The
Politics of Women's Biology. Hubbard, Ruth. New Brunswick:
Rutgers University Press, 1990. 70-86. Also in Discovering
Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology,
and the Philosophy of Science. Edited by Sandra Harding and
Merrill Hintikka. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Reidel, 1983. 45-70. Fausto-Sterling,
Anne. Myths of Gender:
Biological Theories About Women and Men.
New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1985. Fedigan,
Linda Marie. "The Changing Role of Women in Models of Human
Women. Edited by Gill Kirkup and Laurie Smith Keller. Cambridge:
Polity Press in association with Open University, 1992. 103-122. Fee,
Elizabeth. "Nineteenth Century Craniology: The Study of the
Female Skull." Bulletin
of the History of Medicine 53 (1980):415-33. Fee,
Elizabeth. "Science and the Woman Problem: Historical
Perspectives." In Sex
Differences: Social and Biological Perspectives, ed. Michael
Tietelbaum. New York: Doubleday, 1976.175-223. *Koertge,
Noretta. Philosophy and
Homosexuality. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985. Longino,
Helen. Science as Social
Knowledge. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. Chapter
6, 7& 8.(部份涉及同性戀) Oudshoorn,
Nelly. Beyond the Natural
Body: An Archeology of Sex Hormones. London: Routledge, 1994. Rhode,
Deborah L., ed. Theoretical
Perspectives on Sexual Difference. New Haven: YaleUniversity
Press, 1990. Part 2&3. Ruse,
Michael. Is Science Sexist?
And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences. Dordrecht:D.
Reidel, 1981. Sherif,
Carolyn Wood. "Bias In Psychology."
Feminism and Methodology: Social Science Issues. Ed. by Sandra
Harding. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. 37-56. *Suppe,
Frederick. "Curing Homosexuality." Philosophy and Sex, second edition. Ed. By Robert Baker and
Frederick Elliston. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1984.
391-420. *Suppe,
Frederick. "Classifying Sexual Disorders: The Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association." Journal of Homosexuality. *Suppe,
Frederick. "The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the
American PsychiatricAssociation: Classifying Sexual Disorders."
Medical Aspects of Human
Sexuality. E. Shelp, ed. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. The
Biology and Gender Study Group. "The Importance of Feminist
Critique for Contemporary Cell Biology." Feminism
and Science. Tuana, Nancy. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1989.
172-187. *Tiefer,
Leonore. Sex Is Not A Natural
Act and Other Essays. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1995. Tuana,
Nancy. "The Weeker Seed". The
Less Noble Sex: Scientific, Religious, and Philosophical Conceptions
of Woman's Nature. Tuana, Nancy. Bloomington: Indiana university
Press, 1993. 130-154. Also in Feminism
and Science. Tuana, Nancy, ed. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1989.
147-171. |
Tom O'Carroll. Paedophilia:
The Radical Case. London: Peter Owen, 1980. (2)
Daniel Tsang, ed. The Age
Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent. London: Gay Men's
Press, 1981. 上面這兩本書可能不太好找,但是卻是學術界有關童性戀的必讀之經典,所以中央大學的性/別研究室計劃在未來會重印這些性解放運動史上的重要學術著作。
Edward Brongersma. Loving
Boys: A Multidisciplinary Study of Sexual Relations Between Adult
and Minor Males.. Vol. I & II. Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic
Publishers, 1986 (vol. I), 1990 (vol. II). 研究童性戀而不看這些書,就像研究性別妳去看苦苓的書,或故作客觀的中立但沒有平權意識的學者;或者,就像研究同性戀,但是卻專門看那些說同性戀是心理變態或心理病態、社會病態或偏差的書一樣。
這不就是那些「同志和女性主義無關」的同一論調嗎? 最後,再列下一些除了上面那三本外的另一些童性戀著作,裡面有社會科學與心理學的研究,運動的文獻,還有追求情慾自主的兒童主動發聲、現身說法的「妖言」。
在這方面,美國的一個重要運動團體就是NAMBLA(地址下詳)。她們有出一本Boys Speak Out: On Man/Boy Love.
Academic Publishers,她們的機關刊物則是Paidika(地址下詳);她們也有出一本Crime Without Victims: A book about Paedophilia.是Documents
on Paedophilia, vol. 1.系列(Global Academic Publishers)此書英文是Edward
Brongersma 親自翻譯的,已於1993出版。 其他值得參考的英文書有:
Frits: Paedophilia: A Factual
Report. Rotterdam: Enclave 1985. Best,
Joel: Threatened Children:
Rhetoric and Concern about Child-Victims. Chicago: Univ. of
Chicago Press 1990. Constantine,
Larry L. & Martinson, Floyd M.: Children
and Sex: New Findings, New Perspectives. Boston: Little, Brown
and Company 19981. Cook,
Mark & Howells, Kevin (Eds.) Adult
Sexual Interest in Children. London: Academic Press 1981. Eberle,
Paul & Shirley: The
Politics of Child Abuse. Seaucus, NY: Lyle Stuart, Inc.,1986. Feierman, Jay R. (Ed.):
Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions. N.Y.: Springer Verlag 1980. Li,
C. K.; West, D. J.; Woodhouse, T. P.: Children's
Sexual Encounters with Adults. London: Duckworth 1990. Rossman,
G. Parker: Sexual Experience
Between Men and Boys. N.Y.: Association Press 1976;Middlesex:
Temple Smith 1985. Sandfort,
Theo: The Sexual Aspect of
Paedophile Relations. Amsterdam: Spartacus 1981. Sandfort,
Theo: Boys on their Contacts
with Men. Amsterdam & New York: Global Academic Publishers
1987. Sandfort,
Theo; Brongersma, Edward B'AV Naerssen, Alex van (Eds.): Male Intergenerational Intimacy: Historical, Socio-Psychological and
Legal Perspectives. N.Y. 8c London: The Harrington Press 1991. Taylor,
Brian (Ed.): Perspectives on
Paedophilia. London: Batsford Academic 1981. 有關童性戀的期刊:
The Journal of Paedophilia. P.
0. Box 15463, 1001 ML Amsterdam, The Netherlands. NAMBLA
Bulletin. North American Man/Boy Love Association. P. 0. Box
174, Midtown Station, New York, NY 10018, U.S.A..
TEL.: 212-807-8578. 一些較通俗的、非學術的讀物和小說(類似此間的同志文學和通俗讀物)可以聯絡下址,以便取得。
Acolyte Press, P. 0. Box 13731 |
Dennis. "Political Sexualities: Meanings and Identities in the
Times of AIDS." Conceiving
Sexuality: Approaches to Sex Research in a Postmodern World.
Richard G. Parker and John H. Gagnon, eds. London: Routledge, 1995. Edge,
Simon. With Friends Like
These: Marxism and Gay Politics. London: Cassell, 1995. Evans,
David T. Sexual Citizenship:
The Material Construction of Sexualities. London:Routledge,
1993. Fernbach,
David. "Toward a Marxist Theory of Gay Liberation." Socialist
Revolution. no.28=6.2 (April-June 1976): 29-41. Gay
Left Collective.
Homosexuality: Power and Politics. London: Allison & Busby,
1980. German,
L. Sex, Class & Socialism.
Blackwell, 1989 . Halifax,
Noel. Gay Liberation and the
Struggle for Socialism. London: Socialist Workers Party,1988. Hekma,
Gert, et. al., eds. Gay Men
and the Sexual History of the Political Left. Binghamton, N.Y.:
Harrington Park Press, 1995. Morton,
Donald, ed. The Material
Queer: A LesBiGay Cultural Studies Reader. Boulder, Colorado:
Westview Press, 1996. Morton,
Donald. "Queerity and Ludic Sado-Masochism." Post-Ality: Marxism and Phillips, Eileen, ed. The Left and the Erotic. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1983. Reiche,
Reimut. Sexuality and the
Class Struggle. New Left Books, London 1970. Socialist Review.
Queer Subjects (special issue). 25.1(1995): 25-168. Studzinski, Kristina. Lesbians Talk Left Politics. London: Scarlet Press, 1944. ★ 左傾情慾作者Left tendency writers: Assiter,
Alison. Pornography: Feminism
and the Individual. London: Pluto Press, 1989. Segal,
Lynne. Straight Sex:
Rethinking the Politics of Pleasure. Berkeley: University
ofCalifornia Press, 1994. Snitow,
Ann Barr, Christine Stansell, & Sharon Thompson, eds. (美國版)
Powers of Desire:The Politics of Sexuality. New York: Monthly Review Press,
1983. (英國版)Desire:
The Politics of Sexuality. London: Virago, 1983. Soble, Alan. Pornography: Marxism, Feminism, and the Future of Sexuality. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986 |
★ 非常經典的Radical Sex / Feminism論文選集,立場與精神上一脈相傳。
Ann Barr, Christine Stansell, & Sharon Thompson, eds. (美國版)
Powers of Desire: The Politics
of Sexuality. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1983. (英國版)Desire:
The Politics of Sexuality. London: Virago, 1983. Vance,
Carole S., ed. Pleasure and
Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality. London: Pandora, 1989, 1992.
Henry, Michele Aina Barale, & David M. Halperin, eds. The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York: Routledge, 1993. (本書編者在書後的「建議讀物」形容前兩本書: "…
have made, and continue to make, a major impact on contemporary
discussions of sexual politics.") ★ 妳不可不知道的歷史名著 Ehrenreich,
Barbara, Elizabeth Hess, & Gloria Jacobs. Re-Making Love: The Feminization of Sex. New York: Doubleday, 1986. (性革命史/女性情慾)
Alice. Daring To Be Bad:
Radical Feminism in America, 1967-1975. Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P, 1989. (女性主義史)
Barry D. The Rise of a Gay and
Lesbian Movement. Revised Edition. New York: Twayne, 1995. (同志史,1987年出版後就被認為是最簡要精髓的同志史;1995的新版立場更尖銳與運動性)
★ 性論戰的三座大山 精彩痛快的運動與理論文字Radical
Alison & Avedon Carol, eds. Bad
Girls & Dirty Pictures: The Challenge to Reclaim Feminism.
London: Pluto, 1993. SAMOIS,
ed. Coming to Power.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1981, 1982, 1987. Segal,
Lynne & Mary McIntosh, eds. Sex
Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate. London: Virago,
1992. ★ 三位女英雄 Rubin,
Gayle. 新書即將由 University of California Press 出版。準備搶購吧!據說包括了多篇女性主義理論史上的里程碑論文
Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economy' of Sex",
"Thinking Sex", "The Leather Menace",
"Misguided, Dangerous and Wrong: An Analysis of Anti-Pronography
Politics".) Segal,
Lynne. Straight Sex:
Rethinking the Politics of Pleasure. Berkeley and L.A.:
University of California Press, 1994. (她的前兩本書也很精彩,都是「社會主義的女性主義性激進派」的一貫觀點)
Pat. Public Sex: The Culture
of Radical Sex. Pittsburgh: Cleis, 1994. (Sluts的最愛,文字就像皮鞭,有了她,女性主義永無寧日…)
唉,再加一位吧。Tieffer, Leonore. Sex Is Not A Natural Act & Other Essays. Boulder, CO: Westview,
1995. (前三位都是已經占據歷史地位的超級戰將,Tieffer則是在她們影響下,在性(醫)學/性教育/性治療領域崛起的女性主義者,挑戰這些領域內原有的男性/保守/反解放觀點,和Tieffer
B. McCormick. Sexual
Salvation:Affirming Women's Sexual Rights and Pleasures. London:
Praeger, 1994.)
"Radical Feminism and Feminist Radicalism", "Toward a
Feminist Sexual Revolution";以及Nestle的"Lesbians
and Prostitutes: An Historical Sisterhood", "My Mother
Liked To Fuck",都是傳頌一時。 Willis,
Ellen. No More Nice Girls:
Countercultural Essays. London: Wesleyan UP, 1992. Nestle, Joan. A Restricted Country. Ithaca, New York: Firebrand Books, 1987. |
u 性工作 性工作研究,何春蕤編,中壢:性/別研究室,2003。 甯應斌,「性工作是否為「工作」?──馬克思的商品論與性工作的社會建構論」,《臺灣社會研究》季刊,46期,2002年9月,87-139。 甯應斌,「性工作與現代性(序論)──問題意識與脈絡」,《臺灣社會研究》季刊,即將發表。 甯應斌,「性工作與現代性(二論)──Goffman式的分析」,《臺灣社會研究》季刊,即將發表。 性工作:妓權觀點,何春蕤編,臺北:巨流,2003。 |
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